The laboratory methylating equipment shown above is being explained by Dr.T. R. Patterson, head of our Methyla tion Department.
Your methylating problems couia end nere! Λ
If you Have a problem relating to the metriylation of an organic com pound, why not call in an Ansul specialist? It actually isn't necessary to start a t the "beginning.'' Methylation has been a specialty of ours since 1936. The experience we have gained b y methylating more than 100 compounds during the last 18 years is at your disposal to help solve your particular problem.
Our methylation laboratory is equipped to take over your methy lating problem at any stage of devel opment and come up with a practical answer. We have manufacturing faculties for producing commercial quantities of a methylated com pound to your specification. Ansul is a major producer of methyl chloride and prepared to supply you with quantities ranging
from laboratory cylinders to tank car lots. Our methyl chloride is available in cylinders of 100 lbs., 140 lbs., r Λ 1300 lbs., and tank cars of 40,000 lbs. and 78,000 lbs. Delivery is prompt. Address your correspondence to the head of our methylation labora tory, Dr. T. R. Patterson, ANSUL CHEMICAL· COMPANY, Dept. C-25,
Industrial Chemicals Products, Marinette, Wisconsin.
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