MEETINGS Feb. 3 Tallahassee, Fia. 1983 Florida Wastewater Manage ment Seminar. The Florida Depart ment of Environmental Regulation Fee: $10.00. Write: Don Schiesswohl, Bureau of Environmental Regulation, 2600 Blair Stone Rd., Tallahassee, Fla. 32301; (904) 488-2582 Feb. 2 1 - 2 4 La Jolla, Calif. Committee F-20 on Spill Control Sys tems. American Society of Testing and Materials Write: Earl Sullivan, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103; (215) 2995514 Feb. 28-March 2 Washington, D.C. 10th Annual Energy Technology Con ference and Exposition. American Gas Association and others Write: Government Institutes, Inc., P.O. Box 1096, Rockville, Md. 20850; (301) 251-9250 Feb. 28-March 3 San Antonio, Tex 1983 Oil Spill Conference. E P A , American Petroleum Institute, and U.S. Coast Guard Fee: $200. Write: 1983 Oil Spill Con ference, Suite 700, 1629 Κ St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006; (202) 2967262 Feb. 28-March 4 Nashville, Tenn. Development of Design Criteria for Wastewater Treatment Processes. Vanderbilt University Fee: $725. Write: K. Ann Hood, Con tinuing Engineering Education, Vanderbilt University, Box 1525, Sta B, Nashville, Tenn. 37235; (615) 322-2924 March 3 - 4 Washington, D.C. March 2 2 - 2 3 Houston, Tex. The Fundamentals of Groundwater Quality Protection. American Ecology Services, Inc., and Geraghty & Miller Inc. Write: Richard M. Miller, President, American Ecology Services, Inc., 127 East 59th St., New York, N.Y. 10022; (212) 371-1620 March 8 - 9 Nashville, Tenn. May 18-19 Philadelphia, Pa. Waste Incineration. Vanderbilt Uni versity
Fee: $475. Write: K. Ann Hood, Con tinuing Engineering Education, Vanderbilt University, Box 1525, Sta B, Nashville, Tenn. 37235; (615) 322-2924 March 28-30 Columbus, Ohio 3rd Ohio Environmental Engineering Conference. Ohio State University and others Write: Harry G. Bhatt, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 6161 Busch Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43229;(614)888-4953 April 17-19 Milwaukee, Wis. 7th Symposium on Aquatic Toxicolo gy. A S T M Committee E-47 Write: M. B. Cooper, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103; (215) 299-5470 June 13-15 Ithaca, N . Y . International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces. American Chemical Society and others Write: W. H. Brutsaert, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853; (607) 256-3676 Aug. 17-24 Estes Park, Colo. International Humic Substances So ciety Meeting. USDA, Soil Conser vation Service, U.S. EPA, USGS, and International Humic Substances So ciety Write: Ronald L. Malcolm, U.S. Geo logical Survey, Box 25046, MS 407, Den ver, Colo. 80225; (303) 234-3975
COURSES Feb. 1-2 Los Angeles, Calif. Feb. 9 - 1 0 Seattle, Wash. Sample Preparation for Trace Inor ganic Analysis. Finnigan M A T Insti tute Fee: $300. Write: Nancy Kranpitz, Registrar, Finnigan MAT Institute, 11 Triangle Park Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45246; (513)772-5500 March 28-April 1 Boston, Mass. Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene. Office of Continuing Education, Harvard School of Public Health Fee: $800. Write: Office of Continuing Education, Harvard School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. 02115-9957; (617) 732-1171
March 28-April 1 Boston, Mass. Occupational and Environmental Ra diation Protection. Office of Con tinuing Education, Harvard School of Public Health Fee: $800. Write: Office of Continuing Education, Harvard School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. 02115-9957; (617) 732-1171 March 30-April 1 Boston, Mass. Risk Analysis in Environmental Health. Office of Continuing Education, Harvard School of Public Health Fee: $500. Write: Office of Continuing Education, Harvard School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. 02115-9957; (617) 732-1171
CALL FOR PAPERS January deadline Environmental Regulations and Their Impact on the Pharmaceutical Indus try. American Institute of Chemical Engineers The session will be held at the AIChE Summer National Meeting, Aug. 28-31, 1983, in Denver, Colo. Write: Charles V. Flemming, Schering Corp., 1011 Morris Ave., Union, N.J. 07083; (201) 5585444 February 1 deadline New Environmental Control Tech niques from Mineral Processing In dustries. American Institute of Chemical Engineers The sessions will be held at the 1983 National Meeting of the AIChE, Aug. 28-31, 1983, in Denver, Colo. Write: Dr. Donald A. Dahlstrom, Eimco Process Equipment Co., P.O. Box 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 February 1 deadline 4th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Commis sion of the European Communities, National Research Council of Canada, and others The conference will be held Sept. 6-9 at the University of Heidelberg, FRG. Write: Heavy Metals Secretariat, CEP Consul tants Ltd., 26 Albany St., Edinburgh EH1 3QH,U.K.
Environ. Sci. Technol., V o l . 17, No. 1, 1983