What? Never used REPIPETS® and Dilutors?

LAMBDA-DIAL® increases accuracy. Replacing any 1 ml. REPIPET or Dilutor plunger, the. LAMBDA-DIAL boosts accuracy to a phenomenal 1% at 10 lamb-...
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What? Never usedREPIPETS and Dilutors? Did you know more than 70,000 L / l instruments are now used in research and clinical labs? Here's why: L / l Automatic Dilutor for aspirating and diluting

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1. Simple operation. Just s e t ' volume with knife-edge pointer, lift plunger to aspirate, and de­ press plunger to deliver. (No mouth pipeting!) 2. LAMBDA-DIAL® increases accuracy. Replacing any 1 ml REPIPET or Dilutor plunger, the LAMBDA-DIAL boosts accuracy to a phenomenal 1 % at 10 lamb­ das! Reset to 0.1 lambda at 100 lambdas. 1 division = 0.1 lambda. 3. All PYREX Construction. Han­ dle any reagent, including con­ centrated acids, concentrated alkalies, chlorinated hydrocar­ bons, etc. Closed system elimi­ nates odors and all contact with dangerous reagents. 4. Reagents stay pure. Integral filters keep out the atmosphere and protect valuable reagents.

5. High accuracy (1%) and re­ producibility (0.1%). Each in­ strument is adjustable and accu­ rate over its entire range. 6. Fit any reagent container. All REPIPETS and Dilutors can be supplied with caps and washers to fit your reagent containers. Or we will furnish containers to suit.

Λ 8. Wide selection. L/l stocks REPI­ PETS and Dilutors in Vz, 1, 5,10, 20 and 50 ml sizes. Micro and macro Teflon tips included. Amber round or square bottles optional at no extra charge. Prices: REPIPETS $52.50; Dilutors $99.50; LAMBDA-DIALS $49.50; GRUNBAUM Pipets: $6 to $10.

7. GRUNBAUM® Pipet extends versatility. Supplements REPI­ PETS and Dilutors by allowing you to trans­ fer and store reagents. S e l f - c l e a n i n g , nondripping, self-adjust­ ing GRUNBAUM Pipets are available from 1 to 1,000 Ml in 18 sizes.

In the U.K. and Europe, contact Chemlab Instruments, 1b Seven Kings Road, l l f o r d , Essex, E n g l a n d ; P. B l o c k et Cie, 209 Route De Colmar, 67 Strasbourg-Meinue, France; Bio-Rad Laboratories G m b H , 8 Miinchen 66-Limesstra, 7 1 , Postfach 2260, West Germany; B i o t r o n i k Wissenschaftliche Gerate G m b H , Dachauer Str. 511, 8 Miinchen 50, West Ger­ many; Van Oortmerssen, N.V., P.O. Box 501 — T h e Hague, Netherlands.

L/l Automatic REPIPET for dispensing

Order from Labindustries or your distributor.

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