C&EN Calendar of Meetings and Events - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 7, 2010 - C&EN Calendar of Meetings and Events. C&EN's latest list of meetings and events of chemical interest is for July 1984 through June 1985...
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C&EN Calendar of Meetings and Events C&EN's latest list of meetings and events of chemical interest is for July 1984 through June 1985. It is published semiannually. This comprehensive listing includes international as well as domestic meetings. Each entry gives date, title of meeting, location, and to whom to write for further details.

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July 6-16. Institute for High School Chemistry Teachers. San Jose, Calif. Write Claire H. Smith, San Francisco University High School, 3065 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. 94115; Tel. (415)346-8400 July 9-10. Conf. on Underground Fuel Tanks: Regulatory & Remedial Outlook. Arlington, Va. Write Brooks Cook, CEEM, P.O. Box 536, Fairfax, Va.; Tel. (703) 250-5900 July 9-11. CMRA 15th Annual Basic Course in Marketing Research. New York City. Write Mary J. Carrick, Chemical Marketing Research Association, 139 Chestnut Ave., Staten Island, N.Y. 10305; Tel. (212) 7270550 July 9-12. lUPAC-sponsored 26th Microsymposium on Macromolecules—Polymers in Medicine & Biology. Prague. Write W. Spindel, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418 July 9-12. 4th Intl. Drying Symp. Kyoto, Japan. Write Arun S. Mujumdar, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, McGill U, 3480 University St., Montreal, Que., Canada H3A 2A7 July 9-13. MICRO 84—Intl. Conf. on Microscopy & Ancillary Equipment. London. Write Royal Microscopical Society, 37/38 St. Clements, Oxford OX4 1AJ, U.K. July 9-13. 10th Intl. Conf. on Organic Coatings Science & Technology. Athens, Greece. Write Angelos V. Patsis, Director of Materials Research Lab, CSB 209, State U of New York, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561 July 9-13. 4th Intl. Symp. on Organic Free Radicals. U of St. Andrews. Write John F. Gibson, Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W1V OBN, U.K. 40

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July 9-Aug. 3. 2nd Great Lakes Summer Workshop in Condensed Matter Research. Houghton, Mich. Write Rolland 0. Keeling, Dept. of Physics, Michigan Technological U, Houghton, Mich. 49931 July 10-12. 20th Intl. Medicinal Chemistry Mtg. Paris Sud U. Write Secretariat, Laboratoire de Chimie Organique, Faculte de Pharmacie, Rue J. B. Clement, 92290 Chatenay Malabry, France July 10-12. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Fixed-Film Biological Processes. Arlington, Va. Write Sheldon F. Roe Jr., Munters Corp., P.O. Box 6428, Ft. Myers, Fla. 33911; Tel. (813) 9361555 July 15-19. 5th World Hydrogen Energy Conf. Toronto, Ont., Canada. Write Ken Charbonneau, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1AOR6 July 15-20. Intl. Conf. on Ion Exchange. Cambridge C, U.K. Write Conference Committee, IEX 84, Society of Chemical Industry, 14 Belgrave Sq., London SWIX 8PS, U.K. July 16-19. lUPAC-sponsored 27th Microsymposium on Macromolecules—Physical Optics of Dynamic Phenomena & Processes in Macromolecular Systems. Prague. Write W. Spindel, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418 July 16-20. INTER/MICRO 84 Microscopy Conf. Chicago. Write Nancy B. Daerr, McCrone Research Institute, 2508 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60616 July 16-21. 9th Ibero-American Symp. on Catalysis. Lisbon. Write M. Farinha Portela, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Laboratorio de Tecnologia Quimica, Aven. Rovisco Pais, 1096 Lisbon Codex, Portugal July 16-21. 8th Intl. Symp. on Gas Kinetics. U of Nottingham, U.K. Write M. J. Pilling, Physical Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Rd., Oxford OX1 3QZ, U.K.

