Biochemical Research Grant Renewed at University of Pittsburgh

THE Buhl Foundation grant for research in biochemistry has been renewed for the college year 1938-39 for studies on vitamin C, tissue respiration, and...
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SEPTEMBER 10, 1938


"What Medicine Can Do for Law" (pp. 76-77). 7. Laboratory investigation is, thereAddreea by the Honorable Benjamin N. Cardoso fore, not the diagnosis of diseases. before the New York Academy of Medicine. No8. Laboratory investigations may be vember 1. 1928. ae published in "Law and Litera- made by chemists and other nonmedical ture and Other Essays." scientific workers. 9. The Medical Act does not regulate Conclusions clinical laboratories. 10. The Medical Board exceeds its 1. The 1935 Amendment to the Medi- powers when it attempts to supervise the cal Act of 1911 did not broaden the pre- activities of an independent profession existing definition of the Practice of Medi- such as chemistry. cine. 11. Such usurpation of power is un2. The penal provision of Section 7 of the Medical Act applies only to duly lawful and is subject to judicial restraint. 12. Even if there were a latent intent licensed physicians who fail annually to in the Medical Act of 1911 to regulate register. laboratories and to require the di3. The requirement for licensure of clinical thereof to hold licenses to practice "Pathology" by E. B. Krumbh&ar, M.D.. practitioners of medicine is found only in rectors medicine, then the act would be, to that Professor of Pathology at the University of Section 1 of the Medical Act. extent, unconstitutional: Pennsylvania, published by Paul P. Hoeber Co. 4. The manifest and only purpose of (1937). the statute was to confine the right to invite public confidence in the skm and (a) by reason of the failure so to state in The board's attitude appears to be op- efficiency of those who would hold them- the title, as required by the Constitution of posed to that expressed in the foregoing selves out to the public as medical doctors Pennsylvania; citation. In contrast to the board's to those who were duly licensed to practice (6) by reason of the deprivation of liberty declarations are the views of a distin- medicine. and property in imposing unreasonable guished jurist relating to interprofessional 5. A clinical laboratory is a laboratory qualifications on a nonmedical profession in comity. for the practical application of chemistry contravention of the Pennsylvania and We turn at times to physiology or em- and the other fundamental sciences Federal Constitutions. bryology or chemistry or medicine—to a wherein are made such factual investigaRespectfully submitted, Jenner or a Pasteur or a Virchow or a Lister tions for the physician as he may desire as freely and submissively as to a Blackstone in the study of his patients. A. J. NTDICK 6. The physician must integrate laboor a Coke. Of course, even then we try to Attorney for know our place and exhibit the humility that ratory findings with all other relevant clinical data in reaching a diagnosis. becomes the amateur. The American Chemical Society * * * it is becoming increasingly clear that the serious student of disease, whether working primarily in the pathological laboratory or in the clinic, must be equipped to study or direct the study of his problem by physical, chemical, mathematical, and experimental méthode, as well as by the older methods of anatomy or bedside study, as the case may be. This should not be regarded as encroaching on the fields of the biophysicist or biochemist any more than is their activity an encroachment when they study pathological as well as normal conditions. Helpful partnerships should often be resorted to; but even without them thefieldis large enough for both.

Biochemical Research Grant R e newed a t University o f Pittsburgh HE Buhl Foundation grant for research in biochemistry has been renewed for the college year 1938-39 for studies on vitamin C, tissue respiration, and molecular structure in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Pittsburgh. The following are the appointees under the renewed grant: Max O. Schultze, research fellow on animal nutrition and tissue respiration; Rade R. Musulin, research fellow on animal nutrition; Herbert E. Longenecker, research fellow on the molecular structure of fats; Carter J. Harrer, research assistant on tissue respiration; Theodore H. Clarke, research assistant on the molecular structure of fats and sugars; Mary L. Dodds, research assistant on tissue respiration. The studies on heats of combustion in relation to molecular structure will be under the supervision of Gebhard Stegeman, professor of physical chemistry. Charles Glen King, professor of biological chemistry, is director of the general project.


air-conditioned Pullman cars during their overnight stay and will proceed to Detroit, where they will visit automotive factories and will be given a dinner by the Detroit Section. The San Francisco three-day technical sessions will open June 6 and visitors will have an opportunity t o see the Golden Gate Exposition there. Detailed plans for the technical sessions and other events are being shaped up rapidly under the direction of C. W. Spicer, president of the society; Ralph Teetor, chairman of the Meetings Committee; and committees representing the 10 professional activities of the society. John A. C. Warner is secretary and general manager of the Society of Automotive Engineers, 29 West 39th St., New York,

Eli Lilly a n d C o m p a n y A w a r d i n Biological Chemistry HE fourth Eli Lilly and Company Award in Biological Chemistry will be made at the 1939 spring meeting of the



more, Md., provided a suitable candidate for the prize is proposed. Your attention is accordingly directed to the rules governing the award, which will be found in full in the NEWS EDITION of December 10,

1934, page 425. Nominations may be made to the Secretary of the SOCIETY on or before January 5, 1939, to be transmitted to the Nominating Committee. To be eligible, a nominee shall not have passed his thirty-sixth birthday on April 30, 1939, and shall have accomplished outstanding research in biological chemistry. The award is $1000, $100 to provide a bronze medal for the recipient, and $150 or as much thereof as may be necesBorden Co. Award i n t h e sary to defray the traveling expenses of Chemistry o f Milk the recipient to the meeting where he will HE Borden Co. Award of $1000 for receive the honor and give his address. achievement in research on the chemThe first award was made to Willard istry of milk, established for the purpose of Myron Allen at the New York meeting in stimulating fundamental research in the 1935 for his outstanding work in developchemistry of milk in the United States, ing a sharply denned biological test for the will be made in 1939 in accordance with the action of the corpus luteum, the use of W o r l d A u t o m o t i v e E n g i n e e r i n g rules appearing in the NEWS EDITION, this test to isolate in crude form a potent Vol. 16, No. 9, page 258, May 10, 1938. extract, and the complete purification of Congress Nominations for this award may be sent the hormone called "progestin." Harold RAISING the plan of the Society of to the Secretary of the SOCIETY and all Sait Olcott received the second award at Automotive Engineers for a World names to be considered must have been re- the Chapel Hill meeting in April, 1937, for Automotive Engineering Congress, May ceived by him on or before January 5, his contributions and promise in the study 22 to June 8, 1939, in New York, Indian- 1939. of the autoxidation of fats and the chemapolis, Detroit, and San Francisco, Henry istry and mode of action of antioxidants. Ford has accepted the honorary chairAbraham White received the third award manship of the society's advisory board at the Dallas meeting in 1938 for his of world automotive leaders. work on sulfur metabolism and protein hormones. Opening for a five-day technical session and dinner in New York on May 22, 1939, American and overseas members will ELIUM II forms about the thinnest have an opportunity to see the New York liquid films yet produced. A. K. World's Fair. The congress will adjourn Kikoin and B. G. Lasarew, Ukrainian to Indianapolis, to see the annual 500-mile Physical-Technical Institute in Kharkov, sweepstakes on May 30, and will be enterreport to Naturefilmsso thin that a quarter tained by the Indiana Section of the soof a million would measure an inch thick. ciety at a dinner. The delegates will use