EDITOR: QeORQE H. MORRW?d ASSOCIA ?EEDITORS: KbUC BknWIUh Qeorges Qu)ochon, Fred e. Lvtte, Robert A. Olitefywng, John A. Smllh
EdMwbI Headquarters 1155 Sixteenth St.. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Teletype: 710-8220 151
Alexander, L. R., 2248 Alley, C. C., 2248 Armstrong, D. W., 2237 Ashley, D. L., 2248 Ataman, 0.Y., 2313
Managhg Editor: Sharon G. Boots Assoclate Editors: Stuart A. 6orman, Rani A. George, Louise Voress Assistant E&dtlors: @AmyD. Warner. Grace K. Lee Prcdvction Manager: Leroy L. Cormran Art Director: Alan Kahan
Staff Artist: A n y A. Meyer ProductionEditoc Elizabeth E. Wood Circulation:Cynthia G. Smith Editorial Assistant, LabQuide: Joanne Mullican
Journals Dept., Celumbus, Ohlo Associate Haad: Marianna Brogan Associate €difw: Rodney L. Terns Advtsory Board: Shier S. Berman. Brlan S. Bidlingmeyer, Henry N. Mount, Gary D. Christian. Harry V. Drushel, Larry R Faulkner, Peter R. Griifiths, Gary M. Hieftje, Nobuhiko Ishibashi, Mary A. Kaiser, David L. Nelson, Ern0 Pungor, Dennis Schuetzie, Nicholas Winograd, Edward S. Y e w , Andrew T. Zander
lnstrumentalfon Advisory Panel: Howard G. Barth, Richard F. Browner. James 8. Callis, Richard S. Danchik, Thomas C. Farrar, Joel M. Harris, John F. Holland, RonaldE. Majors, Linda B. McGown
the A-kd Approach Advfs41.y Panel: Edward C. Dunlop. Robert A. Hofstader, Wilbur D. Shults Publlshed by the AMWCAN CHEMICAL SOCLETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036
Barnhart, E. R., 2248 Barth, T., 2232 Bright, F. V., 2272 Browner, R. F., 2303 Bruckenstein, S., 2260 Collier, W. G., 2269 Corrigan, D. S.,2252 Crouch, S.R., 2245 Farino, J., 2303 Fassel, V. A., 2276 Fish, J., 2264 Fritz, J. S.,2226 Galante, L. J., 2293 Gerhardt, G., 2313 Griffiths, P. R., 2283 Hautman, D. P., 2313 Hayakawa, U., 2241 Hieftje, G. M., 2272,2293 Houk, R. S.,2276,2316 Huang, L.-Q., 2316 Jiang, S . 4 , 2316 Jin, H. L., 2237 LaFreniere, B. R., 2276 LaRue, R., 2913 Laude, D. A., Jr., 2283 Leung, L.-W. H., 2252
MacBride, J. A. H., 2248 Maggio, V., 2248 Malinski, T., 2264 Mark, H. B., Jr., 2313 Matusiewicz, H., 2264 Miller, J. R., 2303 Miyazaki, M., 2241 Omenetto, N., 2320 Palmieri, M. D., 2226 Patterson, D. G., Jr., 2248 Pentoney, S.L., Jr., 2283 Rutledge, M. J., 2320 Sander, L. C., 2309 Sawada, T., 2241 Sheikh, S. U., 2320 Shimbo, K., 2241 Smith, B. W., 2320 Smith, D. D., 2303 Smith, V. J., 2256 Stults, C. L. M., 2245 Touchstone, J. C., 2320 Tougas, T. P.,2269 Trojanek, A., 2260 Wade, A. P., 2245 Weaver, M. J., 2252 Wilkins, C. L., 2283 Winefordner, J. D., 2320 Wise, M. B., 2289 Wise, S.A., 2309 Wyatt, W. A., 2272 Zimmer, H., 2313
Books and Journals Dlvldon Director: D. H. Bowen Journals: Charles R. Bertsch prodoction: C. Michael Phililppe Research end Developmnf: Lorrin R. Garson Manuscript requirements are published in the January 1, 1987 issue, page 219. Manuscripts for publication (4 copies) W i d tm submitted CWSTRY at the ACS Washingto ANALYTICAL ton address. The American Chemical Society and lis editors assume M responsibility for the staand opinbns advanced by contributors. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Amerlcan Chemlcal society.