2000 ACS National Award Winners - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Chem. Eng. News , 2000, 78 (4), pp 55–64,66. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v078n004.p055. Publication Date: January 24, 2000. Copyright © 2000 American Chemical...
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2000 ACS National Award Winners


ollowing is the third set of vignettes able detergents. More than 1.5 million of recipients of awards administered tons per year of LABs—almost 80% of by the American Chemical Society worldwide production—is made today in 2000. The first and second sets were with UOP technologies. published in issues earlier this year. Most significant, Imai's benzene alkylC&EN will publish vignettes of the re- ation catalyst allowed for the replacemaining awardees in successive January ment of hydrofluoric acid (HF) in LAB and February issues. An article on the production. Because of its highly haz2000 Priestley Medalist, Darleane C. ardous nature, HF use raises serious Hoffman, is scheduled to appear in the concerns about environmental safety. Imai achieved challenging dual goals in March 27 issue. Most winners will receive their awards creating a safe and economical process during the ACS national meeting in San with a new solid-acid catalyst. Francisco, March 26-30. However, the Imai has contributed to the developCope Scholars will receive their awards atment of a light paraffin dehydrogenation the ACS national meeting in Washington,process—UOP's Oleflex process—that uses a highly selective, very stable, and D.C., Aug. 20-24. regenerable catalyst. First commercialized in 1990, Oleflex units today produce 600,000 tons per year of propylene ACS Award for Creative and 3 million tons of isobutene worldInvention wide. Imai has also developed catalysts that are used in the production of Sponsored by ACS Corporation cumene and styrene and to convert liqAssociates uefied petroleum gas to aromatics in a "Not only does TAMOTSU IMAI in- single step. vent, he delivers technology to the marAlthough many of his own inventions ketplace that has led to modern conve- help create chemical building blocks, niences society has deemed it cannot Imai has also been a research leader. live without," says a colleague. "It is not He encourages those he works with, esexaggeration to state that his inventions pecially younger scientists, to develop have contributed enormously to peo- environmental solutions to modern ple's material prosperity and happiness problems through the application of by virtue of their ubiquitousness." chemistry. In 1977, Imai became the first group This high praise comes to a catalytic process researcher who, in 27 years at leader for a newly established petroDes Plaines, Ill.-based UOP, has pro- chemical process research group at duced technologies for detergents, gas- UOP. He later became manager, associoline, aromatic intermediates, and olefin ate director, and then director of the monomers. What coworkers and col- company's catalytic proleagues emphasize, however, is that cess research. Before reImai creates technologies that are not tiring in February 1999, only productive, but that also contribute he was director of UOP's to improved environmental safety and Exploratory Skill Center. resource conservation. He has been Born in Japan in 1938, awarded more than 85 patents for his Imai began his college work in catalysis. education in his home New catalysts for the dehydrogena- country, receiving a B.S. tion of normal paraffins to linear mono- degree in engineering olefins and for the alkylation of benzene from Tokyo Institute of with mono-olefins have resulted in more Technology in 1962. He efficient and safer production process- completed his graduate es. These processes are widely used in education in Canada, the manufacture of linear alkylbenzenes getting an M.S. degree (LABs), key ingredients in biodegrad- from the University of Imai

Alberta in 1968 and a Ph.D. degree from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, in 1971. Ann Thayer

ACS Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science & Technology Sponsored by Air Products & Chemicals Inc. Without RADHAKRISHNA M. JAYANTYs efforts to develop state-of-theart methods to detect toxic air pollutants, business and government would have very little success in measuring and achieving reductions in atmospheric volatile organic chemical emissions. Working at Research Triangle Institute (RTI) in Research Triangle Park, N.C., since 1978, Jayanty has developed many of the methods used by the Environmental Protection Agency to measure volatile organics in ambient air and in industrial sources and hazardous waste emissions. Jayanty, now senior program director and manager of the environmental methods and standards department at RTI, began working in the early 1980s on methods of analysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air. Jayanty and his research team carried out the initial development of cryogenic preconcentration—direct flame ionization detection methods for the measurement of nonmethane organic compounds in ambient air. This and subsequent research on the collection of ambient VOCs on multiadsorbent tubes led to the development of EPA methods that are currently used by state and local air pollution control agencies in the development of their federally mandated ozone control plans.


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awards Other work in evaluating methods to determine VOC emissions from stationary sources led Jayanty and his team to perfect EPA-approved test methods for chloroform, methanol, chlorinated organics, glycol-ethers, acrylics, and carbonyl compounds. Regulatory agencies use these methods to determine compliance with air permits issued to industrial facilities under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Jayanty and his group also pioneered work on the EPA method to determine emissions of gaseous nonmethane organic compounds from stationary sources. Jayanty's work has also supported EPA's efforts to regulate emissions from hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. For instance, his group developed the EPA method for determining VOC concentration in waste samples, which waste generators use to determine if their waste requires treatment to remove VOCs before disposal. Paint manufacturers are also familiar with other methods Jayanty helped to develop, specifically those that test liquid coatings for the presence of atmospheric ozone-forming VOCs that are emitted when coatings dry. Among methods Jayanty and his group developed for this purpose is one that uses thermal desorption, followed by sorbent trapping of the VOCs from water- and solvent-based coatings. Other widely used methods he has developed for the determination of VOCs from waterbased paints involve automated thermal desorption/flame ionization detection (FID) and automated headspace/FID. Jayanty lectures at many institutions and symposia on his area of expertise. He has served on the scientific advisory board for the state of North Carolines Air Toxic Control Programs and currently serves on the panel appointed by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration to review advanced indoor air monitoring systems to be used on the International Space Station for determination of VOCs. For the past nine years, he has served as a peer reviewer for grants and proposals for EPA and other federal agencies. In addition, he serves as adjunct professor in the earth, mineral, and atmospheric sciences department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Jayanty has received several scientific awards and honors from professional organizations, including the Air & Waste Management Association's 1991 Frank A. Chambers Award for out56

