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Nov 4, 2010 - CELORON SPROCKET COUPLINGS. A 4-page bulletin describes this flexible coupling manufactured from laminated or olded macerated ...
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VOL. 15, NO. 18

after to September 1,1941, into three shares of common. INDUSTRIAL





sidiaries for the six months ended June 30, 1937, show net profit of $181,371 after In asking for any of the bulletins described below, please designate them by number. Requests depreciation, experimental expense, federal should be addressed to Advertising Manager, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 332 West 42nd income taxes, etc., but before provision for St., New York, N. Y., and all such requests must show business connection and title. surtax on undistributed profits, equivalent CELORON SPROCKET COUPLINGS. A 46-page bulletin put out by a well-known t o 24 cents on no-par common. This compage bulletin describes this flexible manufacturer describes this combination pares with $457,076 or 75 cents a share in coupling manufactured from laminated of pump and motor built together. I t is the first six months of 1936. For t he quaror molded macerated synthetic material. designed to operate against heads up to ter ended. June 30, 1937, indicated net loss The manufacturers point out that it is 500 feet. The pump is adapted to all was $286,633, compared with net profit of not affected by heat or cold, oil, water, classes of general pumping service with $468,004 in the preceding quarter and gasoline, and many acids. Tensile liquids low in viscosity and free from $258,460 in the June quarter of 1936. strength is given as 10,000 pounds per excessive foreign matter. The compact Strike? which tied up the Covington and square inch; flexural strength, 20,000 design makes this pumping unit espe- Cleveland plants for more than half of the pounds per square inch; and comprescially advantageous where there are second quarter are the cause of the loss. sive strength, 38,000 pounds per square limits on space. The unit consists Construction of the new $10,000,000 plant inch. The great strength, lightweight, essentially of a two-stage centrifugal near Painesville, Ohio, which will be and low cost are advanced as the prinpump with enclosed bronze impellers equipped with new continuous process cipal points of interest about this mounted directly on the shaft of a machinery, is being pushed, and installation of machinery to manufacture shortcoupling. A9-141. splash-proof motor. A9-140. staple rayon at Cleveland will increase the DURAKOOL MERCURY SWITCH. An 8-page capacity of that plant 1,500,000 pounds. bulletin describes this type of mercury switch, which embodies a number of improvements in construction. The Banana Plantations Combat manufacturers point out that certain Plant Disease w i t h Bordeaux significant changes have been made, not ALUMINUM INDUSTRIES, INC., and subonly in construction but in method of Mixtures manufacture, which combine to give a sidiaries report profit of $74,906 for the o COMBAT the plant disease known as more durable and satisfactory mercury six months ended June 30, 1937, after Sigatoka, which by attacking the switch. It is also claimed that it can interest, depreciation, etc., but before flood leaves prevents the development of the losses of 872,292. This compares with be used under a number of severe conplant, banana plantations in Guatemala profit of $48,468 for the first six months of ditions for which the use of ordinary 1936. Gross sales in 1937 showed an in- and Honduras are effectively employing a switches would be dangerous. A9-144· Bordeaux mixture spray, according to a crease of 14 per cent over 1936. INSULCRETE. A 4-page bulletin describes report made public by the Commerce AMERICAN COMMERCIAL ALCOHOL CORP. a light-weight cellular insulating reDepartment's Chemical Division. fractory concrete that is available for The industrial alcohol business of the comThe mixture is made in thefield"by pany and its subsidiary, the American direct exposure to flame and furnace 5 pounds of copper sulfate and 5 Distilling Co., has been transferred to the adding gases up to 2500° F. The manufacpounds of lime t o each 50 gallons of water. Commercial Solvents Corp. Report of This turers point out that the material can mixture is distributed through pipe the American Commercial Alcohol Corp. lines laid among be cast in any desired shape or form so the banana plants and and subsidiaries for the six months ended that it combines the advantages of a applied