An Introduction to Transition-Metal Chemistry ... - ACS Publications

Publication Date: August 1961. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 83, 15, 3354-3354. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's ...
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Neuere Methoden der Priiparativen Organischen Chemie. Band 111. Edited by WILHELMFOERST.Verlag Chemie, G a l . b.H., Pappelallee 3 Weinheim/Bergstr., Germany. 1961. 326 pp. 20.5 X 18 cm. Price, kart. D M . 14.50; geb. D M . 18.--. The volume at liarid is part 111, appearing siiiiultatieuusly with part 11, of a collection whose first installment was released about twenty years ago, and which ha5 enjoyed considerable popularity among practicirig synthetic organic chemists. The series is based upon contributions from experts in selected areas, and in general these have been published in “Angewandte Chemie” during the last three years. The articles in the collection are verbatim reprints from the “Angemandte” with addenda supplied by the original coiitributors in order to iuclude kite developments ( t h r w g h 1959). The quality arid organizatioii of reviews iii “Xngewaudte Chemie” are too well known to require any comment here beyond the reminder that the discussions comprise the history of a reaction, its scope mid limitations, as well a s iiiechanistic considerations insofar as these might be of aid i t i planriirig experirrierital procedures. E:xh section includes a copious supply of preparative directions for actual examples, much in the style of Houben-LVeyl, which arc sufficieiit for reproduction without recourse to tlic original work. The preparative methods cox-ered are: (1) Kcactioiis o f sulfur with araliphatic and aliphatic cuiiip”nitls. This chapter deals with the \Tillgerodt reactiori wid with :Liiulnber c if oxidations or dehydrogenations b3- sulfur, which ofteri exhibits surprising reactivity arid selectivity. ( 2 ) The iiiany recent advances regarditig the introduction of substitueiits irito pyridine are ndniirably summarized liere. i 3 I This chapter is devoted t u the rapid advances macle in the use of triphenyl niethylene phosphoranes ( ( C ~ H ; ) ~ P - = C I I I I ?for ~) the preparation of olefins from carbonyl compouuds (Wittig reaction), which has become a11 iniportant adjuuct to the older, elimination-type procedures. ( 4 ) S-Broiriosuccinimide .ind its reactioIis are reviewed here. (5) Heterocyclic ring ems, containing primarily 0 arid S as hetero atonis, are ilable b)- rearrangemeiiI ( J f the corresponding 0-acylhctrmes or -thiolactoties. ( A ) The vast field of synthetic 11f amides, in particular of forniainide is reviewed iiig routes to puriiics, pyrimidines, imidazoles, oxazo aziiies and other applications. ( 7 ) Chloramine is a v and reactive substance whose many uses, often overlooked,