New column technology increases speed of Model 185 CHN Analyzer by 50%... to nine complete analyses per hour A new type of column—more than two years in development and field tests—has increased the speed capability of the Model 185 CHN Analyzer from six to nine complete analyses per hour. This 50% improvement has been accomplished without disturbing the instrument's proved capability to produce results that are within the microchemist's allowable error of 0.3% for each element. On the contrary, the new column so improves baseline separation (see sample chromatogram below) that automatic integration is now entirely satisfactory. The new column in the 185 makes it a substantially more valuable CHN analyzer than either the classical Pregl-Dumas method or its own predecessor. Whether you do CHN microdeterminations for profit or to meet your own needs, the value of each analysis is about $15. Before the 185 was developed, the fastest acceptable way to analyse for CHN was with the Pregl-Dumas technique at an average
speed of one full analysis per hour, for a value of $15/hour. Over the past three years, owners of the Model 185 have been performing CHN analyses at the rate of six per hour, for a value of $90/hour. Now this latest improvement in column technology increases the rate to nine per hour, for a value of $135/hour. Compare this against the price of the Model 185 ($6000 complete with balance and recorder) and you'll find that the 185 can pay for itself in as little as a month. If you already own a 185, the new column will pay for itself in three or four hours. Get the full story on the Model 185 by writing for Bulletin 1850-3, or call the nearest H-P sales office. Hewlett-Packard, F & M Scientific Division, Route 41, Avondale, Pennsylvania 19311. In Europe: 54 Route des Acacias, Geneva, Switzerland. Elsewhere: 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304.
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