EMCEE's S-100 . . . continuously-tunable, solid-state lock-in amplifier Detecting extremely weak signals obscured by background noise in experimental lab environments calls for the only lock-in amplifier designed to meet the exacting requirements of today's physical science experimentalist: the EMCEE S-100. Incorporating the latest lock-in technology to provide a truly precision research instrument, the S-100 takes over and improves upon standard amplifying
and detecting equipment . . . increasing the signalto-noise ratio by 40 db or more after noise threshholds have been approached. The discriminating theoretician finds the S-100 specs out to his requirements: continuous tuning, plus vernier, from 1.5 Hz to 150 kHz in five ranges; 10 megohm differential input impedance in the signal channel, 100K ohms min. in the reference channel; low-noise, built-in solid-state preamp, as is the battery-powered option for experimenting-on-the-go. "That which locks in on the obscured.
Write for complete information and
EMCEE I N S T R U M E N T S , a division of ELECTRONICS, MISSILES & COMMUNICATIONS, INC. White Haven, Pa. 18661/(717) 443-9575 Dept. AC-10. Circle No. 46 on Readers' Service Card
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