Which of these Monsanto you need to improve ΤήΕ PROBLEM... To beef up powdered detergents, both consumer and industrial, with liquid active and still produce a dry, freeflowing product.
* To speed, up splution rate of powdered < dètëtgéntà^ ;bpth consumer and i n /VdiastriàL'->;r j >' ; ' - *\ S ^ \ : _ : ; -; Γ >^o;lpMHu)çé ;(hârd-worfcinj^y medium--" £3E^^ .that ; |%|ffi|m^ \*
''THÉ^|iip/i|S •SfP·.* Porous, granular light-density^βρ^άά^ί;^ ^ tfipôlyphosphate / , ? / Λ \ : ^