Let out steriod capabilities be your competitive advantage - C&EN

Sep 24, 2007 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Let our steroid capabilities be your competitive advantage We needed the impossible, and we found it in Pfizer CentreSource - unmatched steroids expertise, exacting quality standards, and competitive pricing.

Sure, Pfizer CentreSource is big, but so is their commitment to meeting our worldwide manufacturing requirements."

T H E C O N F I D E N C E TO O U T S O U R C E . In-process and finished API analytical methods d e v e l o p m e n t

Pfizer CentreSource customers are talking about the competitive advantages they gain from sourcing steroid production from us, everything from a cost-effective global supply strategy t o access t o world-class analytical, technical, and regulatory support. When it comes t o the production of steroid APIs and intermediates, our customers have g o o d reasons t o be confident: •

World-leading innovation in steroid synthesis and production

Outstanding chemical and bioprocess capabilities

US Headquarters: 269.833.5844 Europe - Brussels: +32.2.749.5502 Asia - Singapore: +65.6419.0244 [email protected] www.pfizercentresource.com

Comprehensive regulatory/registration file preparation World-class resource for comprehensive analytical, technical, and regulatory support •

World-class network of manufacturing facilities

When you're ready t o turn sourcing strategy into competitive advantage, you're ready for Pfizer CentreSource. Call us t o find out how.

Pfizer CentreSource Working for a healthier world1