KEEPING UP WITH CHEMISTRY ASOX. IN1 Fng L ' h ~ m . . .Vms Fdiof U. S. Department of Aqiruhure states that nhmoth~azuncis the most nrurnisin~of the dmartment's "new" insecticides. I t s principal deter& is the &ct on the skin of the persons handling it. Tests are being carried out t o determine new ways of spraying or dusting with this comnound. Nicotine with bentonite. nicotine sulfate in oil emuisions, and cryolite are being investigated. Cryolite is poisonous and the removal from fruit presents difficulties.
chemicnl anre.itor of hcmoglohin and chlorophyll, wa- also synrhwizerl. Traccs of Co were found to hc important in pre. vcntinn rertain tvocs of anemia. I ~ l o r h u l e ~ t ea . new orenaration of iodine of-high germicidal value, was introduced: i'ataquine wa, developed i, 3 substitute for quininr. Synthetic r r s m are being urcd in the manufactl~rrof new types of contact Imscs to reulnce e\wlnsses. The actual lens ic mad< of class and fitted in a shiefd hdividuslly molded t o the wearer's eyiball t o be placed beneath the eyelids. The new dental anesthetic .A.. .A.. V. . (2 parts sulfuric ether, 1 part ethyl alcohol, and 1.25 parts thymol Optical lenses moulded from plastic material. AXON. N U ~ U I C .by weight) was found effective in many cases. The use of iodine in a new method of finger-printing was in139, XJj ( F < b 211. I%(;). -Optical lcnses moldcd fram plastic materials s e r e recentlv exhibited in London. The invcnlor of troduced. Plant hannones which induce growth in a few days t h ~ sHrltish l m c m ic Mr. A. Kingston. Since the rrfracting when rubbed on plants or cause the formation of roots at unburfaces are produced hy molding, tltr tedious and erpmsivc usual phcrs were reported. Sixtecn chemicals and plant e x o ~ r r a t i o nof mindinn can hc avoided. The ulactic material in tracts wrrc found to have thic Drouerrv. I n w r t i ~ a t i o nuf the the lenses hears t h e trade name of Terspeb". It has about stratosphere shows there is no change ln the ratio of Nn to 01 D. C. L. half the density of glass and is practically unbreakable. I t s at a height of ahout fourteen rntlc\. refractive index is approximately the same as that of crown glass. Spring tonic. .kNoN. I r d . Bull. of A ~ t h u r D. I.illle, Inr, X" n "7 121. 3 F e h . 19371. There is a flurrv of rxcitmmnt over the L"A. n. 7 " . Pluorescence of the bivalent rare earths. K. PRZIBRAM. discovery that plant growth and pl&t development may be Naore. 139, 329 (Feh. 20, 1937).-According t o Dr. Przibram. controlled b y certain chemicals. The farmer's medicine chest the blue fluorescence shown by fluorites is due t o bivalent will soon be enlarged to include some of these plant tonics. eurooium ~roduced through reduction of traces of trivalent This mastery aver plants has come from the study of a t least a vellow-meen band shown bv three puzzling findings. The botanist, Sachs, more than fifty eurobium by radium rayssome fluorites a t low temperatures can be ascribed t o bivalent years sgo conceived the idea that plants have chemical control over their flowering and fruiting processes, hut he could not a red fluorescence band . . . is due t o bivalent ytterbium samarium . . . " A rare earth preparation from the Auerge- determine what organ produced the chemical. Darwin also sellschaft inBerlin.said tocootainninetv-threeoercent.ofthulium believed that something chemical involved the plant response t o oxide TuLh, was added to calcium sulfate andexposed first to ralight. I t was a generation later that Baysen, Jensen, and others found that a strange chemical was produced in the growing tip. dium rays and then to filtered ultraviolet light. At low temperaThis chemical today is known as "Auxine." The second finding tures a red fluorescence appeared, which became very brilliant M. E. W. a t the temperature of liquid air. was the presence of plant-stimulating materials in animal maRetrospects. Ind. Ena. Cham., 29, 4-8(Jan.. 1937).-A sum- nures that were absent fram purely inorganic fertilizers. Zimmary of t h e important clevrlopmenis in rhcmistry in 193U is merman and his co-workers followed with the effect of minute given. I n the indu~trinlfield a new variety of glaas uf the Pyrex amounts of illuminating gas on greenhouse soil. There are tvoc was dcveloned which ressti heat sullicientlv to be used in several chemicals now known to exercise control over plants, f&g pans in &ect contact with flame. A pro& for recovery including several gases, such as ethylene and propylene, and carbon monoxide. The liquid ethylene chlorhydrin may be o f Mn hy the elrctrolysts of a solution of M n in SO! was r q m t e d hy the Hure~uof lltncs, ruitablc fur trcatmmt of low hIn ores. used as a dip for potato cuttings. The most interesting solids A n ~ wmcthod of drhvdratine alcohol hv thr use of rodium are those in dolebutyric acid and its relatives. G . 0. A'rogel. ANON. Ind. Bull. of Arthur D. Little, Inc., 121, acetate and other salts &as pu; into operaiion. Large scale investigations into the suitability of alcohol as a blend in motor 4 (Feb., 1937).-We are more or less familiar with the jellies of agar agar or gelatin. Several years ago. Professor Kistler of fuels were carried out. In physical chemistry a new method of taking motion pictures the University of Illinois devised a process whereby the water through the spectroscope was developed, greatly increasing its use of a jelly could be displaced b y a liquid such as alcohol, leaving in the detection of traces of materials. The method of pro- jelly in its original volume; and then by converting the alcohol ducing polarizing plates by the production of tiny crystals on an t o a gas, a pithlike form which is called agrogel can be secured. elastic medium, on which they are then oriented by stretching not only from jellies noted above, but also from oxide gels of the medium, was developed. This layer can be cemented silicon, iron, nickel, tin, titanium, aluminum, and other elements. between glass plates. The method of producing a large thin The a=rogel of silica, "Santocel," is now available for use. I t comes as a powdrry mas,, aoft and compresrihlu. If kept dry, cryqtal onglass; pmrwted by cementing inuthrr &ass plate over it, was also used. Iodine substitutiur~products of the alkaloid> it ! j a good insohtor, and has heen auggertcd for thermos bottles. houschuld refrirrratur,. and ire-cream cabinet,. .4eroncl mixrs are used Hr atoms wrrc nroduced from Li bv bombnrdmmt with protons. By deuter& bombardment t i n y amounts of P t rapidly with p&ments'which may find practical a p p l h i o n in were changed into Au; Na was changed into Mg by means of paints and lacquers. I t has been suggested as a suspending aid neutrons. Artificial radioactivity has been imparted t o more for printing inks. Certain grades are said t o adsorb as much as eiehtv oer cent. of their volume of water without aooarent than forty elements. G. 0. In medical chemistry important developments were announced wetness. From waste to wealth. F. THORE. Sci. News Letter, 31, in the study of tubercle bacilli, virus diseases in plants, carbon monoxide poisoning, and protarnine insulin. The synthesis 1 2 2 4 (Feb. 20, 1937)-Lignin, for so long a n undesirable byof vitamin B, was accomplished, and i t is claimed that it can be oroduct of the treatment of wood fiber for its cellulose. is here produced more cheaply than it can be extracted from natural presented = a promising competitor with other plastics for a sources. Theelin, one of the two hormones responsible for place in the economic sun. Some of its properties pointing t o female characteristics, was synthesized. Porphim, the common such use are high electrical resistivity, water and acid resistance, Chemical insecticides.
lion. 15, 01 (I!);