Q What's the lowest-cost source of amino nitrogen?
A n y one of the
0Π3ΗΙΠ2 monomethylamine
...from Rohm & Haas j The choice of either mono-, di-, or trimethylamine depends on your application. No matter which you choose, all have lower equivalent weight than amines with bulkier radicals, and thus offer more amino nitrogen per pound. Rohm & Haas ships methylamines in a range of con tainers that can save you money by helping you improve efficiency in management of freight costs, inventory, storage and handling. Just one example: buying anhy 22
drous methylamines in 590-lb. cylinders lets you save 20% on tare weight freight cost, when compared with shipment in 100-lb. cylinders. Rohm & Haas supplies mono-, di-, and trimethylamine in both anhydrous and aqueous forms. The anhydrous grades can be ordered in 5, 25, 100, and 590-lb. cylinders; aqueous grades in drums; either anhydrous or aqueous methylamines in tankcars or tanktrucks. The aqueous
grades are offered in several concentrations. Technical assis tance is available for helping you design storage, handling, or unloading facilities. Write to Dept. SP-1{ for "Methylamine Chemistry and Uses"—20 pages of reactions, and application information. Methylamine samples are also available.
ROHIV1 P H I L A D E L P H I A 5 , PA.