July 17-19. Conf. on Recycling Opportunities & Constraints. Washington, D.C. Write Federation of Materials Societies, 1901 L St., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, D.C.20036 July 17-20. Intl. Symp. on Chemistry of Carbanions. U of Durham, U.K. Write John F. Gibson, Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W1V OBN, U.K. July 22-25. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Photographic Papers. Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Write Robert Wood, SPSE, 7003 Kilworth La., Springfield, Va. 22151 July 22-25. 11th Intl. Symp. on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Write Controlled Release Society, Administrative Office, 16 Nottingham Dr., Lincolnshire, III. 60015 July 23-27. 2nd Conf. on Copper Coordination Chemistry. SUNY, Albany, N.Y. Write K. D. Karlin, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY, Albany, N.Y. 12222 July 23-27. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Clathrate Compounds & Molecular Inclusion Phenomena and 2nd Intl. Symp. on Cyclodextrins. Tokyo. Write Jerry L. Atwood, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Alabama, University, Ala. 35486 July 23-27. Conf. on Simulation & Simulators. Boston. Write Society for Computer Simulation, P.O. Box 2228, La Jolla, Calif. 92038 July 24. Executive Biotechnology Conf. New York City. Write Karen Lane, Consulting Resources Corp., 6 Northbrook Park, Lexington, Mass. 02173 July 24-27.9th Cranfield Intl. Conf. on Mechanized Information Transfer. Bedford, U.K. Write Marketing Dept., INSPEC, Station House, Nightingale Rd., Hitchin, Herts. SG5 1RJ, U.K. July 29-Aug. 1. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 85th Annual Mtg. Baltimore. Write AACP, 4630 Montgomery Ave., Suite 201, Bethesda, Md. 20814 July 29-Aug. 3. American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Mtg. Washington, D.C. Write AACC, 1725 K St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 July 29-Aug. 3. 23rd Intl. Conf. on Coordination Chemistry. Boulder, Colo. Write Cortlandt Pierpont, U of Colorado, Campus Box 449, Boulder, Colo. 80309

July 30-Aug. 1. Solid Fuel Technology Educational Seminar. Wilmington, N.C. Write Ronald Lutwen, Solid Fuel Technology Inc., 5650 West Central Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43615 July 30-Aug. 1. 15th Annual Mtg. of the Fine Particle Society. Orlando, Fla. Write M. B. Arun Ranade, Research Triangle Institute, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709 July 30-Aug. 4. 2nd Conf. on Characterization of Ceramics & Glasses. Alfred, N.Y. Write R. L. Snyder, NYS College of Ceramics, Alfred U, Alfred, N.Y. 14802




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Aug. 3-8. Asian Agriculture, Agrotechnology, Agribusiness Exhibition & Conf. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Write Clapp & Poliak International, Box 70007, Washington, D.C. 20088 Aug. 5-8. 22nd National Heat Transfer Conf. Niagara Hilton Hotel, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Write AlChE, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Aug. 5-9. 26th Rocky Mountain Conf. Denver. Write Jan Gurnsey, 5531 Bitterbush Way, Loveland, Colo. 80537 Aug. 5-9. 7th Intl. EPR Symp. Denver. Write G. R. Eaton, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Denver, Denver, Colo. 80208 Aug. 5-9. NMR Symp. Denver. Write Francis P. Miknis, U of Wyoming Research Corp., Box 3995, Laramie, Wyo. 82071 Aug. 5-9. 71st Annual Mtg. of the Intl. Association of Milk, Food & Environmental Sanitarians. Edmonton, Alta., Canada. Write K. R. Hathaway, IAMFES, P.O. Box 701, Ames, Iowa 50010 Aug. 5-10. 8th Biennial Conf. on Chemical Education. ACS Chemical Education Division. U of Connecticut, Storrs. Write J. Tanaka, Chemistry U-60, U of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268