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Jutzi's group also has played a dominant role in therc-complexchemistry of other main-group elements. Furthermore, they have investigated the chemistry of G-Cp* silicon compounds, showing that the c-Cp* ligand allows kinetic stabilization and at the same time offers easy cleavage of Si-C bonds. For example, the silanetriol Cp*Si(OH)3 is stable, and the easy-to-handle silane Cp*SiH3 decomposes under chemical vapor deposition conditions to form thinfilmsof silicon, silicon dioxide, or silicon nitride. The team has exploited sigmatropic rearrangements to achieve regioselective Si-C bond formation, synthesizing several cyclopentadienyl systems bridged Frederic Stanley Kipping Award by dimethylsilyl or tetramethyldisilanyl in Silicon Chemistry groups. Taking silicon research in another diSponsored by Dow Corning Corp. rection, Jutzi and his coworkers are PETER JUTZI "is one of the leaders looking to synthesize new solids. In this of silicon chemistry, and his chemistry effort, they are developing the chemisis opening wide possibilities in metal- try of silsesquioxanes and are exploring locenic systems," writes a colleague. the possibility of linking metallic rc-Cp Jutzi is a professor of inorganic chem- complexes to silica. They have develistry at the University of Bielefeld in oped a route to synthesizing allyl-substituted cyclopentadienes, silylating these Germany. The award winner discovered the compounds to produce solids via hydrofirst stable divalent silicon species dis- lytic polycondensation. The metallic playing metallocene geometry, a finding centers in these new materials endow that led to his synthesizing decamethyl- them with interesting properties. silicocene. In this sandwich-type rc-com- Building on his expertise in silicon plex, silicon is centered between cyclo- chemistry, Jutzi has explored polysilpentadienyl (Cp) moieties, forming a anols and hypercoordinated commonomelic silicon (II) compound that's pounds. He succeeded in coordinating stable at room temperature and pres- sulfur, phosphorus, and oxygen to a sure. This accomplishment prompted central silicon atom, obtaining pentaworldwide research in divalent silicon and hexacoordinated geometries. chemistry and led to the synthesis of Delving into materials science, he dethree classes of stable monomeric sili- veloped layered tungsten-silicon comcon (II) compounds. Fascinating chem- pounds as well as photoluminescent istry with surprising and unpredictable siloxenes. In addition to his work in organosilicon results ensued. For example, the reaction of Cp2*Si with aluminum chloride chemistry, Jutzi has opened up pathways was shown to give two main products, in organogermanium chemistry, initially by preparing the first germylene transiSi(AlCl2)4 and SiAl8(AlCp*)6. standing contributions to the science and art of air pollution measurement. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistryfromAndhra University, Waltair, India, in 1964 and 1966, and he received a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of Bradford, England, in 1972. His 1975 thesis for his master's degree in environmental pollution control from Pennsylvania State University predicted his career path to date—its title: "Inhibition of Photochemical Smog: Its Nature and Cure." Marc Reisch

tion-metal complexes that are stable under ambient conditions. Jutzi received a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of Marburg, Germany, in 1965, subsequently joining the chemistry department there as a lecturer in a tenure-track position. He was appointed assistant professor in 1974 and associate professor in 1977. In 1979, he joined the University of Bielefeld as a full professor. Jutzi received the Wacker Silicon Award in 1987 and the Max-Planck Research Award in 1992. He was a visiting professor at the University of Montpellier, France (1989); the University of Toulouse, France (1991); and the University of Akron, Ohio (1992). He has published 260 scientific papers. Mairin Brennan

the reaction of atomic chlorine with hydrogen, he compared his results directly to detailed computations. This interaction between experiment and theory is necessary to refine computational chemistry into a powerful predictive science, Kandel says. "At some point, it could be possible to ascertain die rates and products even of complicated chemical reactions without ever entering a laboratory!" Highlights of Kandel's thesis include identification of a common theme for the dynamics of a related series of molecular reactions, recognition of subtle stereodynamical features that control the behavior of hydrogen-atom abstraction, and assessment of different activation strategies that enable a reaction to surmount a reaction-energy barrier in passing from reactants to products. One colleague stated: "This beautiful series of experiments is a triumph. Their analNobel Laureate Signature Award ysis is anything but trivial, and their infor Graduate Education in terpretation required imagination and Chemistry clear thinking." Kandel received a B.S. degree in Sponsored by Mallinckrodt Baker Inc. chemistry from Yale University in 1993 Tve had about a hundred students re- and a Ph.D. degree from Stanford Uniceive their Ph.D.s under my direction, versity in 1999. but S. ALEX KANDEL stands out as Zare received a B.A. degree in chemone of the most promising and produc- istry and physics in 1961 and a Ph.D. detive," says RICHARD N. ZARE, Mar- gree in chemical physics in 1964, both guerite Blake Wilbur Professor of from Harvard University. Before joining Chemistry at Stanford University. the faculty at Stanford, he was an assisKandel's graduate work focused on tant professor at Massachusetts Instithe fundamental properties of simple tute of Technology, held joint appointchemical reactions—determining the ments in the departments of chemistry conditions and forces responsible for and of physics and astrophysics at the bringing reagents together, causing University of Colorado, and was a full old bonds to break and new bonds to professor in the chemistry department form, and then sending products apart. at Columbia University. His thesis, titled "The Impact of ReZare began his career studying moagent Vibrational Excitation on Chem- lecular reaction dynamics at Harvard ical Reactivity," presents results of in the early 1960s. His doctoral thesis experimental studies of the gas-phase provided the basis for much of the reactions of atomic chlorine with meth- work still being conducted on the dyane, ethane, and hydrogen. namics of molecular photodissociaTve always been interested in the tion. Zare's experimental and theoretifundamental 'whys* and 'hows/ and re- cal studies have helped explain molecaction dynamics seemed to be—and, I ular collision processes. He developed believe, is—a field in which some of the now widely used laser-induced those basic questions can be an- fluorescence method to study reaction swered," Kandel says. Kandel is cur- dynamics. rently a postdoctoral research associKandel says, "I wanted to work for ate with professor Paul S. Weiss in the Dick Zare at Stanford—I'd visited his department of chemistry at Pennsylva- lab and thought (correctly!) that it nia State University. would be a fabulous place to do reOne of the primary motivations for search: lots of support, independence, measuring reactions at the molecular and dozens of interested and motivated scale is to compare these measure- people to work with." Currently, Zare's ments to results obtained from theoret- research group is exploring a variety of ical calculations. In Kandel's study of topics that range from the basic under-

