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W/βνΆ P®fô^tt^\©ÎPJl@©^ Certainly, for plastics. One of our biggest uses! Garlisie waxes are used in a host of different resins, ABS, polystyrene, phenolic, EVA/paraffin ho! melts, polyamides. Primarily for 'mold release, lubrication, and anti-blocking. And low cost, ts * I * * *
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There are other benefits*, a high lustre on the molded plastic piece, fof instance, or antistatic properties in s o m e cases* The high %sh points of the Carlisle waxes helps to kepp products^within specs, Sieveraf of the waxes have FDA clearance foi>us£ in Jood packaging,^ , In mixes of paraffin ami polyamide waxes, Carlisle Synthetic waxes are used to impart mutual solubility. They raise the softening point of specialty asplialts and the melting point of potting compounds. * \. . Sormwhou)'among Ihe'sevpi&it waxes €* that Carlisle offers, you can probably find the ideal wax for your particularuse. To help you, we've prepared a^ booklet appropriately titled "Carlisie Synthetic Waxes". It's yours, free— just write or mail the coupon.
Carlisle Chemical Works, inc. Dept.C-101 Cincinnati (Reading), Ohio 45215 Please send me the booklet "Carlisle Synthetic Waxes" I am interested in using a synthetic wax in
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