What You Need to Know to Live With Chemicals (Freudenthal, Ralph I

Mar 1, 1990 - What You Need to Know to Live With Chemicals (Freudenthal, Ralph I.; Freudenthal, Susan Loy) .... Tuning phosphors for better white ligh...
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the business aspects of the chemical and allied industries (Szmant, H. H. J. Chem. Educ. 1985, 62, 736). The book, like the course, stresses what Szmant calls the "golden triangle," which appears on the dust jacket and vividly depicts the close relationship between structures, properties, and commercial uses of materials, located at the three verticea-with a dollar sign in the middle of the triangle to symbolize the crucial importance of the unit costs of materials. Szmant's book provides a comprehensive review of the origin, use, and role in the national and international economy of the entire spectrum of today's most commonly used industrial chemicals-from commodities to fine, ultrafine, specialty, and hightech materials, including polymers. Organic building blocks derived from biomass resources are relatively neglected because they have already been dealt with in Szmant's previous book Industrial Utilization of Renewable Resources (Technomic: Laneaster, PA, 1986; reviewed by G. B. Kauffman,Znd. Chemist 1987.8(7),45). Environmental and political issues are also addressed. The present volume, like Gaul, is divided into three parts. Part One, "Background Material" (2 chapters, 58 pp.), deals with historical and economic aspects of industrial chemistry to provide an understanding of the dynamies of the chemical industry. Part Two, "Aliphatic Building Blocks" (5 chapters, 346 pp.), the longestpart, systematically covers the sources, competitive processes, and commercial uses of CI; Cz; C3; Ca, including isoprene and cyclopentsdiene; and Cs and higher acyclic building blocks. Part Three, "Cyclic Building Blocks" (233 pp.), consists of three chapters-"Nonaromatic Carbocyclie Compounds;" "Aromatic Carbocyclic Compounds" (at 151 pp., the longest chapter in the hook); and "Heterocyclic Building Bloeks." Unit prices are quoted to underscore economic considerations, and practical applications are repeatedly illustrated. The book emphasizes the recognition that a given organic structure is usually assembled from modules that may differ with respect to the numher of carbon atoms and the presence of functional groups. The structure of the final product and economic and other considerations normally determine the preferred synthetic route. Repeated applications of this "building-block principle" should help the reader to develop skill in recognizing synthetic options and strategies. Far a hook of its length, complexity, and scope, the errors, mostly "typos" or misspellings of proper names, are relatively few, e.g., "Perkins" for "Perkin" (p. 23), "Chevreal" for "Chevreul" (p. 25); "hydroehloie" for "hydrochloric" (p. 132), "Vollard" for "Volhard" (p. 356), "Paracelsius" for"Paraeelsus" (p. 457); "Martin-Marrietta" for "Martin Marietta" (p. Sol), and "Adolph" for "Adolf' von Baeyer (p. 620). Crammed with facts and figures, through extensive use of abbreviations, and replete with numbered tables (113, figures (19), and reaction schemes (370) as well as countless unnumbered chemical structures and equations, A84


of Chemical Education

the book is an ideal desktop reference for chemists, chemical engineers, and government employees working for regulatory agencies, agricultural research laboratories, and economic advisory groups. I t can also serve as hoth an introduction t o "real world" chemistry and as a comprehensive text for students of chemistrv.. chemical engineering, and industrial chemistry. Considermg its price and scope, it's a real bargain! George 6. Kauffman Caiifmia State University. Fresno Fresno. CA 93740 Introduction t o Macromolecular Science Petr Munk. Wiley: New York. NY. 1989. xv 522 pp. Figs. and tables. 16.3 X 24.2 cm. $44.95.



This is an excellent text for an introductory course in macromolecular science for the student who has a good understanding of organic and physical chemistry. The author does not attempt a review of these areas; however, he uses them well where needed to explain or illustrate the hasic principles of polymer science. Both synthetic and natural polymers are used to convey the structural characteristics of macromolecules. Thus the student is introduced to the hiopolymers usually covered in biochemistry or hioscience but from the macromolecular viewpoint. The concepts of average molecular weights and molecular weight distributions are introduced. Aggregates of small molecules which were confused with polymers at one time are distinguished from solutions of macromolecules. Thechapter on the uynthesisoipolymws follows a tradirional approach where kinetics is used todistinguirh between thpdiffereut mechanisms and to show how control of the reactions may be maintained so as to give the desired products. Also, reactions on polymer molecules are shown to the extent that the student should see that the chemistry of macromolecules follows the same paths as those for small molecules. Difunctional molecules including those that occur from ring opening reactions have been shown to produce polymers through candensations of many different functional groups. Thus, we have a variety of polymers that can he produced by these reactions. Many different polymerizations are described in this section. This is important since there are no chanters devoted to the various polymers available today. Equitable amounts of time ere devoted ro free radical and ionic initbated poiymerimrion. Disrussions of these polymerizations include initiation and typical monomers as well as topics such as chain transfer, gel effect, etc. Both the thermodynamics and kinetics of these polymerization mechanisms are shown. The behavior of macromolecules in solution is covered well. Solvent interactions are shown for pure solvents, mixed solvents as well as the effects of electrolytes. These are followed by discussions of osmometry, ultracentrifugation, phase diagrams, light scattering and viscosity. The mathematical equations required are introduced only as needed for the purpose of showing macromolecular principles. The sections on spectra. hulk orooerties and technoloev ~~.~ -. are verv briet. They must be covered in strbsrquent courses o r left fur thestudmts'a~lf-study..4 ~~~~~~~~~