standing of chemical reaction dynamics to the nature of the chemical contents of single cells. They carry out studies of chemical reactions farfromequilibrium in which the states of the reactants are sharply restricted and can be varied in a controlled manner. They use a number of laser techniques that prepare reactants in specific quantum states and probe the quantum-state distributions of the resulting products. Zare has received many awards and honors, some of which are the Michael Polanyi Medal, 1979; the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh Award, 1983; the National Medal of Science, 1983; the Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics, 1985; the Willard Gibbs Medal, 1990; the Peter Debye Award, 1991; the National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences, 1991; the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation, 1995; the California Scientist of the Year Award, 1997; the ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, 1998; the E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy, 1999; and the Welch Award in Chemistry, 1999. Janet Dodd

ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution Sponsored by Research Corporation Some would say that a teacher is only as good as his or her students. If the notion is true, then if s quite a compliment for GEORGE B. KAUFFMAN—many of his students are now leaders in their fields. Kauffman, emeritus professor of chemistry at California State University, Fresno (CSUF), is renowned for his understanding of chemistry and those who study it. According to a former student, Kauffman "knew that the only way to capture the imagination and enthusiasm of each generation of young chemists is to get them involved in independent research at an early age." Kauffman has published with students as young as 15 years old. Kauffman says, "I feel that it is in original research that students can best develop the ingenuity and practical application of principles that are sine qua non for a successful career, not only in science but also in anyfieldcalling for independent thought." Kauffman encourages his students to JANUARY 24,2000 C&EN


awards el capture and ligation strategies involving thiol groups. In this process, the nucleophilicity of thiol groups is used to capture the other component in a bimolecular coupling reaction, and then the system can be rearranged to present the desired amide bond in the polypeptide. The synthesis strategy, referred to as "entropic activation," includes an acyl migration step, which was discovered more than a decade after Kemp's finding to be a common mechanism in protein splicing for the peptide bondmaking process in nature. Kauffman Kemp Kemp is also recognized for contribKhosla uting greatly to the field of peptide publish their research findings, and doctorate in chemistry at the University chemistry through numerous innovawith more than 1,600 published papers of Florida. In the course of his studies, tive experiments that led to understandto his credit, he leads by example. The Kauffman served as a research partici- ing fundamental aspects of protein foldInstitute for Scientific Information des- pant at Oak Ridge National Laboratory ing. Kemp was among the first to use ignated one of these works,"ds- and in Tennessee and as an instructor at the small organic molecules as "scaffolds" £raws-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II)," a University of Texas, Austin. He also to simplify and emulate the bioactive "citation classic"—one of the most fre- tried his hand in industry, working as a forms of peptides. In addition, Kemp quently cited works in its field. The research chemist at Humble Oil & Re- accomplished an early breakthrough study, published in 1963 in Inorganic fining in Baytown, Texas. Following in p-sheet-based peptidomimetics by Syntheses, was written with one of his 73 graduation from Florida in 1956, he showing it is possible to synthesize student coauthors—Dwaine 0. Cow- moved to Cincinnati, accepting a posi- small (3-sheets that are folded and do not an—as were 152 of his other published tion with General Electric's Aircraft Nu- aggregate. Kemp also has contributed papers. He is also the author of 17 clear Propulsion Department. His next substantially to the understanding of books, many reviews, and encyclopedia jump was to CSUF, where he has re- the folding of a-helices—in particular, using templates designed to facilitate articles on the subjects of chemistry, mained since. chemical education, and the history of Kevin MacDermott nucleate helix formation. science. He is a contributing editor to Kemp has been recognized for his eight journals. teaching as well as his research. "He is an exceptional teacher and has menA colleague describes Kauffman as Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in tored many Ph.D. students who have "the most influential chemistry scholar gone on to become leaders in academia in the California State University sys- Peptide Chemistry and industry," one colleague writes. tem." In 1973, he was one of two teach- Sponsored by Merck Research Kemp is the only professor to twice win ers selected from the system's roughly Laboratories the MIT award for undergraduate teach16,000 candidates and named Statewide Outstanding Professor; Kauffman was For more than three decades, DANIEL ing—the E. M. Baker Award—and he cited for his "creative teaching and S. KEMP has researched the synthesis also has received the MIT School of Scischolarly endeavor." He is also the first and structure of polypeptides. His work ence teaching award. recipient (1994) of the university sys- includes innovative strategies for conKemp received a bachelor's degree tem's President's Medal of Distinction. structing polypeptides and developing from Reed College, Portland, Ore., and Among his many other honors are methods to understand the mecha- a Ph.D. degree under R. B. Woodward the Chemical Manufacturers Associa- nisms and energetics of protein folding. from Harvard University in 1964, when tion Catalyst Award, ACS's George C. His colleagues note that not only has he began his career at MIT. Among the Pimentel Award in Chemical Educa- Kemp made important contributions to honors Kemp has received over the tion, the Societe de Physique et d'His- peptide synthesis and analysis, but he years are the National Institutes of torie Naturelle de Geneve's Marc- has done so by being a very careful Health Merit Award from 1987 to 1997 and a 1997 ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Auguste Pictet Medal, all three medals physical chemist. (Chugaev, Kurnakov, and Chernyaev) As a professor of chemistry at Mas- Award. In addition, he is an MIT Margaof the former U.S.S.R. Academy of Sci- sachusetts Institute of Technology, ret MacVicar Faculty Fellow. Kemp has ences and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Kemp's influence goes back to the served on numerous boards and advisoKauffman has served in local and na- 1970s. In 1975, he advanced an orthogo- ry groups, notably the planning committional ACS offices and has presented nal protecting strategy, in which pro- tee for the American Peptide Symposia, more than 100 invited local, national, tecting groups in peptide synthesis and on a number of NIH and National could be chemoselectively removed by Science Foundation review panels. He is and international lectures. Kauffman received a bachelor's de- light, oxidation, reduction, and solvoly- presently on the editorial boards of the Journal ofPeptide Research and Topics in gree in chemistry from the University of sis under neutral conditions. Pennsylvania in 1951 and then headed Kemp's efforts on peptide synthesis Stereochemistry. David Hanson south to Gainesville, Fla., to pursue a continued with the development of nov5 8 JANUARY 24, 2000 C&EN

