Ultrawet formulations clea η q'uickë r, sel I faster |
N a m e any number of best-selling detergents and
y o u ' l l find that most of them use Atlantic Ultrawets. ^..
Formulations m a d e with Atlantic Ultrawets do abetter cleaning job? because they a r e tailored to meet the compounders' specific need's-^they sell foster because they do the job .efficiently and easily. ^ The high performance characteristics of the Ultrawets a f f o r d maximum economies while rnain^ taining formulation, quality.
For turther economy,
deliveries o f Atlantic Ultrawets can be made a t sigy
mficantly lower prices in tank car or bulk quantities. Ask us for detailed information- on .the Ultra-wets. Our experienced sales engineers will g l a d l y help you develop a formula of your own —for any c l e a n i n g need. Write or wire The Atlantic Refining C o m p a n y , - P e p t . A4, at the nearest office listed.
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Γ/ie Ultrawets
w e f , penetrate,
Philadelphia, Providence, Charlotte, CHicagο ;
jn;trvë West: L. H. Butcher Cbï'
In Canada Nauc Division of Domin 'Company, Ltd.
rp, Belgium "
1956' C& EN