1998 A-Page Subject Index Types of articles listed (and codes) Features Comment (C) Policy Analysis EPA Watch (E) News Technology Update (T)
Air quality Auto industry calls for low-sulfur fuel, Aug., 352A Urban heat island models may help states meet NO^ air standards, Sept., 397A
Algal blooms What is causing toxic algal blooms?, Jan., 26A
Amphibian No simple answer to recent amphibian declines, Aug., 352A Ultraviolet radiation linked to frog deformities, Jan., 12A
Animal waste Control strategy proposed for animal feeding lots (E), Dec, 535A Permitting strategy set for large animal farms (E), May, 216A Several states pass laws to regulate animal waste, Jul., 305A
Arsenic Call for more research on arsenic in drinking water (E), Feb., 83A
NAS finds low cancer risk from radon in water (E), Dec, 536A Transgenic mice validated as faster, less expensive cancer test, Feb., 76A Unraveling cancer risk with cellular and molecular tools, Jul., 312A
Calculating the cost of natural resource damage, Feb., 86A
Carbon dioxide EU pushes cogeneration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Dec, 531A Slow progress on C0 2 emissions trading plans, Aug., 351A Taking stock of green tax reform initiatives, Dec, 540A The pros and cons of carbon dioxide dumping, Jan., 20A
Chemical accidents Chemical accident team issues first report (E), Jan., 16A
Chemical sensitivity Low-level chemical exposures: A challenge for science and policy, Nov., 508A
Chemicals Aquatic risk assessment of chemicals: Is it working?, Oct., 460A Chemical industry pressured to test highproduction volume chemicals, Jun., 251A Confirming chemical identifications (C), Jun., 249A GAO promotes release of new chemical data (E), Dec, 537A Sweeping rule considered for high-production chemicals (E), Feb., 84A
Data Are toxics release inventory reductions real?, Aug., 368A Arithmetic versus geometric means for environmental concentration data, Feb,, 92A GAO promotes release of new chemical data (E), Dec, 537A Lawsuit stalls Internet toxic release database (E), Mar., 121A More about data (C), Sept., 391A New drinking water data for risk calculations (E), Oct., 452A Researchers find large discrepancy between dioxin deposition and emissions, Jan., 10A Too little data, too many models (C), May, 207A Unpublished health effects data sought for IRIS (E), Mar., 122A
DDT "Natural" remediation of DDT, PCBs debated, Aug., 360A
Dead zone Strong winds push back "dead zone" in Gulf, Sept., 396A
Diesel California moves ahead on diesel exhaust study, Jun., 250A
Dioxin Clean Air Act Clean Air Act is sufficient to protect "Great Waters" (E), May, 215A Indian tribes granted Clean Air Act authority (E), Apr., 173A
Long-running dioxin reassessment nears SAB review, Jul., 302A Researchers find large discrepancy between dioxin deposition and emissions, Jan., 10A
Disinfection byproducts
A life-cycle model of an automobile, Jul., 322A A reality check proposed for auto emissions testing (E), Oct., 451A Auto industry calls for low-sulfur fuel, Aug., 352A Putting the brakes on clean cars, Jun., 272A Reassessment of automotive emission standards due (E), Mar., 121A
Aim to leave DOE cleanup program, Jan., 11A Growing acceptance of soil contaminant bioavailability kicks off national meeting, Dec. 528A Phytoremediation handbook cites plants as cleanup tool (E), Nov., 493A
Growing concern about disinfection byproducts, Dec, 546A Miscarriages associated with drinking water disinfection byproducts, study says, Apr., 169A
An abridged life-cycle assessment of electric vehicle batteries, Jan., 40A
Adapting to climate change, Aug., 354A State commissioners band together to reduce greenhouse gases, Oct., 446A The pros and cons of carbon dioxide dumping, Jan., 20A
Field trial for MTBE bioremediation method (T), Sept., 403A
Putting a hold on mountaintop mining (E), Nov., 493A
DNAPLs Technology combination cuts DNAPL cleanup time at Superfund site (T), Aug., 359A