Aug. 5 - 1 0 . 35th Mtg. of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Berkeley, Calif. Write E. J. Cairns, 90-3026, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif. 94720 Aug. 5 - 1 0 . 3rd Intl. Solid Lubrication Conf. Denver. Write Maxine Hensley, American Society of Lubrication Engineers, 838 Busse Hwy., Park Ridge, III. 60068 Aug. 6 - 1 0 . Symp. on Biomedical Applications of Computers. Bethesda, Md. Write Charles DeLisi, Laboratory of Mathematical Biology, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bldg. 10, Room 4B56, Bethesda, Md. 20205 Aug. 9 - 1 8 . 13th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography. Hamburg, West Germany. Write Peggy J. Posey, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 2041 a Aug. 12-16. ASME Intl. Computers in Engineering Conf. & Exhibition. Las Vegas. Write Mary S. H. Benedict, ASME, 345 East 47th St., 13 M, New York, N.Y. 10017 Aug. 1 2 - 1 7 . 20th Intl. Symp on Combustion. U of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Write Combustion Institute, 5001 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 Aug. 13-16.20th Annual American Water Resources Association Conf. & Symp. Washington, D.C. Write Arlene Dietz, Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, Casey Bldg., Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060 Aug. 1 3 - 1 7 . IUPAC Conf. on Chemical Thermodynamics. McMaster U, Hamilton, Ont., Canada. Write P. A. O'Hare, Chemical Technology Div., Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III. 60439 Aug. 1 3 - 1 7 . Intl. Conf. on Luminescence. Madison, Wis. Write John C. Wright, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, 1101 University Ave., Madison, Wis. 53706 Aug. 1 3 - 1 7 . 44th U.S. Sea Horse Institute Mtg. Wrightsville Beach, N.C. Write W. W. Kirk, LaQue Center for Corrosion Technology, P.O. Box 656, Wrightsville Beach, N.C. 28480 Aug. 1 3 - 1 7 . 3rd Annual Scientific Mtg. of Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. New York City. Write SMRM, 15 Shattuck Sq., Suite 204, Berkeley, Calif. 94704 Aug. 1 9 - 2 2 . AlChE National Summer Mtg. Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia. Write AlChE, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 Aug. 1 9 - 2 4 . 1 9 t h Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. San Francisco. Write W. J. Dodson, Raymond Kaiser Engineers, P.O. Box 23210, BB-4 Oakland, Calif. 94623

Aug. 1 9 - 2 4 . Engineering Foundation Conf. on Energy Minerals Processing. Colorado School of Mines, Golden. Write B. Yarar, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo. 80401 Aug. 19-24. 25th Annual American Society for Pharmacognosy Mtg. Austin, Tex. Write Laurence H. Hurley, Drug Dynamics Institute, U of Texas, Austin, Tex. 78712 Aug. 19-24. Intl. Symp. on Synthetic Membranes. Midland, Mich. Write Sandra Butler, Symposium Secretary, MMI, 1910 West St. Andrews Rd., Midland, Mich. 48640 Aug. 20-24. lUPAC-sponsored Intl. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals. Salt Lake City. Write Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2 - 3 Pound Way, Cowley Centre, Oxford 0X4 3YF, U.K. Aug. 20-24. 7th Annual Institute on Emulsion Polymerization & Latex Technology. Davos, Switzerland. Write Gary Poehlein, School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga. 30332 Aug. 2 1 - 2 3 . Intl. Symp. on Solubility Phenomena. U of Western Ontario. Write M. Tomlinson, Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Chemistry & Materials Science Div., Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Man., ROE 1LO, Canada Aug. 2 1 - 2 4 . Intl. Conf. on Analytical Chemistry in Development. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Write Secretary Organizing Committee, Centre for Analytical R&D, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Colombo, P.O. Box 1490, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Aug. 2 2 - 2 4 . IUPAC Intl. Symp. on the Physical Chemistry of Colloids & Macromolecules. Uppsala, Sweden. Write Svedberg Symposium, Uppsala U, Box 256, S-571 Uppsala, Sweden Aug. 2 3 - 2 4 . Engineering Construction & Contracting Conf. Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia. Write AlChE, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Aug. 2 6 - 3 1 . 188th ACS National Mtg. Philadelphia. Write A. T. Winstead, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Aug. 2 6 - 3 1 . 3rd Intl. Symp on Water Reuse. San Diego. Write Jon DeBoer, AWWA Research Foundation, 6666 West Quincy Ave., Denver, Colo. 80235 Aug. 2 7 - 3 0 . 5th Intl. Conf. on Organic Synthesis. Freiburg, West Germany. Write Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abt. Tagungsorganisation, P.O. Box 900440, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 90, West Germany

