Before you buy hydrogen peroxide .. Three FMC plants. Seven strategically located distribution terminals. The industry's largest fleet of dedicated tank cars and tank trucks. Scores of technical service, applications research, and engineering people, with some of the industry's finest facilities. This array of FMC production and backup services means you get the broadest hydrogen peroxide product range, and unequaled "peroxide power" to help you put it to work. ©1981 FMC
Take construction of your H 2 0 2 facility, for example. Well provide a site survey, blueprints, and on-location installation assistance. And once you're running, we'll provide safety seminars, inspection assistance, and a 24-hour emergency hot line. All based on unrivaled experience: we've designed and built over 75% of the H 2 0 2 installations in this country. Our staff of technical service specialists can be just as helpful. They have years of experience in
look what's behind ours. pulp and paper, textiles, electronics and metals, and waste treatment. And they work for you not just in the lab, but right in your plant. It all means that FMC offers you much more than hydrogen peroxide. To find out more, write FMC Corporation, Specialty Chemicals Division, Dept N, 2000 Market Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19103. Or call us at (215) 299-6750.