Drinking water Call for more research on arsenic in drinking water (E), Feb., 83A Drinking water proposal eases some health goals, May, 208A EPA softens rules for small drinking water systems (E), Aug., 356A
Growing concern about disinfection byproducts, Dec, 546A High-risk drinking water contaminants identified (E), Jan., 15A Miscarriages associated with drinking water disinfection byproducts, study says, Apr., 169A Modeling of pesticides in drinking water criticized (E), Apr., 173A New drinking water data for risk calculations (E), Oct., 452A Rural drinking water tested for vinyl chloride (E), May, 216A
Editor's comment Goodbye and thanks (C), Aug., 349A Homespun wisdom, Nov., 483A New year, new format, new faces (C), Jan., 7A Thanks to our peer reviewers (C), Apr., 165A
Emissions A reality check proposed for auto emissions testing (E), Oct., 451A High-flying instrument helps scientists evaluate aircraft impacts (T), Dec, 538A Metal finishers sign emission reduction pact (E), Jan., 16A Reassessment of automotive emission standards due (E), Mar., 121A Slow progress on C0 2 emissions trading plans, Aug., 351A Taking stock of green tax reform initiatives, Dec, 540A Toward a zero-emissions economy, Aug., 366A California to clamp down on light truck emissions, Feb., 79A
Emissions trading Kyoto Protocol carbon targets could be met with "forest credits," Mar., 125A Kyoto treaty sets precedent for emissions trading program, Feb., 74A NO.. trading plan proposed to address regional transport (E), Jul., 308A
Hormone effects in men and fish subject of new UK study, Jul., 305A Human estrogens linked to endocrine disruption, Jan., 8A Panel urges quick validation of endocrine disrupter tests, Nov., 484A White House endocrine disrupter panel calls for more wildlife research, Jun., 252A
Energy Energy efficiency research gains in Department of Energy's 1999 budget request, Apr., 167A Toward a nonpolluting energy system, Sept., 408A
Environmental justice GIS software aids environmental justice, emergency planning, May, 211A Models gauge pollution in environmental justice disputes, Nov., 488A
Fuel Auto industry calls for low-sulfur fuel, Aug., 352A Health advisory set for fuel oxygenate MTBE (E), Feb., 83A
Genotoxicity A renaissance for genotoxicity testing?, Nov., 498A
GIS GIS software aids environmental justice, emergency planning, May, 211A
Green chemistry EPA
American wins Japanese award for green chemistry, Oct., 445A Green chemistry award competition heats up, Aug., 351A Redesigned laundry products reduce pollution (E), Apr., 173A
Congress approves four new policy directors (E), Dec, 536A Ecosystem research strategy takes proactive approach (E), Dec, 535A EPA's 1999 budget request highlights climate change, water quality programs, Apr., 170A Five-year plan meets congressional disapproval (E), Feb., 83A ORD highlights six research priorities for 1998 (E), Feb., 84A
A new "green" building on campus, Sept., 412A Toward a nonpolluting energy system, Sept., 408A
Greenhouse gas
Human estrogens linked to endocrine disruption, Jan., 8A
Eutrophication Is coastal eutrophication out of control?, Oct., 462A
Executive order targets invasive species blamed for altering ecosystems, Dec, 531A Permitting water releases without endangering species (E), Jun., 257A
Dermal exposure: The missing link, Mar., 134A Low-level chemical exposures: A challenge for science and policy, Nov., 508A Results of low-dose exposure research may challenge the theoretical basis of toxicology, Nov., 485A
Endocrine disrupters
British regulatory agency calls for action to reduce use of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, Mar., 128A British study finds endocrine disruption widespread in native fish, Sept., 395A Draft report urges inclusion of mixtures in endocrine disrupter testing program, Apr., 168A
British study finds endocrine disruption widespread in native fish, Sept., 395A Lake Erie fish declines hooked to phosphorus?, Jun., 253A