ACS Award in Pure Chemistry Sponsored by Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity When he was growing up in India, CHATTAN KHOSLA "started out want ing to be a physicist," but, he claims, he "didn't have the intuition to be a really good physicist." Luckily for the profession, he became a chemical engineer. Subsequently, according to a colleague, Khosla has combined "the chemist's sense of structure and the engineer's appreciation for practical achievement with the biologist's view of the broad unifying sweep of molecular logic to forge a new paradigm for the modern academic chemist." As for intuition, a look at his achievements over the years proves that Khosla is being typically understated in his assessment. Khosla, 35, is associate professor of chemical engineering and chemistry at Stanford University. Last year, he received the Alan T. Waterman Award from the National Science Foundation (C&EN, April 19, 1999, page 14). The honor—a medal and $500,000 to support research or advanced study—is NSF's most prestigious prize for young researchers. Through the Waterman Award and the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry, Khosla is recognized for his "revolutionary" work in a field dubbed combinatorial biosynthesis. His research, according to Stanford colleague Paul A. Wender, Bergstrom Professor of Chemistry, is based "on the notion that genetic codes similar to those for nucleic acids can be identified and used for the biosynthesis of many other structurally complex and medically important families of natural products including polyketides, nonribosomal peptides, glycosides, and isoprenoids. The major hurdle confronting efforts toward these ends is that such biomolecules, unlike nucleic acids and proteins, are not directly encoded within molecular templates. Instead, molecular diversity in these classes is thought to arise from the activities of multienzyme assemblies, which are themselves modularized at the domain/subunit level. "Crucial to the emergence of this new field of science," Wender continues, "is the need to establish the biochemical information that is required for the expression of these novel biomolecules, to develop strategies that can be used for their engineered biosynthesis, and, at the most daunting level, to harness this natural ma-

chinery for the production of new chemical entities. Chaitan has addressed all three chemical research challenges with unmatched effectiveness." In this work, Khosla has focused on polyketide biosynthesis and has achieved new insights into multifunctional enzymology and the development of a fundamentally new direction for the synthesis of complex molecules and for natural products and drug discovery. His laboratories, Wender declares, have become an " 'intellectual watering hole' for those seeking to understand the fundamentals and breadth and power of his novel approaches to engineered biosynthesis." When speaking of Khosla, other colleagues use similar superlatives to describe him: "one of the leading biological chemists of his generation"; "one of those wonderful young people who show up no more than once a decade and transform the thinking in a field of inquiry"; and "his scholarship, creativity, productivity, breadth, and dedication and the impact of his research are second to none." All of these comments seem to baffle the soft-spoken Khosla, whom colleagues also describe as "exceptionally modest" and "humble." When he received the Waterman prize, he recalls, "I saw that award as the equivalent of when a movie gets the Oscar. The producer goes up to accept the award for the movie, but if you asked yourself what was the most memorable part of the movie, those things may have had little or nothing to do with the producer. This is not to trash the role of the producer. Here, for the past seven years I have been very blessed with some incredibly exciting colleagues in my research group and to some minimal extent I pretend that I'm orchestrating it Then these things happen and I get to walk up to the stage to receive it I feel this way about most awards." The Waterman Award was a special event, however. Continuing the movie analogy, he relates: "When a movie gets an Oscar, the producer gets a chance to do a repeat or do something different. The Waterman prize was a no-brainer for me. A few weeks before that award, my son had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder—Celiac Sprue disease— and I was sitting there and thinking about it when NSF called. Celiac Sprue afflicts about one in 1,000 people—it is provoked by food-borne proteins that are supposed to be good for you, but in Celiac Sprue sufferers they can be lethal. "The Waterman prize was one of

those moments that you realize that someone is giving you an opportunity to do something different—it presented an opportunity to take me into a scientifically exciting direction, and it has led me into a whole new field of research. Naturally, given my background, our work in the area starts with looking at the chemistry and biology of this autoimmune disorder." Though Khosla's research is biologically oriented, he sees "chemistry and chemical engineering as the 21st-century equivalent of a classical education in the 19th and early-20th centuries. People got an education in the classics not because Latin was helpful but because it was a training that allowed them to do a lot of different things. Chemistry and chemical engineering are so central to a lot of fields, fundamental and application oriented. One sees students who get an education in these fields who can go out and do just about anything." Khosla was born in Poona (now Pune), India, and received a B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay (now Mumbai). He received a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from California Institute of Technology in 1990 and was Ramsay Memorial Fellow for Chemical Research in the department of genetics at John Innes Institute in Norwich, England, until joining Stanford in 1992. He is the recipient of numerous awards and lectureships, including the 1999 Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry from the ACS Divison of Biological Chemistry. He has coauthored more than 80 papers and holds six patents. In 1995, he founded Kosan Biosciences. Madeleine Jacobs

ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences Sponsored by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Inc. Think of mentoring students and most likely the academic world comes to mind. But encouraging students, especially women, to go into careers in chemistry can take place in an industrial setting as well. VALERIE J. KUCK—better known as "Mother Kuck" to the multitude of student interns she has taken under her wing over the past 20 years at Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J.—proves that. JANUARY 24, 2000 C&EN


awards A colleague has called Kuck an agent for change who moves mountains—in this case making chemistry an attractive career option for women. "I saw the need and I reached out," Kuck says. "Little did I realize what I would gain from it. I'm not referring to this award, but to the meeting of many wonderful, talented people over the years." Each summer, Kuck has formally mentored students. At the end of the season, her budding scientists leave with an important, sometimes publishable, project and a network of other similarly attuned students and Bell Labs staff scientists. Kuck believes chemistry is fun, and she imparts that sense to students at the many schools and colleges she visits— and to her interns. She not only teaches her interns to be scientists, but she also helps them with their presentation skills, polishes their resumes, and works them into scientific and support networks. But, most of all, she serves as a model for women who want to maintain that tricky balance of a career in chemistry and a family. In 1974, she cofounded and became the first copresident of the Metro Women's Chemist Group of ACS's North Jersey and New York Sections. This group offers a community of support for women chemists, and it helps them reach their fullest potential in the chemical sciences. 'Women have often sold themselves short," Kuck says. She encourages women to make an "honest evaluation of their talents and make career choices based on those things that they find personally rewarding." She adds, "I always feel sad when I hear someone say that they can't wait to retire to do things that bring them joy." Kuck has helped to form similar support groups for women at AT&T Bell Labs and later at Lucent Technologies. The groups' aims are twofold: increase recognition and career options for women, and increase the numbers and retention of women in science and engineering. Kuck is so enthusiastic about spreading the word about chemistry that, for the past six years, she has been the organizer of the North Jersey Section's National Chemistry Week activities. Her special contribution is that she arranged for more than 400 women to perform demonstrations and hands-on activities before nearly 10,000 children and their parents. The subliminal message: Women can be chemists. Not only does Kuck strive to increase 6 0 JANUARY 24,2000 C&EN

the visibility of women in the practice of chemistry, but she has, through the years, worked to improve the visibility of women in scientific organizations. As the chair of several ACS committees, including the Committee on Committees, Kuck has worked diligently to increase the number and the roles of women on these committees. She has also organized and now manages the Jean Durana Fund, which honors a young woman spectroscopist who died suddenly in an accident. An award is given each year to an individual presenting the best paper at a local undergraduate research symposium. Over the past 20 years, half of the winners have been women. Clearly, over the years Kuck has tended her garden well. Today, hundreds of young women are confident, independent-thinking chemists because of her support, encouragement, and inspiration. And the garden continues to expand— her young women are now mentoring the next generation of women chemists. Kuck received a B.A. degree in chemistry from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., and an M.S. degree in chemistry from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Polyolefin stabilization, optical fiber coating application and performance, and thermal analytical techniques are among her research interests. She has published 27 papers, holds 16 patents, and was coeditor of "Fullerenes," published in 1992 as part of the ACS Symposium Series. Lois Ember

ACS Award in Analytical Chemistiy Sponsored by Fisher Scientific Co.

the mystery in 1980: The relic was a fraud, most likely painted just before its "discovery" in the 14th century. Roughly two decades after he announced his findings, McCrone must still address the daily phone calls and emails of the skeptics. "I'm outnumbered 30 to 1—and those are pretty heavy odds," says McCrone. "I don't mind, say, 12 to 1." But according to one colleague, McCrone has made a less visible but much larger impact. "He has literally taken the microscope out of the hands of the biologists and has made it a true tool of chemists." His pioneering work with electron and light microscopes, as well as his efforts to teach others the benefits of their use, showed chemists the surprising utility of a device that was traditionally reserved for other disciplines. The ultramicroanalysis methods McCrone developed have been applied extensively in the characterization of polymorphism, primarily in explosives and pharmaceutical research, and in the identification of particles—a necessity in numerous fields of chemistry, such as archaeological chemistry and forensic chemistry. In 1956, McCrone launched McCrone Associates, which used advanced methods in light and electron microscopy to conduct contract research in microscopy, ultramicroscopy, and crystallography. McCrone is a teacher, too. McRI, established in 1960, offers numerous courses in applied microscopy and conducts extensive research at its Chicago campus. The institute sponsors the annual Inter/Micro Conference on Microscopy, which McCrone initiated in 1948. Yet another hat McCrone has worn is that of editor. McRI publishes The Microscope, a quarterly journal of applied microscopy. McCrone holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry (1938) and a doctorate in chemical microscopy (1942), both from Cornell University. Kevin MacDermott

WALTER C. McCRONE has spent his career scrutinizing others' work through a microscope, but one doesn't need to turn a microscope on McCrone's work to find its value. McCrone, director emeritus of McCrone Research Institute (McRI), may ACS Award in the Chemistry of be best known for his research on the shroud of Turin, one of Christianity's Materials most visible and controversial artifacts. Sponsored by DuPont Considered by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, the linen has Magnets have been used for two millenstains consistent with the biblical de- nia, in everything from the floating comscription of Christ's crucifixion, but its pass to the computer disk drive. These authenticity had always been ques- magnets, the fruits of metallurgy, have tioned. McCrone's microscope ended II always been based on iron or other mag-



