V O L U M E 23, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y
Every chemical or metallurgical laboratory needs this
X-RAY DIFFRACTION APPARATUS throughout your manufacturing process — you'll find the XRD-3 X-Ray Diffraction Unit your an swer. Write today for booklet "Analytical Applica tions of'X-Ray Diffraction Using Direct Measure ment Technics." General Electric X-Ray Corpora tion, Dept. UU-2, Milwaukee 14, Wisconsin.
ORE than half a century of x-ray development, including the pioneering of commercial x-ray diffraction apparatus, is reflected in the highly versa tile XRD-3. In fact, here's a scientific tool designed to satisfy your diffraction needs from conventional film-recording to direct measurement technic. Chemists, physicists, metallurgists, mineralogists — all acclaim it for its unsurpassed versatility in hundreds of practical applications in their fields and in the process industries. If knowing the submicroscopic structures of ma terials you work with are important to you — if you •want to maintain the desired quality of materials
attachment fluorescence
makes analysis easy
' L R a v development opens ' even ™id« for p0S χ-taï wider fields ne sible
Th 5 G E
analysis of S » ° ' S elements in spectra for .chemicaie deMllSi alloys and minerals. Λ5Κ