FOCUS 4 HOT MOTOR. Experimental Westinghouse electric motor, using a new system of electrical insulation, works well even while beimg broiled by jets of burning gas. ^estinghouse says the motor has operated continuously for more than 100 hours, Avith no sign of insulation deterioration, while sealed inside an o"%cn iit 950° F.
VSUPER SPEED. A phenomenon called cavitation—the blacîes become enclosed in a vapor cavity—prevents conventional propellers (left and center) from providing higli speeds needed today. The Navy has developed a "supercavitating" propeller ( right ) that allows speeds over 5 0 knots
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4 SENTINEL. The four inch tube in center of the test device literally "sees" ultraviolet light, can detect fire, smoke, and vapors, then causes an indicator light to give warning. Minneapolis-Honeywell makes the tube
United Press International Photo
^ HANDLE WITH CARE. The Navy stocks $13 million worth of hearings. An appreciable percentage becomes unserviceable due to handling The Bureau of Ships and Celanese developed a packaging from transparent cellulose acetate plastic sheet that eliminates the need to handle the bearings for inspection. The package is vacuum formed, with the bearings acting as a mold. The Navy sees savings of over $2 million a year
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