netic metals. But that could change early in the 21st century, thanks in large part to the pioneering work of JOEL S. MILLER, professor of chemistry and adjunct professor of materials science at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. For the past 17 years, Miller and his colleagues have been spearheading the search for new types of magnetic materials based on molecules—organic, inorganic, and organometallic. Unlike traditional alloy magnets, these new magnetic materials can be fabricated at low temperatures using common solvents. And because they are largely nonmetallic, they offer properties such as transparency and insulating behavior that could expand the repertoire of magnets. A key milestone in this quest was set in 1985 by Miller and his coworkers, including longtime collaborator Arthur J. Epstein, a professor of physics and chemistry at Ohio State University, Columbus. They reported the first molecule-based magnet, an ionic salt of decamethylferrocene and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) that becomes magnetic below 4.8 K. This discovery, made while Miller was working at DuPont's Central R&D Department in Wilmington, Del., altered the way we think about magnetism, according to one of Miller's colleagues. For Miller, this discovery was especially satisfying because it was made very deliberately. "We designed the compound, synthesized it, characterized it, and it actually worked as we predicted," he tells C&EN. Another turning point came in 1991, when Miller, Epstein, and their coworkers developed the first polymeric magnet that works at ambient temperature. It is based on TCNE and vanadium, a nonmagnetic metal. The polymeric material remains magnetic up to its decomposition temperature of about 77 °C (350 K). On the downside, though, this


magnetic material is amorphous and reacts with air and water, so it is not a good candidate for technological application. Nevertheless, this discovery was a major breakthrough, according to one chemist, because it showed that a molecule-based magnet that was synthesized at room temperature could remain magnetic at higher temperatures—a requirement for technological application. In the 1990s, Miller, Epstein, and coworkers also discovered another class of molecular magnets based on manganese porphyrins and TCNE. These toluene-soluble metallomacrocycles can exhibit 250% of the magnetism of iron and have remarkable magnetic properties. Even so, the magnetism of these materials only blossoms when they are chilled to very low temperatures (around 18 K). Miller's group also has made some fascinating discoveries while exploring the realm of the cyanometallate magnets, which are relatives of the ancient Prussian-blue family of iron complexes.

In 1999, for example, his group reported a mixed-valent vanadium hexacyanochromate(III) material that remains magnetic up to 99 °C (372 K)—nearly the highest critical temperature reported to date for a molecule-based magnet. This material also is considerably more stable than some of the earlier magnetic materials that came out of his lab. Although Miller's research interests have focused on "designer magnets" in recent years, he has long been fascinated by materials with unusual electrical and optical properties. Earlier in his career, for instance, he invented a method for electrochemically growing highly conducting platinum complexes. This is now the method of choice for preparing the organic superconductors. Miller also designed an unusual family of "alloys" madefromorganic metals. His study of these materials "forced the rethinking of existing physical models" and led to a relatively simple model for electrical conduction that is applicable to all organic metals, according to one of Millers colleagues. Miller received a B.S. degree in chemistry from Wayne State University, Detroit, and a Ph.D. degree in 1971fromthe University of California, Los Angeles, under professor Alan L Balch (currendy at UC Davis). Asidefromstints as a visiting professor at universities around the world, much of his career has been spent working in industrial labs such as the Xerox Webster Research Center, Occidental Research Corp., and DuPont In 1993, he joined the faculty of the University of Utah. Ron Dagani

Division of Biological Chemistry announces 2000 award winners


he ACS Division of Biological Chemistry has selected the winners of its three awards for 2000. Each of the three winners will receive his award and present a lecture at symposia during the ACS national meeting in San Francisco, March 26-30. The Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry honors outstanding research in the field by an individual who is not more than 40 years old. Eric T. Kool, professor of chemistry at Stanford University, is being recognized with the award for his work in understanding biological recognition and for his use of that knowledge in

the development of molecules that interact with biological systems in interesting and potentially useful ways. Kool's group uses techniques ranging from classical organic chemistry—such as organic synthesis and physical organic methods— to new molecular biological methods—such as in vitro selection and Kool bacterial cloning. JANUARY 24,2000 C&EN



awards One long-standing research problem studied in Kool's lab has been the study of unusual molecular properties of circular DNA oligonucleotides in the 10 to 150 nucleotide size range. Circular DNAs have been identified that bind complementary RNAs and DNAs in novel ways, resulting in extremely tight binding and very high sequence specificity as well as unusual topologies. In addition, Kool has led the development of such small circular DNAs as templates for DNA and RNA polymerase enzymes. Polymerization on these unusual templates results in "rolling circle amplification," in which the polymerase runs around the template many times without stopping. This results in new isothermal amplification schemes that can be useful in medical diagnostics. It also mimics the replication of primitive RNA infectious agents known as viroids. A second ongoing theme has been the development of chemically modified DNAs that can act as highly sensitive probes of nucleic acid sequences. The group has developed useful chemistry for "reagent-free" joining of DNA strands and, because it is sequence specific, it can be employed for detection of DNAs and RNAs. Also in development are fluorescent molecules that can be useful in biomolecular detection. The third main project in the Kool laboratory uses novel nucleoside analogs to study the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and protein-DNA interaction. The group has developed a class of unnatural C-nucleosides called nonpolar nucleoside isosteres that closely mimic the shape of natural ones but which lack hydrogen bonding potential. Kool has found, surprisingly, that base pairs containing some of these analogs can be replicated by polymerase enzymes despite a lack of Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds. This has led to an emphasis on steric size and shape as an important factor in DNA replication. Kool received a B.S. degree in chemistry in 1982 from Miami University (Ohio), and a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from Columbia University in 1988. After postdoctoral studies at California Institute of Technology, he joined the chemistry department faculty at the University of Rochester, where he held positions of assistant to full professor from 1990 to 1999. Last year, he moved to Stanford University as professor of chemistry. The Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry, which honors an individual not more than 38 years old who has ac6 2 JANUARY 24, 2000 C&EN