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list of books, journals, etc. has been included to aid this further study. Aubrey 6. Gosnell Departmem of Dsfense SMCPB-EiT Pine Biufl Arsenal Pine Bluff. AR 71602 Amerlcan Chemlcal Soclety Directory of Graduate Research. 1 9 8 9 The ACS Committee on Professional Training. American Chemical Society. 1465 pp. Washington. DC. 1989. xxiii 20.7 X 27.5 cm. $55.00 US/$66.00 F. ~



The Latest edition of this standard, biennial reference work contains a wealth of information on 683 academic departments in universities and colleges in the United States and Canada that offer bachelor's and master's curricula in chemistry; chemical engineering; biochemistry; medicinallpharmaceutieal chemistry; clinical chemistry; and polymer science. A frequently consulted source of data on American and Canadian academic research and researchers, the DGR is continually relied upon hy undergraduates and their faculty advisors in selecting a graduate school suited to their particular interests and talents. A sine qua non for libraries, academic institutions, and chemically oriented businesses, it provides details on each researcher's specific field of interest and lists the titles and complete reference citations of all his or her articles puhlished during 1987 and 1988 (68,276 citations). Other features include a complete summary of academic chemical research; listings of the number of full-time and parttime faculty, postdoctoral appointments, graduate students, and MS and PhD degrees granted by each institution; and a 25page faculty index of 11,936 names. This new, expanded edition is 100 pages longer than the 1987 edition, and for the first time, where data were provided, FAX numbers for departments and up to three computer addresses far faculty members are listed in order to facilitate communication. George 6. Kauffman California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA 93740 What You Need To Know To Llve Wlth Chemlcals Ralph I. Freudenthai and Susan Loy Fret+ denthal, Hill and Garnen Publishing, Inc.: P.O. Box 180. Green Farms. CT 06436. 1989. V 182 pp. Figs. and Tables. 14 X 21.6 cm. Paperback $12.95 2.00 shipping.



This is an enlightening report on the public concerns with chemicals and their effects on health and the environment. I t is clearly written with the ring of authority for the education of nonscientists, hut it also will be a help to teachers of chemistry in answering the questions posed by students and community. I t covers material ranging from Alar to zero risk. Purists may cavil at the simplicty of some explanations, but greater detail would not serve the hook's purpose. There are some skips in proofreading, including a faulty structural formula for aspirin, but this doesn't damage the message. In particular this reviewer was impressed by the handling of the recent upsurge of (Continued on page A87)

fungus-produced aflatoxin in midwestern corn that overwhelmed regulators but largely has been ignored by consumer advocates who complain loudly about barely detectable quantities of synthetic chemicals in foods. (The book provides a chapter on the body defenses against low levels of toxic substances-natural and synthetic). There is a section on the benefits of nuclear power with a favorable comparison of U. S. reactors with Soviet. The hazards of long-term exposure t o radon in homes and workplaces also is covered. The technical and political oroblems met hv communities considering incinemtors as a means for waste disoosal arc summarized. Of ail the majur health 1s. ruez involving chemicals only aabestur and the disposal of wastes from nuclear power plants seem to he omitted. In short this book will add t o the student understanding of public concern about hazardous substances-both real and misguided. Teachers with a auiek reading will he better able t o take p&t in community education. They need easy access to the book. Malcolm M. Renfrew University of Idaho ~~~~~



MOSCOW. ID 83843

modern pioneers in plastics, fibers, inorganic polymers, elastomers, and engineering polymers, who, to a large extent, were responsible for the development of modern polymer science, which has spawned the world's second largest and fastest growing industry. The personal recollections of those associated with research breakthroughs are captured in this volume. The authors include two Nobel laureates: Herman F. Mark and Linus Pauling. Profiles are presented of Anselm Payen, Emil Fischer, Leo Baekeland, Hermann Staudinger, Herman Mark, Carl S. . Marvel. J. C. Patrick. William Soarks.. Robert Thomas. Karl Zicglcr, Guiliu Snttn. Otto Uayrr, and Maurice Iluggini. The profiiesaresupporred by chaprerson pre.2rlrhcentury polymer scienee pioneers, the early days of polymer science, the development of modern polymer theory, and the history of the randam coil model for polymer chains.




