New Products Clinical chemistry analyzer FP-901 analyzer is a bench-top, micro processor-controlled, batch-type photo metric system that simultaneously mea sures nine samples in a nine-well cu vette block. The photometer uses the vertical light path principle, so sample absorbance is dependent not on con centration but on the actual amount of substance in the cuvettes. Labsystems 413 Fluorescence spectrometer AFS-2000 offers detection limits gener ally 10 times better than those previ ously available. Features include a new UDX sample delivery system; high-in tensity light sources; updated electron ics; selectable, multielement profiles of up to 12 elements; a continuous-flow hydride generator system; and Ρ and S capability without a vacuum monochromator. Baird 414 AN-1086 fraction collector allows collection of fractions by drop, by time, or by predeter mined volume in an 11-in. lift-off reel that holds up to 100 12-, 13-, 16-, 17-, or 18-mm vials. A Gimble drive ensures tube advancement and automatic shutdown when the last fraction has been collected. Anspec 403
Capillary GC Model 436 features a newly designed, highly efficient oven with temperature gradients as low as 0.1 °C and longterm stability of better than 0.01 °C.
Other features include microprocessor control, high-speed electrometers, and nonturbulent column environment. It can accept microbore column technol ogy without modifications. Packard In strument 415
TOC analyzer PHOTOchem combines photochemical oxidation techniques with resistivity de tection and performs TOC analyses without compressed gases or sparging of inorganic carbon. It offers program mable sampling capability for up to six process lines. Applications include measurement of purified process water in the semiconductor ana pharmaceuti cal industries. Sybron 420
LC solvent reservoir system VFM-W/R 266 system consists of three 1-L solvent reservoirs with attached filter-degassers, a vacuum filtration man ifold, and associated tubing. It can store and dispense three solvents and attach es directly to the pump inlet with plastic fittings. All system components coming in contact with solvent are Teflon, pro viding chemical inertness and prevent ing the breakage hazard of glass sol vent bottles. Lazar 412
New, from Techne...
circulating baths that redefine the art of temperature control Techne's new line of constanttemperature circulating baths set new standards for temperature control, ease of use and versatility. The twenty-five different com binations of Tempette* and Tern punit* thermoregulators and stainless steel baths cover the temperature span from —40 C to 200 C with precisions from ±0.05' C to 0.005 C. Some models display temper ature in digital format. Others have remote-control capabilities.
And the TempunitT(J-16D accepts Techne's plug-in programmer which can be used to schedule a series of temperature events. For cooling to — 40'C, Techne offers dip coolers with compact evaporator coils which fit unob trusively into the corner of a Techne bath. Also available are two new flow coolers which are compatible with the new thermoregulators and the C-400 circulator. Surely, in this wide range of userfriendly, high-tech circulating CIRCLE 202 ON READER SERVICE CARD
baths, there s at least one model having the performance you a price which fits your budcjet.
Techne Techne Incorporated 3700.Brunswick Pike Princeton, NJ Ô8540 (609) 4 5 2 - 9 2 7 5