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Aug 8, 2005 - Jane Underwood Stryker Institute for Service-Learning to encourage the use of ... service-learning in the second quarter of Introductory...
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In the Classroom

Service-Learning in Introductory Chemistry: Supplementing Chemistry Curriculum in Elementary Schools Joan M. Esson* and Regina Stevens-Truss Department of Chemistry, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI 49006, *[email protected] Anne Thomas Northglade Elementary School, Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Kalamazoo College has a long-standing commitment to experiential education and has recently established the Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Institute for Service-Learning to encourage the use of service-learning throughout the curriculum. Several courses in the chemistry department have been adapted to incorporate service-learning, including a nonmajors course (The Chemistry of Antibiotics), Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Introductory Chemistry. The purpose of this paper is to disseminate the results of using service-learning in the second quarter of Introductory Chemistry (Chem 120). Service-learning is a pedagogy based on the principle that course learning goals can be reinforced through meaningful community service. This pedagogy addresses many of the concerns of educational reformers about the lack of connection between education and how learning is acquired and applied in the community or workplace. Service-learning provides an environment in which students learn firsthand the frustrations, challenges, and rewards of applying knowledge to new situations, and models a learning process that will be useful to them in their future careers. Students learn more deeply when they have multiple concrete references for abstract concepts, and are more likely to develop the ability to think critically if they are challenged by unexpected experiences and by reflective teachers who help them explore their experiences (1). Several positive outcomes of service-learn-

ing have been documented for both students and faculty (1– 6), and are shown in Lists 1 and 2. Historically, service-learning has been underrepresented in natural science courses at institutions of higher education (7). However, its use in the natural sciences has grown over the past 5 years, as demonstrated by the increased number of publications on service-learning in this Journal and elsewhere (7–17). Most of the growth has been in the area of environmental studies. For instance, students at Calvin College have conducted air and water quality testing, while students at Notre Dame and the University of Utah have completed testing of paint and soil for lead (7, 10, 17). In the field of chemistry, service-learning projects have not typically involved elementary school-aged students. At Colorado State University, freshmen students have explored chemistry with elementary students, but this was done as part of a firstyear seminar (18). To more fully engage students enrolled in Chem 120 while reinforcing class principles, students completed a service-learning project in which they proposed and implemented chemistry projects relating to Chem 120 topics with students from a local elementary school, Northglade. This paper discusses the specific organization of the project and the results of its assessment during Spring 2002, although the service-learning project in Chem 120 began in 2001 and has been carried out since then.

List 1. Positive Service-Learning Outcomes for Students

List 2. Positive Service-Learning Outcomes for Faculty

• Improved cognitive goals

• Facilitation of student mastery of material

• Improved course-related skills and self-reported learning outcomes

• Opportunities for civic engagement without sacrificing professional and teaching commitments

• Increased academic, interpersonal, and leadership skills

• Rewards of working in an environment in which knowledge is co-created

• Increased community engagement • Counters isolation of the learning experience • Exposure to career development opportunities • Improved self-esteem, self-efficacy, and selfconfidence • Increased ability to apply course concepts to new real-world situations


Journal of Chemical Education

• Higher student satisfaction with course and attitude toward subject matter • Increased student perception of usefulness of course

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In the Classroom

Service-Learning Project Description

Participation and Classroom Assignments During Spring Quarter, 2002, Northglade Elementary School had 14 classrooms for 209 students in grades K–6; every classroom was involved in the service-learning project. This particular elementary school was chosen for three reasons. The school is located close to Kalamazoo College, which makes transportation fairly easy to coordinate. Second, this project supplemented the elementary science curriculum with chemistry, which is especially important since some elementary teachers feel uncomfortable teaching chemistry because of a lack of resources and professional preparation (19–21). Finally, 79% of the elementary school students were from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds; we endeavored to introduce them to chemistry in a fun and supportive manner, which may encourage more underrepresented students to pursue careers in the sciences.

All 58 students enrolled in Chem 120 were required to complete the service-learning project as part of the course. These students were split into small groups and went to Northglade for one hour a week over an eight-week period. The number of Chem 120 students in each small group varied depending on the grade level of the classroom (Table 1).

Project Selection Process Before the course began, a list of project ideas related to Chem 120 material was developed by Kalamazoo College faculty and distributed to teachers at Northglade Elementary School (see Table 2 for the topic list). The elementary teachers then chose project ideas that were age-appropriate for their classrooms, and specified a day and time during the week when the project could be completed in their classes. At the beginning of the term, Chem 120 students were matched to classrooms based on their course schedules.