The Chemist's Ready Reference Handbook Gershon J. Shugar and John A. Dean. McGraw-Hill: New York, NY, 1989. xiv 640 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.7 X 23.5 cm.





Organlc Reactions, Volume 37 Andrew S. Kende. Series Editor. Wiley: 588 pp. TaNew York, NY, 1989. xvii bles. 16 X 23.5 cm. 575.00.


BmW2R. Holliston, MA M746.6402. USA

This volume is designed especially for oracticing chemists who need to find reliable information quickly and easily. I t is a eomoendium of data.. orocedures.. oreeautions, and troubleshooting tips far solving day-to-day problems in the laboratory.



Titles of Interest Drugs and the Human Body, Thlrd Edltlon wlth lmpllcatlonsfor Soclety Ken Liska. Macmillan: New York, NY, 1990. xvi 430 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.2 X 23.3 cm.


This is the third edition of a book that can be used in health and drug education classes, public health courses, parent groups, and counselor training. Every major street and recreational drug is covered as well as every prescription and over-the-counter drug that has a history of abuse or misuse. In addition, many of the substances promoted in quackery in America are discussed. While written orimarilv for the student who has little or no backgro;nd in science, much material is also included in the text and in the appendices that will prove valuable to health professionals, teachers, counselors, and law enforcement personnel.

Ploneers in Polymer Sclence Raymond 6. Seymour. Kluwer Academic 272 Publishers: Boston, MA, 1989. xi pp. 15.9 X 23 cm. $79.00


This is another volume in aseries of hooks devoted to the examination of the history and development of chemistry from its early emergence as a separate discipline t o the present day. I t presents a description of the evolution of the subject from the prechemieal use by artisans of the naturalbolymers, through the early concepts of macromolecules and the colloidal substances, t o the

them ed buyer3 guide

Experlmental High-Resolution Electron Mlcroscopy, Second Edltlon John C. H. Spence. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, 1988. xii 427 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.8 X 24 cm. $75.00


Introduction to the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Colllslons J. N. MurreN and S. D. Bosanac. Wiiey: New York, NY, 1989. viii 199 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $69.95.


This hook provides an account of elassical, quantum and semiclassical theories of atomic and molecular scattering and applications to elastic, inelastic, reactive, and surface scattering. It is aimed a t advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in physics and chemistry as well as researchers in molecular beams, gas spectroscopy, surface science, and chemical reactions.

Organometalllcs: A Conclse lntroductlon Christoph Elschenbroich and Albrecht Saizer. VCH: New York. NY. 1989. xi 479 pp. Figs. and tables. 17 X 24 cm. $38.00 PB.


This book covers the field from the essential basics to selected highlights of the most recent research. Special excursions include industrial aspects such as catalysis, newtheoretical approaches, organometallics in biol-

ogy, and spectroscopic methods. It is designed for students attending a one-semester course in organometallic chemistry, and for chemists interested in a survey of the field.

Physlcal Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Concepts, Second Edltlon, Revised and Expanded Calvin D. Ritchie. Marcel Dekker: New 357 pp. Figs. and York, NY. 1990. X tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $59.75 US1$71.50 F.


The second edition of this volume provides a treatment of fundamental concepts, introduces and applies matrix algebra in the context of quantum mechanics and kinetics, treats tunneling in chemical reactions, presents end-of-chapter problems with helpful hints, and includes detailed subject and author indexes. This revision covers the treatment of kinetic date by nonlinear least-squares, the concept of rate-limiting step, potential energy diagrams, lifetimes of intermediates, chemical clocks, and mechanics of curve crossings.

Rodd's Chemlstry of Carbon Compounds, Second Edltlon, Volume 4, Heterocyclic Compounds M. F. Ansell. Elsevier Science Publishers, 552 pp. New York. NY. 1989. xxii



The publication of this volume now campletes the second edition of Rodd's. It is intended t o "continue to serve as a work of reference for t h e accurnulsted factual knowledge of organic chemistry and to give guidance to original sources and other literature for detail beyond its scope".

Volume 67

Number 3

March 1990
