Wherever you use thick water.,
Check out Bentone® LT gellant. It's something new for water-base products. Its applications? In latex paints, cosmetics, drugs, adhesives, abrasives, ceramics, inks, textiles, polishes and paper coatings. Its advantages? Bentone LT gellant builds a better structure, forms a better looking film. It's engineered for easy BENTONE GELLANTS
National Lead Pigments and Chemicals Div.
incorporation into your system, improved color development, better shear thinning. For more information on the first Bentone gellant designed specifically for water-base products, write Pigments and Chemicals Division, National Lead Company, Room 5232, 111 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. 10006. In Canada: Enelchem Products, Division of Canadian Titanium Pigments Ltd.