Gmelinr Handburh der Anorganirchen Chemie. 8. Auflage, System Nummer 21, Natrium. Lieferung 4, Verbindungen von Natrium und Kohlenstoff (ab Natriumcyanid) bis Natrium und Wismut
Edited by E. H. E . Pietseh and the Grnelin Institute. Verlag Chemie, GMBH, Weinheim/Bergst,rasse, 1967. xxxv 366 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 25.5 cm. 890.50.
Compounds of sodium with carbon (from NsCN on by the Gmelin system), silicon, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismnth are covered in this supplemental volume, which ~ r p d a t e sthe original 1928 volume on sodium. Literature references are complete through 1960. This supplement, along with two special volumes on the sodium-halogen compounds and sodinm compounds with several different anions which will appear soon, will complete revision of the sodium volume.
JANET B. VANDOREN College of Wooster IVoosfer, Ohio
A914 / Journol of Chernicol Education
Gmelinr Handbuch der Anorganirchen Chemie. 8. Auflage, Syslem Nummer 57. Nickel. Teil A 2. Lieferung 1. Phyrikmlirrhe Eigenrchaflen der Elements
Edited by E. H. E. Pietsch and the Gmelin Institute. X-erlag Chemie GMBH, Weinheim/Bergstrasse, 1067. xv 398 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 25.5 cm. $93.
This volume deals exclu~ivelywit,h the properties of the nickel atom and its kms and the Ni. molecule. Lit,eratme review is complete through 1963 with select,ed references as recent as 1965. Approximately 100 pages discuss the atom and it,s ions in t.he ground state snd the optical and X-ray spectra, in t,he exrit,ed state. Two-thirds of the volume is devoted t,o the nickel molecule. Sections cover ita ery3tallographic, mechanical, t , h e m d and opbical properties in great, detail. The compilation of data presented here should be particularly useful to the metal working industry.
JANET B. VANUOREN College of Woosler Woosler, Ohio