I Flint fun κ That's what we're all about. Experts in the field. You. And us. Thinking together. Working together. Meeting new chal lenges. Researching. Develop ing. Solving. With every tank of our specialty gases, you get our company. At Air Products, you get the cumulative knowledge of an extensive analytical chem istry team. Advanced produc tion capabilities. New product
developments. Emerging analyt ical applications. All set up and ready to work directly with you. Just call us at 1-800-752-1597. We've been there. We think like you. Together with you, we can provide solutions. And you'll have easy access to all of us. Our analytical chemists. Our field product managers. Our safety experts. Our sales special ists. And our technical informa tion center. CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD
When you're ready for a think tank session, think Air Products. We're ready. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Specialty Gas Department, 7201 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown, PA 18195. 1-800-752-1597. FAX 1-215-481-5036. ©Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1990
Optimal results, time after time.