Endangered species
Forensics DNA fingerprinting holds promise for identifying nonpoint sources of pollution, Nov., 486A Environmental forensics: Unraveling site liability, Jun., 260A
Fires in Indonesia: Crisis and reaction, Sept., 404A
Green technology
EU pushes cogeneration to redice greenhouse gas emissions, Dec, 531A State commissioners band together to reduce greenhouse gases, Oct., 446A Worldwide effort underway to reduce SF6 greenhouse gas emissions, Nov., 487A
HCFCs EU position on HCFC phaseout seen as "hypocritical," Sept., 398A
Health Drinking water proposal eases some health goals, May, 208A Health advisory set for fuel oxygenate MTBE (E), Feb., 83A Mercury health standard eased by U.S. agency, Jan., 8A New health research on particulates sheds light on possible mechanism, Jul., 304A Study results fuel disagreement over health standards, Oct., 444A Unpublished health effects data sought for IRIS (E), Mar., 122A
Incineration Continuous monitoring of PM from incinerators under fire (E), Apr., 172A Industry Annual TRI report to include in-depth industry profiles (E), Jun., 258A Census Bureau conducts first environmental survey, Aug., 353A Chemical industry evaluates toxicity screening costs, Mar., 127A Coalition pushes environmental industry's needs, Mar., 124A Environmental industry at a "critical juncture," studies say, Mar., 124A UN commission calls for review of voluntary environmental initiatives, Jul., 303A Injection well Class V injection well regulation moves forward (E), Jul., 309A Kyoto Protocol Kyoto Protocol carbon targets could be met with "forest credits," Mar., 125A Kyoto treaty sets precedent for emissions trading program, Feb., 74A Law Congress fits controversial riders into budget, Dec. 529A EU Parliament strengthens draft landfill law, Apr., 170A International treaty aims to stem flow of toxics, Nov., 489A I.awsuit stalls Internet toxic release database (E), Mar., 121A Several states pass laws to regulate animal waste, Jul., 305A Leachate Wetland cleanup of coal-ash leachate (T), Feb,, 85A Legislation Congress fits controversial riders into budget, Dec. 529A Environmental reforms likely to take a back seat in Congress this year, Feb., 78A EU Parliament strengthens draft landfill law, Apr., 170A European marine protection agreement aims for zero discharges, Oct., 448A Government officials call for relaxation of methyl bromide ban, Jan., 11A Toxic chemical use reporting debated on state and national levels, Jan., 9A UN "public access" treaty to be signed in June, May, 212A
Liability DOD criticized for failure to estimate future environmental liability, Jun., 254A Environmental forensics: Unraveling site liability, Jun., 260A Industry sues over Superfund liability policy (E), Aug., 356A
Life cycle analysis A life-cycle model of an automobile, Jul., 322A An abridged life-cycle assessment of electric vehicle batteries, Jan., 40A Economic input-output models for environmental life-cycle assessment, Apr., 184A Management A comparative analysis of environmental risk assessment/risk management frameworks, May, 224A First nationwide EMS required in legal settlement (E), Apr., 172A Marine protection European marine protection agreement aims for zero discharges, Oct., 448A Measurement DNA fingerprinting holds promise for identifying nonpoint sources of pollution, Nov., 486A Mercury Agency-wide plan to reduce mercury releases (E), Mar., 121A Air toxics report rejects utility mercury controls, May, 21IA Mercury health standard eased by U.S. agency, Jan., 8A Mercury test method could lower discharge limits (E), Aug., 356A Study results fuel disagreement over health standards, Oct., 444A Where is mercury deposition coming from?, Apr., 176A White House calls for mercury workshop, Oct., 444A
