A “P. S.” from the Editors
1. To publish fundamental chemistry of analysis and analytical methods.
offered and discussed, designed to improve the service rendered the readers of this publication. In the future, authors must supply abstracts of their papers if such manuscripts are likely to fill more than one printed page. Further, (1) each article should include a statement of the range of applicability of the suggested method; (2) interferences and interfering substances should be listed; and (3) where possible the precision and accuracy of the method should be given. We quote from “A Note to Authors”, originally pubEDITION lished in January, 1937, when the ANALYTICAL was established on a monthly rather than a bimonthly basis:
It was the consensus of opinion of the entire Advisory Board that long papers in highly specialized fields should not be published; but in their place abstracts or relatively short digests. However, exceptions will be made where such specialized articles apply to fields in which a reasonable number of the readers of this publication are actively engaged and would, therefore, find such articles of great practical value in their work. Here editorial discretion will, of course, be carefully exercised. In conclusion, the editors wish to point out to authors the limitations now imposed on all publications in the matter of paper supplies. These are particularly serious in the case of scientific publications, like those of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, which are playing a distinct and useful part in the war effort by supplying valuable technical information. It has been said that “Brevity is the soul of wit.” Indeed, it is much more than that. Conciseness consistent with clarity is asked for by the busy men and women who rightfully are accustomed to look upon EDITIONas their “textbook” on the ANALYTICAL analytical chemistry. Not only are our readers busier than ever before, but so are those who give so willingly of their time and energies in the role of reviewers. This is particularly true as regards the members of the Advisory Board who are constantly being called upon for opinions. Authors should and most of them do prepare manuscripts with great care. There are only very few who do not.
T T H E summer meeting of the Advisory Board of the ANALYTICAL EDITIONof INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, attended by the entire membership of the board, a number of suggestions were
2. To publish applied analytical methods.
The author should distinguish carefully between precision and accuracy. Briefly but somewhat roughly stated, accuracy is a measure of degree of correctness; precision is a measure of reproducibility. The precision of a result does not necessarily have anything to do with its accuracy; it serves merely as a measure of the duplicability of the procedure in the hands of a given operator. No claim for accuracy should be made unless the author believes that he has satisfactorily established the correct result.
Beginning with this issue new monthly features are to be added-they might more properly be designated as departments. One will be titled “Notes on Analytical Procedures”, another, “Book Reviews”, and a third will report new scientific apparatus and laboratory equipment. In addition, from time to time news items pertinent to the analytical field will be published, as, for example, one in this issue dealing with priorities on laboratory materials. At this point it might be well to state the fundaEDITION : mental purpose of the ANALYTICAL
This is YOUR publication. The editors welcome, indeed urge you to submit constructive suggestions and criticisms as they occur to you. 477