Project Timeline Table 1. Distribution of Chem 120 Students among Elementar y School Classrooms Grade in Elementary School

Group Size of Elementary School Students

Number of Chem 120 Students per Elementary Group


Whole class



3 groups of 6–8



6 groups of 3–4


Table 2. Example Experiments Undertaken in Elementary School Classrooms Chemistry Topics

Experimental Question

Suggested Grade Level


What affects the dissolution of Mcandy?



What affects bread molding?



What colors make up pen inks Mand M&Ms?



What detergent is best?



How much gas is in different Msodas and what affects the Mgas?


Oxidation– Reduction

How much vitamin C is in Mvarious substances?


Oxidation– Reduction

What is a good antioxidant?



What types of natural products Mmake good indicators?



How are plants affected by the Mmaterial in which they grow Mand the pH of their water?


During the second week of the term, Chem 120 students met with the Northglade teachers to discuss specific plans for the project and observe the elementary classroom so that they would be more comfortable entering the subsequent week in a leadership capacity (refer to Table 3 for more details about the project timeline). During subsequent weeks, class time focused on discussion of the scientific method and experimental design, followed by completion of the experiments, and preparation of a poster. Area scientists and professors from Kalamazoo College judged the posters at a science exhibition held at the elementary school, and ribbons were presented to the elementary students based on presentation and scientific merit. Chem 120 Student Assessment Several assessment tools were employed to credit the students for their work on the service-learning project.

Timeline Assignment Each group provided a timeline of experiments that specified experimental variables and controls, as well as a list of needed materials. Most of the needed materials were available at commercial stores, and the instructors approved any specialty reagents for safety before use.

Reflection Students completed essays on weekly sets of questions relating to their experiences during the second, fifth, and ninth weeks; these were graded on a pass–fail basis. The pedagogy of service-learning requires that students reflect on their experiences to find relevance to the course and a deeper understanding of issues. Laboratory Report and Presentation Students in each group wrote a detailed laboratory report and gave an oral presentation to fellow students describing their chemistry projects. Since an in-depth explanation of the chemistry behind the service-learning projects was not discussed with the elementary students, it was expected that the report and oral presentation would clearly discuss the con-

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In the Classroom

nection between the project and course material. Additionally, the written laboratory reports were given to Northglade Elementary School to be kept on file as a source of ideas and information for the teachers. To compensate the students for extra time spent on the service-learning project outside of the conventional classroom and lab periods, one laboratory session was canceled and the students were exempt from writing two laboratory reports, although they had to perform the laboratory experiment. Assessment of the Service-Learning Project

Survey Results Each Chem 120 student was asked to take a survey at the end of the term in order to assess whether the servicelearning project reinforced these course learning goals to: • Gain a better understanding of the chemical behavior of matter (Category 1) • Further develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills (Category 2) • Improve written and oral communication skills (Category 3)

In order to assess whether the project was enriching the general curriculum of Kalamazoo College, the survey also addressed: • The effects of the project on improving students’ personal skills (Category 4) • Helping the community (Category 5) • The worth of the program (Category 6)

The specific survey questions (adapted in part from a survey used at Portland State University) and the results are detailed in Table 4 (22). Categories 1–3: Class Learning Goals Student responses to survey statements 1 and 2 regarding the influence of the project on increasing the understanding of lecture material were lower than instructor expectations (see Table 4). Several students commented that while the service-learning project was an immediate application of their knowledge, working with elementary students did not reinforce the material to a degree they felt helped them with the Chem 120 course because the projects were too simplistic. It is unclear whether the project did or did not aid in deeper understanding of lecture material or whether this was simply a self-reported student perception. An objective measure of knowledge, such as performance on classroom exams, would provide additional insight and will be conducted in the future. To remedy this perception, however, establishing avenues for students to more fully explore the connections would be helpful. (See the subsequent section on project variations for further ideas.) Students did agree, however, that this project improved their ability to design and troubleshoot an experiment, which are advantages of the service-learning project over typical laboratories performed at Kalamazoo College, in which students follow an established step-by-step protocol and rarely run into experimental difficulties. Categories 4–5: Skills Pertaining to Self or Community The Chem 120 students agreed that they developed new personal skills, but that the project was more beneficial to

