Current Abstract and Index Periodicals of Interest to Chemists A Selected List
HE list below is of periodicals which are of interest to chemists, includes index and abstract journals in related fields, and directs attention to certain chemical journals which devote a greater proportion of the publication to abstracts in their special subjects. Especial mention may be made of the Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan, which includes extended abstracts in English of papers on physical chemistry appearing in Japanese publications in Japanese, a language with which relatively few American chemists are familiar. In normal times a number of additional journals published large sections devoted to abstracts, and they would ordinarily be included. This list, however, is compiled with regard to the present situation, and includes journals which now devote considerable space to abstracts and, as far as known, are still being received in this country. Chemical Abstracts, and its equivalent in England. Germany, and France have not been included, since all chemists are familiar with these publications. Periodicals published in Slavonic languages only, and periodicals on medical sciences are not listed, nor are those which contain only a few abstracts per issue. The dates given are in most cases those when the publication of abstracts started, and are not necessarily the dates of the first volumes. The frequency, price, and publisher, where not identical with the name of the publication, are given, and also subscription rate in the country of publication. In some European countries the foreign subscription rate is more, in others less, than the domestic. With the present war in progress, it should be borne in mind that the price, as well as the frequency of European periodicals, is subject to variation. The arrangement is alphabetical by title of the periodical with a subject index at the end referring to the numbered entries.
List of Periodicals
1. Agricultural Index. Cumulative subject index to agricultural periodicals, books, and bulletins. 1916. Monthly. H. W. Wilson Co.. 950 University Ave.. New York, N. Y. Price varies. Subject index only. No abstracts. 2. Analyst, The. 1876. Monthly. W. Heffer and Sons, Ltd.. Hills Road, Cambridge. England. 30s. Large classified abstract section. Annual and cumulative indexes. 3. Annales de chimie analytique et de
Fifth AVE, New York, N. y.
chimie appliquée et Revue de chimie analytique réunies. 1896. Monthly. 28 Rue St.-Dominique, Paris 7. France. 30 francs. Classified abstract section. Année biologique. I. Physiologie. IL Morphologie et biologie générales. 1895. Monthly. Fédération des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles. 28 Rue Serpente, Paris 6. France. 200 franca. Abstracts on morphology and general biology, and general physiology in alternate issues. Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology. 1929. Semiannual. Economic Geology Publishing Co.. Urban*, 111. $5.00. Abstracts. Berichte dor deutschen karamischea GeseUschaft. Literatur Ubersicht from Vol. 4. No. 4, February. 1924. Monthly. Deutsche keramische Gesellschaft, e. v.. Wegelystrasse 1, Berlin. N. W. 87. Germany. 5 marks per issue. Classified bibliography. No abstracts. Berichte ubar die gesamte Biologie. Abteflung A. Berichte ttber die wisseaschaftliche Biologie. 1926. Irregular. Julius 8pringer, Linkstrasse 22. Berlin. W. 9. Germany. 68 marks per volume. Classified abstracts. Blhttografia itaUana. Grappe abta. Biologia. 1928. Monthly. Consiguo Naatf>naie oVik» Ricerehe, Pisaale del Soiense 1, Rome. Italy. Price not given. Classified abstracts. Bibliographie scientifique français·· Section 1. Sciences mathématiques et physiques. 1902. Six times a year. Gauthier-Villare et Cie. 55 Quai des Grand-Augustin*, Paris 6, France. 50 francs. Classified bibliographies of mathematics, physics, etc. No abstracts. Biological Abstracts. 1926. Nine times a year. Union of American Biological Societies. 1500Greenmount Ave.. Baltimore. Md. 125 to nonmembers. Classified abstracts. Botanisches Centralblatt Referierendes Organ f Or das Gesamtgebiet der Botanik im Auftrage der dentschen botanischen Geaeflschaft. 1880. Irregular. Gustav Fischer. Jena, Germany. 30 marks per volume. Classified abstracts. Various "Beihefte". Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry. Library notes. 1930. Monthly. Lawrence College. Appleton. Wis. Price not given. Classified abstracts Bulletin of the International Institute of Refrigeration. 1920. Bimonthly. 9 Ave. Carnot. Paris 17, France; J. F. Nickrrson. 433 North Waller Ave.. Chicago. 111. 100 francs, foreign. Greater part devoted to classified abstracts on refrigeration. Bulletin of the Iron and Steel Institut·. Forming Section II of the Journal of the Iron and Stool Institut*. 1871. Monthly. 4 Grosvenor Gardens. London. S. W. 1. England. £1.10.0 to nonmembers. Consists entirely of classified abstracts.
15. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. Index to American botanical literature from Vol. 13. No. 1. January. 1886. Monthly except July through September. $6.00. Bibliography only. No abstracts. Available on cards. 16. Chemiker ^Zeitung. Chemisch - techaische Ubersicht. Weekly supplement. 1877. Chemiker-Zeitung. Côthen, Germany. 34 marks. Original classified abstracts largely on chemical technology. 17. Engineering Index. 18*4. Current cards, which may be subscribed to by subject class, and annual volumes containing also author indexes. Engineering Index Service. 29 West 30th St.. New York. Ν. Υ. Price van**. Classified abstracts in cards and volumes. 18. Entomology. Current literature. 1032. Bimonthly. U. 8. Bureau of Ento mology and Plant Quarantine Li brary, Washington, D. C. Free. List of publications. No abstracts. 10. Experiment Station Record. 1880. Monthly. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. $2.00. Classified abstracts on agriculture, botany, soology, entomology, horti culture, veterinary medicine, nutri tion, etc. 20. Geologisches Centralblatt. Section A. (1001) Geology. Semimonthly; Sec tion Β · lw:U' P»l»%>ii;t.>!u«> Monthly. Gebruder Borntrager. Grossadmiral von Koester-rfer 17. Berlin-Zehlendorf. Germany. 48 marks per volume of each section. Classified abstracts. 21. Great Britain· Department of Scientific and Industrial Reeearth. Pood In vestigation· Index to the Literature. 1029. Irregular. Η. Μ. Stationery Office, Kingaway. London. W. C. 2. England. 4s.fid.per issue. Classified abstracts. 22. Horticultural Abstracts. 1031 Quarterly. Imperial Bureau of Horti culture and Plantation Crops, East Mailing. Kent. England. £1.5.0. Classified abstracts. 23. Industrial Arts Index. Business. finance, science, technology. 1913. Monthly—^regular. H. W. Wilson Co.. 050 University Ave.. New York. N. Y. Price varies. Subject index to selected list of periodicals. 24. Journal of the American Ceramic So ciety. Ceramic abstracta. 1922 Monthly. 2525 North High St.. Columbus. Ohio. $15. Classified abstracta. 25. JoarsW of the American Leather Chemists' Aaaodation, The. Ab stracts from Vol. 4. No. 1. January. 1009. Monthly. 143 West 20th St.. New York. Ν. Υ. $12 to nonmembers. Largv section of unclassi fied abstract·. Patent* listed sepa rately. 26. Journal of the American Water Works Association. Abstracts of water works literature from Vol. 9. No. 1. January. 1922. Monthly 22 Ea«t 40th St.. New York. Ν. Υ. $7.00
27. Journal of the Institute of Petroleum Technologists· Abstracts from Vol. 7. No. 20. December. 1021. Monthly. Aldine House, Bedford St., London, W. C. 2; temporary address: care of the University of Birmingham, Edgbaston. Birmingham 15. Eng land. £3.13.0. Very large classified abstract section on petroleum chem istry· 28. Journal of the International Society of Leather Trades' Chemists. Ab stracts from Vol. 12. No. 1. January, 1028. Monthly. 17 Leathermarket St., London, S. E. 1. England. £1.10.0. Unclassified abstracts. Not always in English. 20. Journal de physique, Le, et le radium. 1872. Monthly. 12 Place de Laborde. Paris 8. France. 250 francs. Classified abstract section. 30. Journal of the Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers. 1023. Monthly. 105 Lansdowne Road, Croyden, Surrey, England. Price not given. Largely classified abstracts, including plastics. 31. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourist*. 1885. Monthly. Ocean Chambers, 32-34 Piccadilly. Brad ford. England. £3.3.0 to nonmem bers. Large classified abstract sec tion on textile chemistry, dyes, etc. 32. Journal of the Society of Glass Tech nology. Abstracts from Vol. 1. No. 1. May. 1017. Bimonthly. Northumberland Road. Sheffield 10, England. £2.10.0. Large classified abstract section 33. Journal of the Textile Institute. Ab stracts from Vol. 12. No. 1, January, 1021. Monthly. 16 St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester 3, England. £2.8.0. Very large classified abstract section on dyes compiled by various institutions. 34. Just's botanischer Jahresbericht. 1873. Irregular. GebrQder BorntrAger, Grueaadmiral von Koester-Ufer 17, Berlin-Zehlendcrf. Germany. Price varies. Classified abstracts. 35. Library Bulletin. 1024. Semimonthly. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Library, 4 Irving Place, New York, Ν. Υ. Price not given. Abstracts on gas manufacture, etc. 36. Library Bulletin of Abstracts. 1026. Weekly. Universal Oil Products Co., Research Laboratories, 310 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Price not given. Rather small publication. Abstracts on petroleum chemistry. 37. Metallurgical Abstracts (General and Ron-Ferrous). 1034. Monthly. In stitute of Metals, 4 Grosvenor Gar dens, London, 8. W. 1, England. Classified abstracts. There is some possibility that tlu> is no longer pub lished in current form, but only in annual volumes. 38. Metals and Alloys. Enlarged abstract section from Vol. 11. No. 1. January, 1040. Abstracts started with Vol. 2, No. 1, January, 1031. Monthly. Reinhold Publishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St.. New York. N. Y. S2.00. 30. Mineralogical Magazine. Mineralogical Abstracts, separately paged section. 1020. Quarterly. Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, London, E. C. 4. England. £1.1.0. Classified abstracts. 40. Monthly Abstract Bulletin. 1015. Monthly. Kodak Research Labora tories, Rochester, Ν. Υ. Price not given. Classified abstracts on photog raphy and photographic chemistry.