ep MICROBORE Pharmacokinetics of morphine in the awake rat brain sampled by microdialysis. Morphine
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When compared to conventional LC columns, BAS SepStik microbore columns provide higher mass sensitivity, reduce mobile phase consumption and conserve precious sample. Unlike other microbore products, SepStik columns have no end fittings. Directly connect the column to the injector and detector cell with no intervening tubing. This eliminates dead volume and further improves detection limits. SepStik columns work with gradient elution, ion-pairing, electrochemical, fluorescence, and UV detection. SepStik products include several packing materials and microbore immobilized enzyme reactors. BAS chromatographs are convertible between SepStik and conventional columns.
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. USA 2701 Kent Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906. PH (317) 463-4527, FAX (317) 497-1102 Europe Fruithoflaan, 18, B-2500 Lier (KH) Belqium, PH (32) 3 482 1376, FAX (32) 3 482 4636 CIRCLE 14 ON READER SERVICE CARD
610 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 11, JUNE 1, 1992