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Armocuré lOO, Liquid Epoxy Curing Agent Epoxy resins cured with Armocure™ 100 are tough yet flexible, unaffected by solvents, such as methyl isobutyl ketone, and offer good adhesion to metal substrates. The low viscosity of Armocure 100 makes it easy to use. Resins cured with Armocure 100 are ideal for solventless maintenance coatings because of their excellent adhesion to metals, flexibility, impact resistance and corrosion resistance. Other areas for evaluation include masonry coatings, adhesives, caulks, sealants, potting compounds, powdered coatings and insulation. For further information on Armocure 100 write or phone for a copy of Bulletin # 77-2. You too will learn you get more from Armak... more technical literature, more technical service, a wide choice of chemical products, and more than 35 years'experience in amine technology. Armak Industrial Chemicals Division, DepartCOMPANY ment A, RO. Box 1805, Chicago, Illinois 60690,
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C&EN May 23, 1977