Gave Industry a New Testing Machine Natural gas, produced in Texas, and piped to the mile-high city of Denver, carries some water vapor. As in all gases, if the vapor is excessive, a reduction of volume or temperature causes the vapor to con dense into water. Lowering temperature at high pressure causes the formation of hydrates or pipe line ice, which shuts off the flow of gas, and inter rupts service. This w a s the problem faced by the Colorado Interstate Gas Company. To prevent winter freeze-. ups required controlling the water content in the gas in relation t o temperature and pressure. This demanded an equipment that would give an ac curate and continuous recording of the water content as the gas passed through the pipes. Engineers from Interstate Gas and General Electric p u t their heads together. By employing a photoelectric tube to replace the human eye and get "the desired continuous recording, " they con ceived and constructed a dew-point recorder. Realizing the importance of this instrument to
industry, General Electric engineers made further studies and developments. The result was an improved dew-point recorder. It gave industry an instrument t h a t determines quickly and records continuously moisture content of gases I An instrument from which the possibility of human error has been eliminated. Dew-point temperature measurements now can be made with an accuracy of better than five degrees at minus 90 degrees F , or two degrees above 20 degrees Έ. General Electric engineers have helped solve thousands of problems for industry. Frequently, the result has been a new testing and measuring equipment. Equipment that today is saving time and money for industry! Your problem may justify a development pro gram to create a new product, particularly if i t is common to industry. Or, maybe, our engineers can recommend an instrument from the many testing and measuring equipments already available . . . proved equipments t h a t are doing similar jobs. Write us about your problem. Maybe we can lielp you. Apparatus Dept.j General Electric Company, Section 400-42, Schenectady, Ν. Υ.
Chemical Analysis Equipment
Color, Light and Spectro Equipment
Vacuum and Pressure Measuring Equipment