ι %V YOUR NEEDS ARE THE NUCLEUS OF OUR BIG BOLD EXPANSIONS. we've built our business on supplying basic, bulk chemicals. We plan on staying in this business...and growing...by supplying these chemicals in the quantities you need. Where you need them. And when. Now, next year and ten years from now. Our broad-based expansion prorams ae vas, reliable to our VA unit a Clear Lake, Texas. On stream now. And with capacities a Bay City and Pampa, this brings our VA total to greater than 350 million pounds a year. So, as you need more VA, you'll find we have more. Or formaldehyde. Methanol. Or solvents. When you think big, basic and long-term... think Celanese.
Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. 102E, 245 CELANESE Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017, a division of CHEMICALS Celanese Corporation.