GET EVERY C O T T O N - P I C K I N ' PENNY O F PROFIT W I T H PPG C H E M I C A L S We're always searching out ways to help industry pick up extra profits through better applications of basic chemicals. For instance—take cotton. Cotton processors cut bleach costs 25%, and more, with PPG's new patented continuous process—and get equal or better whiteness, tensile strength and softness. In many cases, PPG can help find ways to combine operations for reduced costs —usually with existing equipment. We'll run unbleached fabric through our pilot plant to give specific recommendations and cost estimates. Very likely we can help you reduce your total chemical costs—in industries such as cotton, or paper, or rubber, or glass, or „ metals. The easiest way to find out is to write: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, M E f t ] 1 Chemical Division, One Gateway Center, P i t t s b u r g h , Pennsylvania 15222. ρ C f l G I T l I CcllS BASIC CHEMICALS AND COST-CUTTING IDEAS