complished outstanding research that reflects unusual independence of thought and originality, will be presented to Xiaodong Wang, associate professor of biochemistry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas. The award recognizes Wang's pioneering contributions to the understanding of the biochemical pathway that regulates apoptosis, Wang or programmed cell death. This complicated process degrades and eliminates aged, worn-out cells, a process crucial to the general well-being of living organisms. Defects in apoptosis have been implicated in many human diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. As a consequence of developing an innovative in vitro cell-free system to identify molecular components of apoptosis, Wang made the startling discovery that the protein cytochrome c, long recognized as a member of the electron transport chain required for oxidative metabolism, also functions to activate certain "caspases," enzymes that selectively degrade proteins in cells targeted for replacement. Additionally, Wang has recently identified a protein that mediates release of cytochrome c from mitochondria as a prerequisite to its participation in apoptosis, and an enzyme that degrades the DNA of cells programmed to die. Wang received a B.S. degree in biology in 1984 from Beijing Normal University. He immigrated to the U.S. to pursue his graduate education, earning a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry in 1991 from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, where he remained for postdoctoral studies. After a brief period as an assistant professor of biochemistry at Emory University in Atlanta, he returned to the medical center in 1996, where he is now associate professor of biochemistry. The Repligen Award in the Chemistry of Biological Processes honors outstanding contributions to this field, with particular emphasis on structure, function, and mechanism. The recipient of the 2000 award, Perry A. Frey, Robert H. Abeles Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,

began his career as an assistant professor at Ohio State University in 1969. He moved to the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1981. Frey's research is focused on the mechanism of action of enzymes and the mechanistic role of coenzymes and cofactors in enzymatic catalysis. His most recent contributions have been the spectroscopic characterization of organic free radicals and low-barrier hydrogen bonds. In the enzymatic transformation of L-lysine into L-(J-lysine by lysine 2,3-aminomutase, Frey and his associates have elucidated novel chemical roles of S-adenosylmethionine, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, and [4Fe-4S] centers. He found that S-adenosylmethionine functions as a "poor man's adenosylcobalamin" by mediating hydrogen transfer through the intermediate formation of 5'-deoxyadenosine, that the [4Fe-4S] center facilitates the reversible cleavage of S-adenosylFrey methionine into methionine and the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical, and that pyridoxal-5'-phosphate facilitates the rearrangement of substrate-based radicals. Frey and his associates assigned the low-barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) bridging two amino acids in chymotrypsin in tetrahedral adducts formed between a serine and peptidyl trifluoromethyl ketones. These complexes are transition-state analogs, and Frey has postulated that the LBHB stabilizes the transition state for acyl group transfer by chymotrypsin. The LBHB in chymotrypsin is the first well-characterized hydrogen bond of its type in an enzyme. In earlier work, Frey pioneered the synthesis and configurational assignment of biological molecules incorporating chiral phosphate centers and their use in elucidating the stereochemical course of enzymatic substitution in phosphorus. Frey and his associates characterized the reaction mechanisms of enzymes in galactose metabolism, they characterized 2-acetyl thiamine pyrophosphate as an enzymatic intermediate in pyruvate metabolism, and they synthesized undecagold labeling molecules and applied them to the characterization of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. Frey received a B.S. degree in chemis-

try from Ohio State University in 1959. He received a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry from Brandeis University in 1968 and was a postdoctoral fellow in chemistry at Harvard University in 1968. Frey received an Alexander von Humboldt Senior Fellowship in 1995 and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1998.^

UCLA gives Seaborg Medal to McTague John P. McTague, chairman of the board of overseers of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, has received the 1999 Glenn T. Seaborg Medal. The award, which was presented in recognition of McTague's notable career in academia, government, and industry, is presented annually by the department of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles. It was presented at a dinner that followed the Seaborg Symposium at UCLA late last year. The theme of the symposium was transportation and the environment. But UCLA was not the only one in a giving mood that evening. The most unusual feature of the dinner program was the surprise announcement of a $1 million gift to the department by the honoree and his family for the endowment of two career development chairs. One of the chairs was to be named in honor of McTague's mentor, Howard Reiss, who was present at the dinner—and who had no prior knowledge of the gift. The other chair will be named the John P. McTague Chair. In addition to his work for Fermi National Accelerator Lab, McTague also serves as cochairman of the Department of Energy's National Laboratories Operations Board and is a member of the Secretary of Energy's Advisory Board. Effective Jan. 1, he retired from Ford Motor Co., where he spent more than 12 years, first as vice president of research and then as vice president of technical affairs. At Ford, he was at various times responsible for research, environment and safety engineering, technical personnel development, plant engineering, and worldwide product and technical planning. He also established USCAR, a research collaboration involving Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors. Before joining Ford in 1986, he served as deputy director and acting director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy and was acting sci-

Reiss (left) with McTague.

ence adviser to the President. During the Bush Administration he was a member of the President's Council of Advisers on Science & Technology and U.S. chairman of the U.S.-Japan High-Level Advisory Panel on Science & Technology. A physical chemist, McTague received an undergraduate degree with honors in chemistry from Georgetown University,

Washington, D.C., in 1960, and a Ph.D. degree from Brown University, Providence, R.I., in 1965. Brown also bestowed on him an honorary Sc.D. degree in 1997. McTague began his professional career at the North American Rockwell Science Center. From 1970 to 1982, he was a professor of chemistry and member of the Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics at UCLA. His research on the dynamics and interactions in condensed matter included the first observations of collision-induced light scattering, magnetoviscosity in magnetic colloids, and the collective dynamics of monolayer films. His theoretical and computational work highlighted the unique role of the body-centered cubic phase in crystallization and of the existence of orientational epitaxy in incommensurate films. Linda Raber

Women Chemists Commi tee grants travel awards The ACS Women Chemists Committee has granted 25 new travel awards. These awards, which range between $200 and $350, help defray expenses of participants who make presentations at national scientific meetings between Jan. 1 and June 30, 2000. The awards are supported by Eli Lilly & Co. to increase the participation of women in the chemical sciences. The awardees are listed below. Unless otherwise noted, award recipients will present their research at the ACS national meeting in San Francisco in March. Carrie B. Brennan, a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, will present "Investigations of Prussian Blue Films Using Surface Plasmon Resonance" and "Determination of the Effective Potential Drop between Carbon Microelectrodes during Electroporation" at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry & Applied Spectroscopy in New Orleans. Her adviser is Stephen G. Weber. Rachel M. Crist, a graduate student at Michigan State University, East Lansing, will present "Studies toward Wavelength Regulation in Rhodopsin." Her adviser is Babak Borhan. Juliane L. Fry, an undergraduate student at the University of Rochester, will present 'Vibrational Spectroscopy of Interfaces Using Sum Frequency Generation." Her adviser is Lewis Rothberg.