Microscopy Scanning probe microscopy of environmental interfaces, Oct., 456A Mines Coal remining promoted to cut mine drainage (E), Jun., 257A Putting a hold on mountaintop mining (E), Nov., 493A Modeling A life-cycle model of an automobile, Jul., 322A Economic input-output models for environmental life-cycle assessment, Apr., 184A Modeling of pesticides in drinking water criticized (E), Apr., 173A Models gauge pollution in environmental justice disputes, Nov., 488A Monitoring All-weather water quality monitor (T), Feb,, 85A Alternative multimedia monitoring plan floated (E), Jan., 15A Continuous monitoring of PM from incinerators under fire (E), Apr., 172A MTBE California proposes tighter MTBE standard, Jul., 304A Field trial for MTBE bioremediation method (T), Sept., 403A Health advisory set for fuel oxygenate MTBE (E), Feb., 83A Multiple chemical sensitivity Low-level chemical exposures: A challenge for science and policy, Nov., 508A Natural resources Calculating the cost of natural resource damage, Feb., 86A
Metals Bacteria spore removes dissolved metals (T), Mar., 119A International heavy metals, POPs protocols finalized, Apr., 169A Metal finishers sign emission reduction pact (E), Jan., 16A Trench captures highway runoff metals (T), Apr., 175A
Nonpoint source pollution Advisory panel completes work on TMDL watershed guidelines, May, 212A Control strategy proposed for animal feeding lots (E), Dec, 535A DNA fingerprinting holds promise for identifying nonpoint sources of pollution, Nov., 486A Strong winds push back "dead zone" in Gulf, Sept., 396A The challenge of predicting nonpoint source pollution, Mar., 130A
Methyl bromide Government officials call for relaxation of methyl bromide ban, Jan., 11A
Nuclear waste Radioactive waste dump receives green light (E), Jan., 15A
Nutrients Is coastal eutrophication out of control?, Oct., 462A Permitting strategy set for large animal farms (E), May, 216A
Organotin Global ban on organotin ship paints proposed by UN maritime group, Jun., 252A
International POPs treaty faces implementation hurdles, Sept., 394A
Pesticides An economic perspective on outdoor residential pesticide use, Sept., 416A Modeling of pesticides in drinking water criticized (E), Apr., 173A
Pfiesteria Ozone EU proposes tighter rules on ozone depleters, Sept., 398A Input on air rules from small businesses under scrutiny (E), May, 216A Ozone deadline extension may spare Eastern cities (E), Oct., 451A The difficult challenge of attaining EPA's new ozone standard, Jun., 276A Who will be protected by EPA's new ozone and particulate matter standards?, Jan., 32A
Particulates Applications sought for PM research centers (E), Aug., 357A Input on air rules from small businesses under scrutiny (E), May, 216A New health research on particulates sheds light on possible mechanism, Jul,, 304A NRC advises long-term particulate matter research plan needed, May, 209A Who will be protected by EPA's new ozone and particulate matter standards?, Jan., 32A
What is causing toxic algal blooms?, Jan., 26A
Phytoremediation Getting to the root of phytoremediation (T), Jan., 18A Phytoremediation handbook cites plants as cleanup tool (E), Nov., 493A
Pollution prevention Accounting software for pollution prevention (E), Nov., 494A Preventing pollution by design, Jul., 318A Redesigned laundry products reduce pollution (E), Apr., 173A Toward a zero-emissions economy, Aug., 366A
Pollution DNA fingerprinting holds promise for identifying nonpoint sources of pollution, Nov., 486A Models gauge pollution in environmental justice disputes, Nov., 488A Researchers to collect data from Alaska native tribes (E), Nov., 493A
Potable water
Dredging planned for PCB-contaminated river (E), Jun., 257A GE challenges Hudson River report on PCBs, Nov., 492A "Natural" remediation of DDT, PCBs debated, Aug., 360A PCB-laden sediment cleanup plans set for Mass. sites (E), Dec, 536A Will new PCB rule reduce disposal costs? (E), Oct., 451A
Reclaimed wastewater continues flow toward tap, Nov., 496A
Peer review Guidance should increase peer review of agency work (E), May, 215A
