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« • *7*2< Selective adsorption costs: 4 to 1 we can cut yoiifs
^f In most of the selective adsorption problems we've examined at the outset, Alcoa® A c t i v a t e d A l u m i n a or Alumina Gels substantially reduced material costs. The record has been 4 - t o - l , our favor. This experience covers not only the new, important process tool — selective adsorption, but also the entire range of industrial drying and hydrocarbon recovery. Typical examples of what Alcoa Alumina or Alumina Gels will do: 1. remove trace quantities of alcohol from process streams
2 . H2S and carboijpfealso^ramovedJto There's a fast, easy way to find out. Jow levels ^ W* Describe your problem and we'll help 3. aromatic contamination r l p o v e d solve it — or tell you where it can be from paraffins ?• ^ solved if selective adsorption is appli4. many other trace contamiijants r*j0* cable. Write Adsorption Service Cenmoved either quantitative!^; or to ter, Aluminum Company of America, acceptable low levels of concen- 951-K Alcoa Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. tration >.:v^ !!• ALCOA BRINGS YOU AMERICA'S FINEST NEWS SHOW If your process"indicates selective . . . T H E HUNTLEY-BRINKLEY REPORT, ON NBC-TV adsorption may be appffcable, don't limit you^ tests to tfte expensive materials, jfemember the 4-to-P odds that Alcoa Activated Alumina will offer equal performance a t less cost.