ACS NEWS been assigned to the Member & Subscriber Service Department (M&SS) to process the backlog of orders and customer service requests that has developed as a result of this problem. At its upcoming meeting in Anaheim, "We apologize to any member, affilCalif., the ACS Council is expecting a iate, or subscriber who has been inconlighter than usual business load in its venienced by these problems," said agenda. The reason: No petitions to John Kistler Crum, ACS executive diamend the society's governing docu- rector. "They should be assured that ments are scheduled for action. we are applying the necessary resourcNevertheless, councilors are expect- es to solve these problems and are ed to set the amount for next year's looking forward to an early resolution membership dues and to select candi- of this situation." dates for this fall's election of 1996 Despite more than a year of planning president-elect. The four people nomi- and testing, the replacement system still nated for president-elect by the council has major operational problems. To Committee on Nominations & Elec- make matters worse, the switchover octions, from which the council will select curred at the busiest season for M&SS. two, are Paul S. Anderson, vice presiIt is expected that no records for dent for chemical and physical scienc- members, affiliates, or subscribers were es, DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Co.; lost or damaged by these problems. E. Charles Galloway, president, Edison ACS continues to serve all subscribers Polymer Innovation; William E. Mc- of record as of December 1994. The soGonigal, director of technology and ciety will provide all members and medical products department, DuPont subscribers with copies of its publica(retired); and John R. Norell, president, tions they missed. NorCrest Consulting. In the meantime, ACS asks those afThe council meeting, scheduled for fected to be patient. For problems in reWednesday, April 5, is open for observationceiving C&EN, other publications, or to all ACS members. It will be held in the membership mailings, call M&SS at Grand Ballroom E and F at the Anaheim (800) 333-9511, or send a fax to (614) Marriott, beginning at 8 AM. • 447-3671. Include membership number, the nature of the problem, and a phone number. Outside the U.S., call (614) 447-3776 or fax (614) 447-3671. D
Council expects light agenda in Anaheim
ACS to correct computer difficulties
ACS is taking action to correct a serious problem affecting many of its members and subscribers. The problem, which came about as the result of switching computer systems, has resulted in perhaps thousands of members and affiliates not receiving publications to which they subscribe. In addition, processing of both new and renewal ACS membership records has been delayed. The new system will replace a 20year-old system that was becoming difficult to maintain and was not flexible enough to keep up with the society's growth. Most continuing members and subscribers are not affected; the major impact has been on newer members and subscribers. To correct the situation, a high-level ACS team is working with the new system's vendor and outside database processing specialists. Extra staff have 52
A copy of the abstract for the paper must accompany the application. This abstract must be submitted to and approved by the organizers of the specific meeting. The selection committee will focus on how the applicant believes he or she will contribute to the success of the meeting by attending and how the applicant intends to apply the experience and knowledge gained by attending this meeting in his or her future endeavors. Priority for travel grants will be given to those who have made efforts to seek matching funds for their travel expenses. Applications, which are due July 1, are available from Christine Brennan, Office of High School Chemistry, ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Recipients will be notified by
Sept. 15.
Errors in analytical reagent specifications
At its last meeting, the ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents identified the changes, clarifications, or errors for the 8th edition of "Reagent Chemicals: ACS Specifications" cited below. For Visual Transition Interval tests for Bromaesol Green (page 193), Bromphenol Blue (page 197), and Bromthymol Blue (page 198), replace "insoluble matter" with "clarity of solution." For Substances Darkened by Potassium Hydroxide test for Dimethyl Sulfoxide (pages 307-308), delete the spec and test. For Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol test The ACS Office of High School Chemistry solicits applications for travel for Ethyl Alcohol (page 320), replace grants. These grants will pay travel ex- "0.008" with "0.08." For Assay test for Ethyl Ether (page penses for high school teachers to attend ACS or National Science Teachers 323), delete the sentence, "Correct for Association regional or national meet- water content." For Silver-Reducing Substances test ings in 1996 or the 14th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, which for Glycerol (pages 355-356), delete the will be held at Clemson University, spec and test. For Assay for Phthalic Anhydride Clemson, S.C, Aug. 4-8,1996. Applicants must currently teach high (page 528), use potentiometric endpoint school chemistry and must present a pa- detection; delete choice to use indicator. For Loss on Heating test for Sodium per at the meeting for which they seek funding. The topic of the presentation Carbonate (page 645), replace the first must pertain to a program of the ACS sentence as follows: "Crush sample and Office of High School Chemistry; exam- accurately weigh 10 g in a low-form ples include Project SEED, the U.S. Na- weighing bottle." For Assay spec for Sulfuric Acid, tional Chemistry Olympiad Program, the ChemCom curriculum, ChemMatters, Fuming (page 740), change the limit for the 30% product to 26.0-29.5%. • "ChemSource," and career materials.
1996 travel grants for high school teachers