purity is still a virtue.
You might say that producing acrylates to 99.5% purity—or better—is overdoing a good thing. Not so. All this purity results in better polymer end-products. Coatings, adhesives and plastics, for example. The reason is a Celanese process that keeps our monomers free of the usual contaminants. A distinct advantage for which you pay not one extra penny. And our monomers offer another advantage. Serv ice. Nothing less than the best. Like helpful technical assistance with polymerization. Or deliveries. Com18 C&EN
our monomers are very pure.
bination shipments of acrylate monomers —methyl, ethyl, butylor2-ethylhexyl.Acrylicacidorvinyl acetate. Or polyols, Formcels, solvents, etc. The moral is simply this: When you need monomers the place to go is Celanese. For details, write: Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. < & 554-H 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, CELANESE Ν. Υ. 10036. Celanese® Formcel® Celanese Chemical Company Is a division of Celanese Corporation.