Vol. 13, No. 4
EDITORIALS On to Rochester!
The failure of one other measure must bring regret t o all interested in our industrial development, namely, Those who attended t h e meeting of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY a t Rochester in 1913 have carried t h e bill providing relief for t h e Patent Office. Here, with them constantly memories of a delightful week again. was a case where a great majority favored t h e of intellectual stimulation and charming hospitality. legislation, b u t t h e bill was strangled b y a rider which T h a t opportunity is soon t o present itself again, incorporated t h e feature of giving t o t h e Federal for the 1921 Spring Meeting will be held during t h e Trade Commission t h e right t o receive assignments week of April 25 t o 29, with the Rochester Section of patents, and t h e power t o administer them, including the’ regulation of royalties. The AMERICAN acting as host. During the intervening eight years t h a t Section CHEMICALSOCIETYprotested in vain against this has increased largely in numbers and has justly earned doubling up. The Senate refused t o adopt t h e report the reputation of being one of t h e most flourishing of t h e Conference Committee a n d . t h e Patent Office of our Local Sections. I t s members are determined is still without relief. I n t h e next Congress these bills bearing on patent t o add fresh laurels t o the record of 1913 b y providing a program of scientific and social activities which questions will again be introduced, presumably as separate bills. If so, t h e bill giving t h e Federal Trade insures a memorable meeting. Commission, or any other governmental agency, t h e 11; is particularly appropriate t h a t those attending are to have t h e pleasure of learning t o know personally powers above referred t o should be vigorously opposed; Senator James W. Wadsworth, Jr., and Congressman for it is contrary t o t h e spirit of t h e times, i t will result Nicholas Longworth, for each of these distinguished i n the gradual accumulation of two distinct classes of members of Congress has heartily worked for legisla- patents-the one owned b y individuals, t h e other by ticn affecting chemistry. Then, too, a treat awaits t h e government, and in legislation over conflicting us in the public address of t h a t venerable youth, Dr. patents endless confusion will be brought, stimulation of individual invention will be handicapped, and t h e Charles F. Chandler. public, which is t h e ultimate beneficiary under t h e Even the railroads have given things a boost by offering round trip rates at one fare and a half on t h e whole idea of our patent system, will be t h e loser. There will be no difference of opinion about a bill certificate plan. (See preliminary program for details.) Times are quiet in a business way. Let’s take ad- providing for t h e relief of the Patent Office. The vantage of the appvrtunity t o assemble for common crippling of its staff during past years and t h e steady counsel in preparation for t h e active days which all decrease in t h e efficiency of t h e service it can render appeal t o all as justifying a prompt remedy. The are confident lie just ahead. difficulties just experienced in getting this relief suggest t h a t still more fundamental legislation in its beEchoes from the 66th Congress half should’be enacted. At present t h e Patent Office The 66th Congress has adjourned, sine die. Look- o x u p i e s a n anomalous position; i t is a subdivision of a n ing back over its history a remarkable picture pre- executive department, whereas its functions are purely sents itself. With Republican majorities in both judicial. An appeal from t h e decision of t h e ComSenate and House, t h a t Congress stood logically missioner of Patents does not go t o t h e Secretary of committed t o t h e policy of protection of home indus- t h e Interior Department, b u t t o the courts. The tries. At its initial session bills were introduced salary of t h e Commissioner is now determined by t h a t whose object was t h e effective safeguarding of a num- prevailing for bureau chiefs, whereas t h e Commissioner ber of chemical and allied industries---dyes, chemical should be essentially a man of judicial training, reglassware and porcelain, scientific instruments, pot- ceiving t h e higher salary comparable with t h a t of ash, magnesite, tungsten, etc. As t h e work of t h e other judges. From t h e fees paid in past years, Congress developed it was plainly evident t h a t t h e which go direct t o t h e Treasury of t h e United States, prevailing sentiment was strongly in favor of these approximately $8,000,000 more has been received bills, yet not one of them was enacted into law. We t h a n has been expended by Congressional appropriation on t h e Patent Office. Why should the patentee missed our guess; the Senate didn’t pass t h e dye bill. The unceasing opposition of Senators Moses and of a new chemical process or compound pay fees t o Thomas t o t h e dye bill has been discussed in these the Government t o aid in maintaining t h e marines in columns at length; Senator Penrose frankly and Haiti or decreasing t h e postal deficit, while he is unpublicly announced his opposition t o t h e whole group able t o secure desired copies or reproductions of foreign chemical patents because t h e Congressional appropriaOE bills on the ground t h a t they were “pop gun bills.” However, t h e record of Senator Penrose on t h e farmers’ tion for t h a t purpose is exhausted? Applicants for patents desire service, the best service emergency tariff bill suggests t h a t in t h e 67th Congress he owes very active and vigorous support of pro- obtainable. They are willing t o pay for it. If necestective measures for t h e chemical and allied industries sary let t h e fees be increased, b u t let them go direct if he believes in protection as a matter of principle t o t h e maintenance of t h e Patent Office a t t h e highest possible state of efficiency. rather t h a n of policy and we believe he does.