Richardson R&D —Never a dull moment for scientists who want

Nov 6, 2010 - Richardson R&D —Never a dull moment for scientists who want diversified, creative opportunities. Chem. Eng. News , 1966, 44 (11b), p 8...
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Richardson R&D — Never a dull moment for scientists who want diversified, creative opportunities The Richardson Company. Not so big that super-specialization creates de­ pressing boredom. Not so small that facilities and opportunities are lacking. The Research and Development Division of The Richardson Company offers unique opportunities to scientists of various experience levels. Positions are open for senior chemists, chemical en­ gineers, product development chemists and also for recent graduates.

plant operations; product engineering; and carry-through market development.

Desirable qualifications for Richardson R&D positions include depth in technical knowledge, high individual initiative, ability to understand market needs and to develop profitable products. The ability to combine technical and marketoriented development in applications is highly desirable for some positions.

Product and process development of organic chemicals, hard rubber products, polystyrene and other thermoplastics, phenolic and other condensation polymers, laminates, molding compounds, formu­ lated products.


The R&D Division also has liaison with the Corporate Development and Ad­ ministration Division and Central En­ gineering Division. The five operating divisions are staffed to carry on their own quality control, process engineering, and pilot plant operations, thus relieving R&D scientists of technical services.

Richardson is a technically oriented Com­ pany with more than 100 years of prof­ itable operation. It is a well-established, medium size manufacturer whose sales have doubled since 1960 through diver­ sification by research and acquisition. The combination of medium size and strong growth means there are many advancement opportunities. Scientists with the ability to learn rapidly, increase capabilities, and who want greater re­ sponsibility, move rapidly within Richard­ son. This is made possible by clearly defined and close working relationships. There's never a dull moment for someone who wants to begin a project and carry it through to the final, saleable product. R&D SUPPORTS 5 OPERATING DIVISIONS The Richardson Research and Develop­ ment Division operates at the Company's headquarters in Melrose Park, 14 miles west of downtown Chicago. Richardson R&D supports all five current operating Divisions (detailed at right) as well as participating in corporate diversification with new products and processes. Three departments form the R&D Divi­ sion and include Resins and Chemicals; Polymers; and Research Services. The functions of these departments include fundamental and applied research; prod­ uct and process development; pilot

Five Operating Divisions and their Diversified Products

TYPICAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Polymer and chemical synthesis. Applications research (Polymer additives, rubber products, coatings, films, sur­ factants, thermoset and thermoplastic molding compounds, laminates, adhesives).

Development of analytical and testing methods.

The Richardson Company currently has five operating divisions producing at 11 plants throughout the United States. The R&D Division maintains continuous technical liaison with all locations.

Storage Battery Parts Division—Stor­ age battery parts and other hard rub­ ber molded products.

Richardson Polymers Division—Poly­ styrene molding and extrusion resins.

SUBURBAN CHICAGO LOCATION Richardson's Melrose Park, Illinois, sub­ urban Chicago location offers several advantages in professional and personal ac­ tivities. It is possible to continue grad­ uate studies and maintain professional contacts, along with regular research activities. The Company encourages further development in technical or business education and financially sup­ ports such efforts in the many recognized schools or colleges in the Chicago area. There are a variety of suburban or urban communities in the Chicagoland area which offer employees a selection of living combinations to fit their own tastes. Many elementary and secondary schools rank highest in the nation.

Chemicals Division—Organic chemi­ cals including, among others, surfact­ ants, emulsifiers, opacifiers, elastomer and polymer additives. A new indus­ trial chemical cleaning service has been formed which will be expanding nationally.

INSUR0K® Division—Industrial plastic laminates, tubes and rods for elec­ tronic, electrical and mechanical ap­ plications.

INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS Compensation is held at the highest pos­ sible level for the individual's training and experience. Company supported benefits include a liberal retirement plan, group life, health and accident insurance. Our Personnel Administrator, Mr. G. H. Krueger, would appreciate hearing of your interest in The Richardson Company. Write him at The Richardson Company, Melrose Park, Illinois 60160.

Chemical Rubber Products DivisionRubber coated fabrics, industrial belt­ ing, diaphragms, gaskets and seals.

Growing and diversifying through chemistry



COMPANY An equal opportunity employer

2720 Lake Street, Melrose Park, Illinois 80A c & Ε Ν