Unique Sugar Derivative...Offered in Commercial Quantities
SUCROSE ACETATE ISOBUTYRATE N e w resin extender offers outstanding thermal and hydrolysis stability, wide compatibility, low volatility.. .for lacquers, hot melts and peeiabie coatings
Here is a new chemical product, Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate (SAIB), so unlike any known product that its perform ance characteristics are difficult to classify. Generally, however, they lie between those of a plasticizer and a resin. Heavy, Compact
SAIB is made by esterification of su crose with acetic anhydride and isobutyric anhydride. The result is a clear, extremely viscous liquid of high mole cular weight ( 8 4 7 ) . In fact, SAIB is believed to be the heaviest organic monomeric molecule available on a commercial scale. Despite its high mo lecular weight, SAIB has a singularly compact molecular structure.
point above 550°F, fuming of SAIB is virtually non-existent at melt tempera tures in the neighborhood of 350°F. Viscous, Soluble, Compatible
The viscosity of SAIB is so high at room temperature, its characteristics ap proach those of a semi-solid (100,000 centipoises at 30°C). Viscosity changes rapidly with temperature, however, dropping to 4,800 centipoises at 50°C and to 90 centipoises at 100°C. The extreme solubility of SAIB is indicated by the low viscosity (750 centipoises at room temperature) of 90 parts SAIB dissolved in only 10 parts of ethyl alco hol. (See Figure 1 ) It is in this 9 0 % SAIB-10% ethyl alcohol solution, as well as in the 100% concentrate, that Eastman markets SAIB. In addition to good solubility, SAIB is compatible with a broad range of resins, plasticizers, oils and waxes. Solvent
In solvent coating formulations SAIB serves to extend solids content without significantly affecting the ultimate physical properties of the film. For ex ample, the solids content of a lacquer system based on Vi sec. RS nitrocellu lose can be increased from 2 0 % to 3 3 % by replacing half the nitrocellu lose with SAIB, without affecting film hardness or viscosity. Thus, greater surface area coverage per gallon of lac quer can be achieved with reduced sol vent requirements. In addition, an im provement in adhesion has been noted.
Figure 1
This compactness accounts for SAIB's outstanding stability to heat and water. For example, after six days at 350°F, SAIB shows a change in Gardner color from 3 to only 10. Hydrolysis, after refluxing in water for 4 days, amounted to less than 0 . 3 5 % . With a boiling
Hot Melts, Peeiabie Coatings
Tough, flexible melt coatings can be prepared containing up to 70% SAIB. Properly formulated, such coatings have excellent color stability and exhibit good adhesion, gloss and scuff resist ance on paper and cloth. They are also
characterized by an absence of fuming at melt temperatures. Peeiabie plastic coatings containing high percentages of SAIB are highly resistant to exudation and retain their flexibility. (See Figure 2)
Figure 2
As a new and unique chemical com pound, SAIB is being evaluated by Eastman's Customer Service Labora tories for many industrial applications. A newly published bulletin on this su crose ester is available. It contains typi cal formulations for a variety of solvent and melt-type coatings, as well as a description of SAIB's unusual physical properties and performance character istics. For your copy and for a sample of SAIB, write to Chemical Sales De velopment Department, Chemicals Division, Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee.
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KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE, subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Company
For further information, circle number S3 A on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A VOL 30, NO. 8, AUGUST 1958
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