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GROWTH. Continuous and never-ceasing growth is a Du Pont characteristic. In fact, Du Pont has grown at an average annual rate of 7% over the past 150 years. RESEARCH. Although Du Pont makes and sells more than 1200 products, more than half of the current sales volume comes from products that didn't exist just 25 years ago! This is due to the emphasis placed on developing new products through research at Du Pont. Today, we spend in excess of $90 million a year on it. NEW PRODUCTS. Imagine the career opportunities opened by just a few of the hundreds of new products recently developed by Du Pont research-products like SURLYN® ionomer resin, a new family of plastics; DETACLAD® explosion bonded clad metals; CORFAM® poromeric shoe upper material; and new forms of nylon. NEW VENTURES. Still other opportunities are offered by Du Pont's entrance into new fields of endeavor-such as instrumentation, heat transfer, pharmaceuticals, metals and building products. YOUR FUTURE. The continuing history of emphasis on growth, research and new products promises unlimited (ADVERTISEMENT)
An equal opportunity employer E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.) Nemours Building, Room 3685 Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Please send me the literature indicated below. Π Du Pont and the College Graduate Π Mechanical Engineers at Du Pont Π Engineers at Du Pont D Chemical Engineers at Du Pont Name Class
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