Kari Hanson, a graduate student at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, will present "Functionalization of C60 Fullerene by Hypervalent Iodine Reagents." Her adviser is Viktor V. Zhdankin. Mariruth Hof&nan, a graduate student at Ohio University, Athens, will present "Ruthenium-Catalyzed Reactions of Styrene and Phenylacetylene with Various Hydrosilanes" at the 33rd Organosilicon Symposium in Midland, Mich. Her adviser is Frederick R. Lemke. Susan Holladay, a graduate student at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., will present "Action Research as the Vehicle for Curriculum Change in Analytical Chemistry" at the meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching in New Orleans. Her adviser is George M. Bodner. Malika Jeffries-EL, a graduate student at George Washington University, Washington, D.C., will present "Synthesis and Characterization of Head-to-Tail Polyazoethines." Her adviser is Richard M. Tarkka. Lauren A. Johnson, a graduate student at Rutgers University, Piscataway, N.J., will present "1,3,5-Trimethoxybenzene as a Probe for the Study of the Fragmentation Reactions and Kinetics of Alkoxychlorocarbenes." Her adviser is Robert A. Moss. JANUARY 24, 2000 C&EN



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Cindy Kan, an undergraduate student at Barnard College, New York City, will present "Photochemically Triggered Amidoglycosylation Reactions of Glycal Azidoformates." Her adviser is Christian M. Rojas. Karen R. Maxcy, a graduate student at Washington State University, Pullman, will present "Crystal Growth of Perovskites and Chain Compounds with Complex Organic Cations." Her adviser is Roger D. Willett. Susan I. Mayo, a graduate student at Idaho State University, Pocatello, will present "Reactive Sorption Assessment of Fluoride onto Natural Iron Oxide Coated Sands." Her adviser is Jeffrey J. Rosentreter. Jennifer Nelson, a graduate student at George Washington University, Washington, D.C., will present "Nanoscale Transition-Metal Carbides by Alkalide Reduction." Her adviser is Michael J. Wagner. Emma Palmacci, a graduate student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will present "Construction of Glycosidic Linkages Using Glycosyl Phosphates." Her adviser is Peter H. Seeberger. Dana Perry, a graduate student at Arizona State University, Tempe, will present 'The Transport of Atmospheric Pollutants in the Complex Terrain of the Phoenix Area" at the 11th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air & Waste Management Association, in Long Beach, Calif. Her adviser is Peter R. Buseck. Christine Plecnik, a graduate student at Ohio State University, Columbus, will present "Lanthanide Coordination Chemistry: Synthesis and Characterization of Solvated Ln(II) and Ln(III) Ions and of Hydroxo Lanthanide Clusters." Her adviser is Sheldon G. Shore. Anu Sawkar, an undergraduate student at Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., will present "Synthesis of Methylated Derivatives of N^-Allyl-L-arginine as Potential Selective Inhibitors of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase." Her adviser is Richard B. Silverman. Julia A. Schafer, a graduate student at San Diego State University, will present "High-Resolution Sub-Doppler Multiproton Wave-Mixing Spectroscopy for Isotope Analysis." Her adviser is William G. Tong. Tricia L. Scott, a graduate student at West Virginia University, MorganContinued on page 66

awards Continued from page 64 town, will present "Synthesis of Carbazolones and Carbazoles." Her adviser is Bjorn C. Soderberg. Stephanie Z. Shaw, a graduate student at the University of California, Riverside, will present "Stereoselective Synthesis of 3-Hydroxy-2-sulfonyltetrahydrofurans from P-(Triethylsilyloxy)aldehydes and />-Tolylsulfonyldiazomethane." Her adviser is Stephen R. Angle. Catherine A. Summers, a graduate student at the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, will present "Protein Renaturation by the Liquid Organic Salt Ethylammonium Nitrate." Her adviser is Robert A. Flowers II. Sarah A. Tabacco, a graduate student at the University of California, Irvine, will present "New Element of Stereocontrol in Nucleophilic Additions to Tetrahydropyran Acetals." Her adviser is Keith Woerpel. Melissa A. Troester, a graduate student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will present "Assessing the Stability of Hemoglobin Adducts after Administration of Benzene to Male F344 Rats" at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology in Philadelphia. Her adviser is Stephen M. Rappaport. Angela R. Whisnant, a graduate student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will present "Studies of Alkaline Phosphatase Inhibition Using Capillary Electrophoresis with Fluorescence Detection" at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry & Applied Spectroscopy in New Orleans. Her adviser is S. Douglass Gilman. Louise D. White, a graduate student at the University of Maine, Orono, will present "Infrared Study of Aminosilanes on Silica Surfaces." Her adviser is Carl P. Tripp. Dalia G. Yablon, a graduate student at Columbia University, New York City, will present "Manipulating Self-Assembly with Achiral Molecules: An STM Study of Chiral Segregation by Achiral Adsorbates." Her adviser is George W. Flynn. The committee is seeking applications for travel grants for meetings that will be held between July 1 and Dec. 31. Applications should consist of a biographical sketch, a completed official application form (available online at http://www.tamug.tamu.edu/acswcc/), an abstract of the research submitted for presentation on an official meeting 6 6 JANUARY 24, 2000 C&EN

abstract form, a letter detailing both scientific and financial reasons that the award is needed, and a letter from the applicant's research adviser. For more information, contact Cheryl Brown, Women Chemists Committee, ACS, 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; phone (800) 227-5558 ext. 6022, e-mail: [email protected].