with hand sprays to the leaves. June 30, 1937, shows profit, before dehighly efficient heat insulator with those In the first application 300 gallons are ducting a reserve of $61,000 for estimated applied of a rugged refractory. A9-146. t o each acre, while subsequent unrealized profit on sales subject to de- sprayings, to follow at intervals of 15 days, "K" MONEL. A technical information ferred delivery, of $457,238 after interest, require but 275 gallons per acre. It is bulletin of 16 pages describes the engi- depreciation, federal income taxes, etc. anticipated that from 12 to 18 applicaneering properties of this monel alloy. No provision has been made for surtax on tions each season will be sufficient to proAmong the subjects treated are physi- undistributed profits. This is equivalent cal and chemical properties, mill work- to $1.75 a share on $20 par common stock, tect the plants. To remove any remaining Bordeaux ing, heat treatment, and machining. and compares with profit of $675,026 or mixture from bananas before shipment to The text carries frequent and graphic $2.59 a share in the first half of 1936. market a washing machine has been illustrations of engineering data and is, CLIMAX MOLYBDENUM C O . and subinstalled which is capable of handling in fact, a technical bulletin designed to give the user an accurate idea of possi- sidiaries for five months ended May 31, 100O stems per hour. Stems passing 1937, show net profit of $3,331,197 after through this machine are rinsed with a bilities which he may expect from this depreciation, depletion, federal income mixture containing hydrochloric acid to metal. A9-148. taxes, etc., equivalent to $1.32 a share on remove the Bordeaux mixture, and later ROTARY PUMPS. This bulletin describes no-par common. N o provision was made with fresh water to remove the hydroa 3-lobe Cycloidal pump that is said to for federal surtax on undistributed profits. chloric acid. be particularly well adapted for handling The company has experienced an inheavier liquids, such as tar, asphalt, and crease in demand because of heavier steel molasses. Typical installations are de- production and abroad which may inscribed and a table of capacities is crease 1937 here output as much as 50 per cent carried. A9-Î47. over the approximately 15,000,000 pounds S U P - R I N G MOTORS. An 8-page bulletin produced in 1936. Present capacity of the describes a long-established line of company's mill is approximately 10,000 Thought motors ranging from 1 to 350 horse- tons daily compared with 5500 tons in Thought power. They are built for continuous 1936, and expansion of facilities continues. duty, open and enclosed ratings, or for Expansion has been financed from earn- The way we think intermittent reversing application, ings, and funded debt has been eliminated. Is very strange short-time duty rating. These motors Current assets as of May 3 1 , 1937, The hour of day are available in open, drip-proof, amounted to $6,183,557 and current La- Can make us change. splash-proof, fully enclosed, and gear- b i l i t i e s t o $1,505,987, c o m p a r e d t o Our morning thoughts head types for horizontal and vertical $3,976,685 and $1,499,675, respectively, Seem clear and bright operation. A9-146. as of December 31, 1936. But so do those THRUSTOR OPERATED VALVES. An interWe have at night. DEWEY & ALMY CHEMICAL Co. has filed esting data sheet has been issued giving a registration statement with t h e SEC And still they're diff'rent, working details of these electrically covering 22,496 shares of $5.00 cumulative Not the same operated valves. Sectional illustra- convertible preferred stock, no par, and Tho each seems right— tions show the working parts in opera142,626 shares of common stock, no par. What's this, a game? tion. A table gives approximate di- The stock is to be offered in exchange for The thoughts we have mensions in inches. The valves can $7.00 cumulative prior preferred stock and We really don't be supplied for a wide variety of general $7.00 cumulative Class £ preferred. The They just have us, purposes, which include the handling of company plans to offer 26,400 shares of such different materials as oil, formalde- common to the public t o increase working Like for instance, you thought this last line would rhyme, didn't you? hyde, calcium chloride brine, or chlo- capital. Each share of new $5.00 preS. W. F o x rine gas. A9-ÎJ&. ferred is convertible into four shares of 314 South Chester Ave TWO-STAGE BUILT-TOOETHTCR PUMPR. A common prior to April 1, 1940, and therePasadena.. "Cal if