Table 3. Service-Learning Project Timeline for College Students and Faculty Term Week

Tasks for Students

Before course begins


Assemble list of projects; Meet with elementary teachers to choose projects and set visitation times


Develop preliminary plan and turn in tentative timeline for research project

Make transportation arrangements for Chem 120 students


Visit classroom: Meet with teacher to discuss specifics of project; Formulate hypothesis; Turn in materials list for project; Turn in first reflection essay

Purchase any needed materials


Meet with classroom teacher: Discuss the scientific method and how it applies to particular project; Talk about qualitative versus quantitative experiments, how to collect data, controls vs. variables; Turn in modified timeline for project


Complete project with elementary students; Second reflection essay due Week 5

Check in with teachers at elementary school; Check in with Chem 120 students about any concerns; Make final arrangements for science fair (judges, awards, activities)


Complete posters

Provide guidelines about poster presentations


Science fair at elementary school; Service-learning laboratory reports due; Final reflection essay due

Provide guidelines about oral presentations and using visual presentation software



Tasks for Faculty

Service-learning oral presentations

Journal of Chemical Education

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In the Classroom

the community. The belief by the students that this project benefited the community was supported by positive comments from the Northglade Elementary School community. The elementary students showed much enthusiasm for the participation of Kalamazoo College students in their science education. Additionally, teachers remarked on the preparedness of the Chem 120 students, and believed the Chem 120 students gave the Northglade students experiences they would not otherwise get in a public school setting. Teachers in the upper grades (4–6) were pleased that the elementary students were able to participate in science with a higher adult-tostudent ratio. These elementary teachers also felt that their students were able to produce projects that the students were

proud of because of the guidance from the college students. In the future, a quantifiable measure of the effects of the project on the Northglade community will be assessed. Category 6. Student Perceptions of the Project Although the Chem 120 students strongly agreed that the service-learning component of the course should be continued, they felt that the project was both challenging and time consuming. Even though students were exempt from writing two laboratory reports and had one laboratory session during the term canceled, the students felt that they should have been better compensated for the time spent on the service-learning project or given more credit for their work

Table 4. Results of Survey Administered after Completion of the Service-Learning Project Statementsa


Avg. Response (n = 51)b


This service-learning project helped me better understand the lectures and readings in this course.


2.8 ± 0.9


I have an understanding about my service-learning topic that I would not have had if I did not MMcomplete the project.


3.2 ± 1.2


This service-learning project increased my interest in chemistry.


3.1 ± 0.8


This service-learning project helped me see how chemistry is relevant in my everyday life.


3.5 ± 0.9


This service-learning project increased my ability to analyze quantitative problems.


2.9 ± 0.8


This service-learning project helped me learn how to plan and complete a project.


4.0 ± 0.6


This service-learning project improved my problem-solving skills.


3.6 ± 0.8


This service-learning project improved my ability to apply the scientific method to developing and MMimplementing experiments.


3.9 ± 0.8


This service-learning project increased my ability to learn on my own, pursue ideas, and find MMinformation I need.


3.6 ± 0.8


This service-learning project helped me improve my communication skills.


3.7 ± 0.9


This service-learning project enhanced my leadership skills.


3.8 ± 0.8


This service-learning project improved my ability to work collaboratively with others.


3.9 ± 0.6


I am now more comfortable working with people of cultures other than my own.


3.4 ± 0.9


This service-learning project increased my awareness of social issues.


3.4 ± 0.8


This service-learning project increased my ability to get along with different kinds of people with MMdifferent lifestyles.


3.7 ± 0.8


This service-learning project helped me acquire knowledge and skills applicable to a specific job MMor career plans.


3.4 ± 0.8


This service-learning project increased my desire to teach.


2.7 ± 1.3


This service-learning project increased my involvement in the community, civic and political MMactivities.


4.3 ± 0.7


This service-learning project benefited the community.


4.3 ± 0.7


I found this service-learning project challenging.


3.6 ± 0.9


I found this service-learning project time consuming.


4.0 ± 0.8


I encourage the continuation of this service-learning project.


4.1 ± 0.9

a Respondents ranked their agreement with the statements on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). bAt the 95% confidence level no statistical differences based on sex were found except for statements 3, 4, 8, and 9 in which females averaged higher responses than males.