Project XL Companies signing on to EPA's revamped Project XL program, Jan., 12A POTWs encouraged to submit proposals under Project XL (E), Oct., 452A
Pulp and paper Pulp and paper "cluster rule" called burdensome by industry, Feb., 79A Pulp and paper cluster rule under fire (E), Aug., 357A
Perchlorate-tainted wells spur government action, May, 210A Rotating ion-exchange system removes perchlorate (T), Oct., 454A
Consumer Safety Commission assessing PVC toy risk, Aug., 354A
Persistent organic pollutants International heavy metals, POPs protocols finalized, Apr., 169A
Radionuclides Researchers to collect data from Alaska native tribes, Nov., 493A
Radiation Ultraviolet radiation linked to frog deformities, Jan., 12A World's worst radioactive contamination documented in central Russia, Feb., 80A
Recycling Waste acid recycling demonstrated in Japan (T), Mar., 119A
Regulation Draft agreement penned on regulatory flexibility (E), Feb., 84A Industrial water permit backlog rising (E), Nov., 492A Pilot projects unite air and water regulations (E), Jul., 308A Pulp and paper "cluster rule" called burdensome by industry, Feb., 79A Pulp and paper cluster rule under fire (E), Aug., 357A Regulatory reform report concludes there is no silver bullet, Mar., 126A States pushing experiments with "performance-based" regulations, Feb., 77A Sweeping rule considered for high-production chemicals (E), Feb., 84A
Remediation Contractors urge caution on SF contract reform (E), Oct., 452A Corps proposes $7.8 billion plan to restore Everglades' natural hydrology, Dec, 533A Cost-effective testing effort demonstrates new cleanup technologies, Nov., 490A EPA to share risk of innovative remediation technologies, Jun., 254A Intrinsic remediation under the microscope, Apr., 180A "Natural" remediation of DDT, PCBs debated, Aug., 360A New cleanup technologies battle credibility gap, Jun., 266A "No exceptions" for cleanup in former eastern block, Oct., 448A Risk-based cleanup methods undergoing major scientific review, Feb., 75A Software tackles sediment remediation (T), Jan., 17A Technology combination cuts DNAPL cleanup time at Superfund site (T), Aug., 359A
Research Applications sought for PM research centers (E), Aug., 357A Balanced environmental R&D (C), Feb., 73A Ecosystem research strategy takes proactive approach (E), Dec, 535A Finding solutions for tough environmental problems, Nov., 502A National Science Foundation funds catalyze collaborations, Dec, 530A
NRC advises long-term particulate matter research plan needed, May, 209A ORD highlights six research priorities for 1998 (E), Feb., 84A
Risk A comparative analysis of environmental risk assessment/risk management frameworks, May, 224A Aquatic risk assessment of chemicals: Is it working?, Oct., 460A Consumer Safety Commission assessing PVC toy risk, Aug., 354A NAS finds low cancer risk from radon in water (E), Dec, 536A New drinking water data for risk calculations (E), Oct., 452A Risk-based cleanup methods undergoing major scientific review, Feb., 75A SAB project pushes integrated approach to risk-based decisions, Mar., 127A Soil screening guidance for eco-risk assessments (E), Jun., 258A Unraveling cancer risk with cellular and molecular tools, Jul., 312A
Standards California proposes tighter MTBE standard, Jul., 304A Court upholds tribes' rights to set water standards (E), May, 215A Credibility of ISO 14000 questioned, Jul., 303A EPA decision to revise selenium standard stirs debate, Aug., 350A EPA softens stand on controversial contaminated sediment standards, Jul., 306A Mercury health standard eased by U.S. agency, Jan., 8A Reassessment of automotive emission standards due (E), Mar., 121A Study results fuel disagreement over health standards, Oct., 444A The difficult challenge of attaining EPA's new ozone standard, Jun., 276A Urban heat island models may help states meet NO x air standards, Sept., 397A Who will be protected by EPA's new ozone and particulate matter standards?, Jan., 32A
