CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES NOVEMBER 29, 1940 Compiled from weekly current price listing in the Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, with permission of t h · publisher under its copyright. These price· unless otherwise specified, are those prevailing in the New York market for technical grades in usual large commercial quantities.
Aeetaldehydc drums, e/L. w k e . . . . lb. .11 Aeetamidc tech., kegs, 200-lb. lots, works lb. .30 Aeetaoitide, tech., powd.. bblc.. lb. .27 Acetic aohydride, drums, c/L, frt. Allowed lb. .10H Acetone c. P., drums, e/l., dhrd... .lb. .06M Aeetophenooe. drums, 100 lbs. lb. 1.27 Aoetopbenetidin. bbls., 1000 lbs lb. 1.00 Acid, sbielie, drums, o/l lb. .08** Acetic, 28%. bbls.. c/L 100 lbs. 2.23 60%. bbls, e/l 100 lbs. 4.15 Glacial, syntb., drums, e/l. 100 lbs. 8.4C Glacial, U. 8. P., drums, e/l.... 100 lbs. 10.25 Aeetylsalicylic U. 8. P., bbls.... .lb. .40 Anttiranilic. tecb., bbls. lb. .75 Battery, ebys., e/l., E. wks.. 100 lbs. 1.60 Beosoic tech., bbls. lb. .43 Boric tech., grao., bblc too 105.00 Butyric (00%), drums, e/l., .22 Cbloroseetie, mono-, tech., bbls., wks. lb. .15 Chlorosulfonie, drums, e/l., wks... lb. .03 H Chromic, 90%, drums lb. .15)i Ciunsruic, bottles lb. 2.85 Citric cryst., bbls., e/l lb. .20 Cresylie, 11.15., 2I0*-215*. drums, e/L, wks., frt. equal gaL 68 Formic, 00%, ebys., f. o. b. works, e/L lb. . 10H Gallic tech., bbls. lb. .00 Hydriodie, 67%, 5-lb. bot. lb. 2.00 Hydrobromie, 34 %, ebys. lb. .36 Hydrochloric, 20*. tanke wks... lOOIbe 1.16 Hydrofluoric, 30%, bbls., wks... .lb. .06 60%, Iced ebys lb. .14 Hydrofluosilkic 36%, bbls.. .00 Hypophosphorus, U. 8. P., 30%, 5gal. demis lb. 7i Luetic dark, 22%, bbls. 100 lbs. 2.60 Light, 22%, bbls., wks.... 100 lbs. 3.60 ilsJcie, powd , drums lb. .30 Itissd, Unks, wks N unit. lb. .05 8 unit lb. .0086 Naphtbenic 8. V. 160, drums... .lb. .06H* Nitric, c. p., ebys. lb. .13 30*, ebys., e/L, wks. 100 lbs. 6.00 Oxalic bbls., wks. lb. . 10k Phosphoric, U. 8. P., 60% lb. .12 Pkrsmie, kegs lb. .66 Picric bbls. lb. .36 Pyrogallic tech., bblc lb. 1.20 Salicylic tech.. bbls. lb. .33 Stoare, d. p., bagc dlvd lb. 09 vttlfaoilic toco., 250-!b. bbls. lb. .17 Sulfuric, 66°, cbyc, e/l., E. wks. r* 100 lbs. 1.50 J 6 6 \ tanks, B. wks. too 16.50 60*. tanks, B. wks. too 13.00 JOIeum, 20%, tanks, B. wks.. .ton 18.60 Tannic, tech., bbls. lb. .64 Tartaric U 8. P., cryst., bbls... .to. .43* Tungstic tech*, kegs lb. No prioss Aleobo', ethyl, 100 proof, from moInsMS, drams, c/L gaL 6.99K Amyj from pontanc tanks lb. .101 ututyl, normal, tanks, frt. alio wed. lb. .04 Onnamic bottles lb. 2.00 Denatured, C. D. 14, drums, o/L, wke,E. gal .32H Diacetonc tote, drums, c/L lb. .00 •WaryL tech.. drumc e/L, w k e . . lb, .20 Isssjs^Uprinuur.drumcdlrd... lb. .27 lectotyLrof., drums lb. .0800
AloohoU isopropyl. ref., 01%, drumc e/L, f. o. b. dest. gaL «33H Wood, SM Methanol Aldol. 06%, drums, e/L, wks lb. .11 Alpha-napbthol, bbls. lb. .52 Alpha-naphthylamine, bbls. lb. .32 Alum, ammonia, lump, bbls., wks. 100 lbs. 8.75 Potash-chrome, bbls. 100 lbs. No prices Potash, lump, bbls., wks.... 100 lbs. 4.00 8odc bbls., wks. 100 lbs. 3.26 Alunrinuin,meUl,98-94%,dramce/ .17 Chloride anhyd., commercial, drums extra, c/L, wks. lb. .08 8tcarate, bbls., c/l lb. .18 8ulfatc comml, bagc c/L, wke, frt. equal 100 lbs. 1.15 Iroo-frec bags, wks. 100 lbs. 1.60 Ammonia, anhydrous, fertiliser, f. o. b. wks., frt. equalised too 90.00 Pure, cylc lb. .16 Ammonia, aqua, 26*. tanks (on NHi content), f. o. b. wks. lb. .04 Ammonium acetate, kegs lb. .27 Bifluorklc bbls. lb. .14H Bromide bbls. lb. .31 Carbonate, tech., bbK lb. .08 Chloride gray. bble 100 lbs. 5.50 U. 8. P.. gran., bbls. lb. .12 Iodide 26-lb. Jars lb. 3.65 Unoleatc 80%. anhyd., bbls lb. .12 Nitrate tech., bags, c/L, wks. 100 lbs. 4.35 Oleatcbbb lb. .14 Osalatckegs lb. .19 Persulfate oases ib. .21 Phosphate dibasic tech., bbls... lb. .07* 8uif etc, bulk, e/L, f. o. b. ports or ovens too 28.00 Mfide liq. 40-46%, basis 100%, tanke dl*d lb. .07H Amyl acetate from pentane tanke frt. allowed lb. . 10H Chloride normal, drumc .56 Chloridec mimed, tanks, w k s . . . . . lb. . 0465 Mereeptao, drumc L e L, wks.. .lb. 1.10 Oleate drumc 1. e. L, wke lb. .25 8tearate drumc L e L, wks. lb. .26 Amylene tanks, wka. Ib. .09 Anilin oil, drums lb. .15 Aotbraquinone subL, bbls. lb. .65 Antimony, obJoridc solo., e b y s . . . . . lb. .17 Needle Bolivian, 67% lb. .10 Otidc bagc e/L lb. .18 SaJte 66%, drums lb. .30 Argole test 76-80%, basis 100% 100 kilos No prices Arsenic metal, kegs lb. No prioes Red, kege easss lb. No prioes White e/L. ksgs U>. .03M Barium carbonate, natural, 99%-200 mesh, bagc e/L. wks. too 43.00 Chloride tseh.,cryst,bgc,o/L..ton 77.00 Dioxide drumc wke lb. .10 Hydroxide bole, wkc lb. .05H Nitrate casks Ib. ,08ft Barytoc floated, 35