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(1/10 of their grade was earned from this project). Additionally, some students also felt that their groups should meet for a short time during the lecture or laboratory rather than setting aside more time outside of the course (see section on project variations). Student perception regarding the level of challenge appeared to be correlated to when their servicelearning topic was covered in class, with those completing projects related to topics covered early in the term finding the project less challenging.

Gender Differences in the Survey Responses Interestingly, there were several statements that had a statistical difference at the 95% confidence level between males and females with females answering 0.5 higher on average. These statements (3, 4, 8, and 9 in Table 4) addressed the relevance of chemistry in everyday life, the students’ interest in chemistry, and their ability to learn independently and develop experiments. It appears that the pedagogical approach of this service-learning project is more appealing to women than men for reinforcing chemical principles. Introductory science courses are often competitive and produce feelings of rejection, discouragement, and lowered self-confidence in females (23, 24). In contrast, females often feel more comfortable learning through cooperation, interaction, and handson experience, especially if it occurs at an alternative location (24–28). Additionally, women respond better to science when it is explicitly linked to important societal issues (28, 29). This service-learning project provides females with a more cooperative and interactive learning environment, which may increase females’ interest in chemistry more than it does for males. However, since the males also responded favorably, this project appeals to both sexes.

Project Variations Based on Student Comments In their final reflection essay, students were asked to comment on ways to improve the service-learning project. Suggestions included: altering the time spent at the elementary school, improving the continuity of the project, addressing discipline problems at the elementary school, bringing the elementary students to the college, having assigned meetings with instructors during the term, and being able to choose the topic and classroom with which they worked. Several students commented that rather than spending one hour a week for eight weeks, the time should be lengthened at each visit, but have a fewer number of visits. They felt rushed in the elementary classrooms to get materials set up and an experiment completed in that time frame. Altering the time frame may be difficult, however, due to constraints at the elementary school. Modifications to the service-learning project were made in 2003 incorporating some of the student suggestions.1 To more effectively engage students, they were allowed to choose a chemistry topic rather than being assigned one. Additionally, two laboratory periods were devoted to experimental development prior to going to the elementary school, which allowed for more discussions among students and faculty about the relevance of the project to course material, allowed students to work together during the confines of the course hours, increased student confidence with the topic, and built a sense


Journal of Chemical Education

of a service-learning community within the classroom. Because of the addition of the two laboratory periods, the number of visits to the elementary school was reduced to three weeks for one hour each week, although the 2003 students commented that four weeks would have been better. The Effect of Service-Learning on the Number of Chemistry Majors at Kalamazoo College In addition to assessing the Chem 120 service-learning project itself, its impact on attracting students to the major was also investigated. Over the eight-year period prior to the introduction of this project, the average number of chemistry majors per year at Kalamazoo College was 14 ± 4. Since the inception of this project, the number of chemistry majors has increased (the last two classes to declare their major had sizes of 25 and 19). The percentage of students who took Chem 120 and became chemistry majors also increased. In the five years prior to the project, 14% (± 5%) of students enrolled in Chem 120 ultimately became chemistry majors, compared to 26% and 21% of the class in the first and second years of the project, respectively. While the increase in majors cannot be directly attributed to the introduction of the service-learning project, there is a correlation between the two. This finding is especially interesting since there is little research on the impacts of service-learning in attracting students to a major. The only article the authors found was one stating that some students in a service-learning biology course changed majors to environmental studies or environmental law (13). Conclusions Overall, the service-learning project involving the second term of introductory chemistry at Kalamazoo College and a local elementary school has proven to be successful. With the exception that students felt that the projects at the elementary level are too simplistic to fully reinforce class material, the students’ responses toward the service-learning project were generally positive. From the assessment, it is evident that the service-learning project is reinforcing the class goals of increasing problem-solving skills and improving communication skills, while at the same time supporting the chemistry curriculum at the elementary school level. There is also some evidence that the service-learning project is increasing the number of students who eventually become chemistry majors. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the students who enrolled in Chem 120 and participated in this project; Eric Nordmoe, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Kalamazoo College, for help in developing the assessment survey; and Alison Geist, Director of the Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Institute. We also thank the Kalamazoo Alliance for ServiceLearning, the Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Institute of Service-Learning, the Kalamazoo College Faculty Development Fund, and the Chemistry Department at Kalamazoo College for funding.

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In the Classroom

Note 1. Readers wishing to know more may contact [email protected] or [email protected] for additional information.

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Vol. 82 No. 8 August 2005

Journal of Chemical Education