High-flying instrument helps scientists evaluate aircraft impacts (T), Dec, 538A New cleanup technologies battle credibility gap, Jun., 266A New directions in technology (C), Mar., 115A Novel barrier remediates chlorinated solvents (T), Nov., 495A Novel reactor destroys nitro-wastes (T), Jan., 17A Technology combination cuts DNAPL cleanup time at Superfund site (T), Aug., 359A Wetland cleanup of coal-ash leachate (T), Feb,, 85A
Test methods A renaissance for genotoxicity testing?, Nov., 498A
Testing Panel urges quick validation of endocrine disrupter tests, Nov., 484A
TMDL Rivers GE challenges Hudson River report on PCBs (E), Nov., 492A
Sediment Dredging planned for PCB-contaminated river (E), Jun., 257A EPA softens stand on controversial contaminated sediment standards, Jul., 306A PCB-laden sediment cleanup plans set for Mass. sites (E), Dec, 536A Software tackles sediment remediation (T), Jan., 17A Superfund sediment guidance under development (E), Jul., 308A U.S. contaminated sediments inventory released, Feb., 78A
Selenium EPA decision to revise selenium standard stirs debate, Aug., 350A
Software Accounting software for pollution prevention (E), Nov., 494A
Soil Growing acceptance of soil contaminant bioavailability kicks off national meeting, Dec. 528A
Solvents Novel barrier remediates chlorinated solvents (T), Nov., 495A
States Several states pass laws to regulate animal waste, Jul., 305A State commissioners band together to reduce greenhouse gases, Oct., 446A States pushing experiments with "performance-based" regulations, Feb., 77A Toxic chemical use reporting debated on state and national levels, Jan., 9A Urban heat island models may help states meet NO x air standards, Sept., 397A
Stormwater Stormwater permits proposed for smaller municipalities (E), Mar., 122A
Sulfur hexafluoride Worldwide effort underway to reduce SF6 greenhouse gas emissions, Nov., 487A
Technology All-weather water quality monitor (T), Feb,, 85A Bacteria spore removes dissolved metals (T), Mar., 119A Bioreactor reduces landfill volume (T), Mar., 119A Cost-effective testing effort demonstrates new cleanup technologies, Nov., 490A DOE, EPA launch joint technology verification pilot (E), Aug., 357A DOE lab predicts future envirotech breakthroughs (T), Jul., 311A EPA technology verification program hits its stride (T), May, 217A
Advisory panel completes work on TMDL watershed guidelines, May, 212A Are states sidestepping the TMDL program? (E), Sept., 401A
Toxic chemicals Annual TRI report to include in-depth industry profiles (E), Jun., 258A Are toxics release inventory reductions real?, Aug., 368A Chemical industry evaluates toxicity screening costs, Mar., 127A Evaluating toxic impact assessment methods: What works best?, Mar., 138A International treaty aims to stem flow of toxics, Nov., 489A Lawsuit stalls Internet toxic release database (E), Mar., 121A More Great Lakes toxics targeted for reduction (E), Mar., 122A Toxic chemical use reporting debated on state and national levels, Jan., 9A TRI interpretive booklets update 1990 guidance (E), Jan., 16A
Toxicology Results of low-dose exposure research may challenge the theoretical basis of toxicology, Nov., 485A
Trading Kyoto treaty sets precedent for emissions trading program, Feb., 74A Slow progress on C 0 2 emissions trading plans, Aug., 351A States slowly move ahead with water pollutant trading programs, Oct., 446A
Treatment Novel reactor destroys nitro-wastes (T), Jan., 17A POTWs encouraged to submit proposals under Project XL (E), Oct., 452A
The challenge of watershed cleanup, Aug., 364A
Werner Stumm Celebrating Werner Stumm, Oct., 442A
Urban issues
New focus on urban environmental problems (E), Apr., 172A Urban heat island models may help states meet NOx air standards, Sept., 397A
"Clean Water Plan" calls for national wetlands gains, Apr., 166A Federal court ruling puts protection of isolated wetlands at risk, Mar., 128A New wetlands permits draw criticism, Sept., 396A The emergence of treatment wetlands, May, 218A
