finnigan Corporation

Fligh capacity turbo- molecular pumpthat permits direct connec- tion of capillary columns to the MS. (No other moderate-cost system can match the OWA/...
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Finnigan simplifies analysis

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Lower operating costs a n d higher sample throughput are features of the new Finnigan OWA™ a n d 1020 G C / M S systems. Whether your application is environmental analysis, research, or b i o m e d i c a l , the a d v a n c e d software a n d hardware of the Finnigan O W A / 1020 will simplify your G C / M S work without sacrificing flexibility... a n d at lower initial cost. Some features which m a k e the OWA/1020 the G C / M S system of c h o i c e are: • Automated software routines that perform c o m plete d a t a analysis. • High c a p a c i t y turbomolecular p u m p that permits direct connection of capillary columns to the MS. (No other

moderate-cost system c a n m a t c h the O W A / 1020 v a c u u m system's performance.) Simple c o m m a n d s to control all G C a n d MS parameters. Autotuning of the MS to meet EPA criteria for DFTPP (or ability to select a n FC-43 tune for calibration). Finnigan designs G C / M S systems with you in mind. Call t o d a y for full information on the other a d v a n t a g e s the OWA/1020 systems > offer you.

finnigan Corporation 845 WEST MAUDE AVENUE SUNNYVALE. CALIFORNIA 94086 (408) 732-0940


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