Instruments SA, Inc. | Analytical Chemistry

Instruments SA, Inc. Cite This:Anal. Chem.198961221249A. Publication Date (Print):November 15, 1989. Publication History. Published online30 May 2012 ...
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Ruled and Holographic Diffraction Gratings Instruments SA provides α wide variety of high performance diffraction gratings Among the many standard types avail­ able are aberration corrected blazed and ion etched concave monochromator grat­ ings, flat field gratings for use with diode array detectors, toroidal gratings for use in the VUV and classically ruled as well as holographic plane gratings. Applications range from upper atmosphere ozone monitoring by satellite to bio testing and emission spectrometers For further infor­ mation contact Jobin Yvon, Instruments SA (201) 494-8660. CIRCLE 70


Compact Sequential ICP Spectrometer

With a line of single ond double spec­ trometers which spans from 100 to 1500 mm in focal length. Instruments SA/Jobin Yvon can furnish the ideal spectrometer for any UV, Visible or IR application. This broad range of instruments significantly reduces the need for compromise in cov­ erage, stray light rejection or resolution when specifying a system. Each spec­ trometer can be automated for integration into a spectroanalytical system. For fur­ ther information contact Instruments SA/ Jobin Yvon (201) 494-8660. CIRCLE 74

The JY 70 Plus consists of an integrated direct reading double polychromator — sequential spectrometer. This ICP system combines the speed of simultaneous, multi-element analysis with the versatility and flexibility of the sequential system. For further information on the JY 70 Plus or JY 38 Plus contact Jobin Yvon, Instru­ ments SA (201 ) 494-8660. CIRCLE 75

The JY 24 has the advantdges of a full featured ICP spectrometer in a single, compact, space-saving unit. By using a large surface area and high groove den­ sity holographic grating, the resolution and light gathering power of the JY 24 are unequaled for its size. For further infor­ mation contact Jobin Yvon, Instruments SA (201) 494-8660. a R C L E 73

Nanoscan 50 The Field Emission Auger Microprobe Low energy, high brightness field emis­ sion source guarantees high signal and excellent spatial resolution in SEM and SAM. Other features include video-rate SEM/SAM image accumulation, full auto­ mation, and high constant energy resolu­ tion. For further information, contact the Riber Division of Instruments SA, Inc. at (201)494-8660. C|RCLE 71

Simultaneous and Sequential ICP Spectrometers

INTRODUCING THE NEW JY 50 POLYSCAN FROM A WORLD LEADER IN ICP SYSTEMS The JY 50 PolyScan not only provides all the advantages inherent in a simultaneous multi-element Spectroanalyzer but also offers spectral line selection flexibility which previously was found only in sequential ICP systems. Jobin Yvon has developed a new scanning entrance slit which furnishes 2.2 nm wavelength displacement from any of the preselected fixed analytical channels. For more information on the JY 50 PolyScan and the complete spectrum of JY instruments, use the reader service card, or write or call today. CIRCLE 76 ON READER SERVICE CARD

JOBIN YVON Glow Discharge Spectroanalyzer The GDL Excitation Source for direct solid sdmple analysis, uses the principle of cathodic sputtering. The conducting sdmple forms the cathode which is bom­ barded with positive argon ions to excite the sample atoms. The GDL is used for both elemental and surface analysis of metals including ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, noble metals and ceramics. For further information contact Jobin Yvon, Instruments SA (201) 494-8660. CIRCLE 72



Instruments SA, Inc.

6 Olsen Avenue, Edison, NJ 08820-2419 Tel. (201) 494-8660, Telex 844516 FAX (201) 494-8796 In Europe: Jobin Yvon, 16-18 Rue du Canal 91163 Longjumeau, France Tel. (33) Telex JOBYVON 692882F ' FAX 011-331-6909-0721