Wastewater Reclaimed wastewater continues flow toward tap, Nov., 496A Wastewater reuse: Water shortage solution or long-term nightmare?, Oct., 447A
Water Advisory panel completes work on TMDL watershed guidelines, May, 212A Call for more research on arsenic in drinking water (E), Feb., 83A Clean Air Act is sufficient to protect "Great Waters" (E), May, 215A Court upholds tribes' rights to set water standards (E), May, 215A EPA's 1999 budget request highlights climate change, water quality programs, Apr., 170A Pilot projects unite air and water regulations (E), Jul., 308A POTWs encouraged to submit proposals under Project XL (E), Oct., 452A States slowly move ahead with water pollutant trading programs, Oct., 446A
Water quality Court upholds tribes' rights to set water standards (E), May, 215A Industrial water permit backlog rising (E), Nov., 492A Revised water quality rules to spotlight local needs (E), Sept., 401A
Water reuse Wastewater reuse: Water shortage solution or long-term nightmare?, Oct., 447A
Watersheds Advisory panel completes work on TMDL watershed guidelines, May, 212A New ecological assessments of midAtlantic watersheds (E), Jun., 258A NRC finds science, cooperation needed to support watershed management policy, Dec, 532A
1998 A-Page Author Index Types of articles listed (and codes) Features Comment (C) News Policy Analysis Technology Update (T) Workshop
Allen, D. X, Jan., 40A Ashford, N., Nov., 508A Ayres, R. U., Aug., 366A; Sept., 408A Betts, K. S., Jan., 17A (T), 18A (T); Feb., 78A, 85A (T), Mar., 124A, 127A; Apr., 167A, 169A; May, 208A; Jun., 251A, 254A, 266A; Jul., 303A, 311A (T), 318A; Aug., 351A, 353A, 359A (T); Sept., 397A, 403A 8(T), 412A; Oct., 445A, 454A; Nov., 487A, 490A, 495A (T); Dec, 530A, 538A (T), 546A Brauer, M., Sept., 404A Byron, J., Jan., 11A Christen, K., Sept., 396A, 398A; Oct., 447A; Nov., 489A; Dec, 531A, 533A Cole, S., May, 218A; Nov., 496A Cooney, C. M., Jan., 10A; Feb., 74A, 78A; Mar., 126A, 127A; Apr., 170A; May, 209A, 211A; Jun., 250A, 252A, 272A; Jul., 302A, 304A; Aug., 354A; Nov., 488A; Dec, 529A Corwin, D. L., Mar., 130A Eggleston, C. M., Oct., 456A Ellsworth, T. R., Mar., 130A
Frankl, P., Sept., 408A Glaze, W. H., Jan., 7A (C); Mar., 115A (C); Apr., 165A (C); May, 207A (C); Jun., 249A (C); Aug., 349A (C); Sept., 391A (C); Nov., 483A (C); Dec, 525A Gopnik, M., Feb., 73A (C) Hanisch, C, Jan., 20A; Apr., 176A; Dec, 540A Hendrickson, C , Apr., 184A Hertwich, E. G., Mar., 138A Higgins, S. R., Oct., 456A Hisham-Hashim, J., Sept., 404A Horvath, A., Apr., 184A Joshi, S., Apr., 184A Kolb, C. E., Feb., 73A (C) Lave, L., Apr., 184A; Jul., 322A Lavendel, B., Feb., 79A Leckie, J. O., Mar., 134A Lefohn, A. S., Jun., 276A Liu, E, Jan., 32A Loague, K., Mar., 130A Loehr, R. C , Feb., 73A (C) Logan, B., Nov., 502A Lovett, R. A., Jul., 304A MacLean, H. L., Jul., 322A Matthiessen, P., Oct., 460A Maurice, P. A., Oct., 456A McCarthy, K. J., Jun., 260A McCarty, L. S., May, 224A McKone, T. E., Mar., 138A Miller, C , Nov., 508A Miller, C. G., Aug., 368A Natan, Jr., T. E., Aug., 368A Naymik, T. G., Jun., 260A Parkhurst, D. E, Feb., 92A Patlak, M., Feb., 76A; Jul., 312A Pease, W. S., Mar., 138A Pelley, J., Jan., 9A, 12A, 26A; Feb., 77A; Mar., 128A; Apr., 166A; May, 212A; Jun., 253A; Jul., 305A; Aug., 352A, 364A; Sept., 396A; Oct., 446A, 462A; Nov., 486A; Dec, 531 A, 532A Power, M., May, 224A Renner, R., Jan., 8A, UA, 12A; Feb., 75A, 86A; Mar., 125A; Ap.., 168A, 180A; May, 210A; Jun., 254A; Jul., 306A; Aug., 330A, 354A, 360A; SSpt.. 394A, 395A; Oct., 444A; Nov., 484A, 485A; ;ecc ,28A Rittmann, B., Nov., 502A Schnoor, J. ..L OOc., 442A Schoen, D., Nov., 498A Schwartz, D., Feb., 79A; Oct., 446A Shadwick, D. S., Jun., 276A Steele, N.L.C., Jan., 40A Stout, S. A., Jun., 260A Templeton, S. R., Sept., 416A Uhler, A. D., Jun., 260A Yoo, S. J., Sept., 416A Zartarian, V. G., Mar., 134A Zilberman, D., Sept., 416A Ziman, S. D., Jun., 276A