I Aug. 27-30. 5th Symp. on Transfer & Utilization of Particulate Control Technology. Kansas City, Mo. Write Franklin A. Ayer, Research Triangle Institute, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709 Aug. 2 7 - 3 1 . 8th Intl. Symp. on Medicinal Chemistry. Uppsala, Sweden. Write Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, P.O. Box 1136, S-111, 81 Stockholm, Sweden Aug. 2 7 - 3 1 . 7th Intl. Symp. on Carotenoids. Munich. Write Prof. W. Rau, Botanisches Institut der Universitat, Menzinger Strasse 67, D-8000 Munich 19, West Germany Aug. 27-Sept. 1. lUPAC-sponsored 9th Intl. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy. Tokyo. Write W. Spindel, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418 Aug. 27-Sept. 1. 10th Intl. Symp. on the Reactivity of Solids. U of Dijon, France. Write Secretary of the Organizing Committee, Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Reactivite des Solides, Faculte des Sciences Mirande, BP 138, 21004 Dijon Cedex, France

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23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sept. 3 - 6 . Intl. Symp. on Quantitative Luminescence Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences. U of Ghent, Belgium. Write W. Baeyens, State U of Ghent, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000, Ghent, Belgium Sept. 3 - 7 . 6th Intl. Air & Water Pollution Control Exhibition & Conf. Elmia, Jonkbping, Sweden. Write Elmia Air & Water 84, Box 6066, S-550 06 Jbnkbping, Sweden Sept. 3 - 8 . Intl. Symp. on Zeolites. Portorose, Yugoslavia. Write Bojan Drzaj, Organizing Committee, Boris Kidric Institute of Chemistry, P.O. Box 380, Hajdrihova 19, 61001 Ljubljana, Yuqoslavia Sept. 4 - 6 . 2nd Conf. for Analytical Science. London. Write G. C. Young, SIMA, Leicester House, 8 Leicester St., London WC2H 78N, U.K. Sept. 4 - 8 . Intl. Rubber Conf. Moscow. Write V. A. Berestnev, General Secretary, Krasnobogatyrskaya St., 42, Moscow 107258, U.S.S.R.


Sept. 5-15. Symp. on International Economic & Technical Cooperation. Shenyang, China. Write Lily Shen Associates, 224 East Olive Ave., Suite 305, Burbank, Calif. 91502 Sept. 9 - 1 3 . Intl. Symp. on Mass Spectrometry in the Health & Life Sciences. San Francisco. Write Marilyn F. Schwartz, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, U of California, San Francisco, Calif. 94143 Sept. 10-12. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Molecular Biology of Cancer. Boston, Write Nature Publishing Co., 15 East 26th St., New York, N.Y.10010 Sept. 1 0 - 1 2 . NACE Symp. on Industrial Corrosion Problems. Columbus, Ohio. Write John A. Beavers, Battelle Columbus Labs, 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201 Sept. 10-13. Intl. Gas Research Conf. Washington, D.C. Write L. Hirsch, 8600 West Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, III. 60631 Sept. 10-13. 8th Intl. Symp. on Chemical Reaction Engineering. Edinburgh, Scotland. Write Peter N. Rowe, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemical Engineering, University College, Torrington PI., London WC1E7JE, U.K. Sept. 10-13. RADCURE 84—Conf. & Exposition on Radiation Curing. Atlanta. Write Association for Finishing Processes of SME, 1 SME Dr., P.O. Box 930, Dearborn, Mich. 48128 Sept. 10-13. 9th Annual Basic Liquid Chromatography School. U of Illinois, Chicago. Write Chicago Chromatography Discussion Group, P.O. Box 7 1 , Warrenville, III. 60555 Sept. 10-13. Intl. Coal Testing Conf. Lexington, Ky. Write Karen Gallagher, International Coal Testing Conf., 3322 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, W.Va. 25302 Sept. 10-14. EUCHEM Conf. on Superacidic & Superbasic Media (Liquid & Solid). Royal Agricultural C, Cirencester, U.K. Write V. Gold, Dept. of Chemistry, King's College, London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, U.K. Sept. 10-14. 3rd European Congress on Biotechnology. Munich. Write Congress Secretariat, DECHEMA, P.O. Box 970146, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 97, West Germany Sept. 10-15. 11th Intl. Symp. on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur. Lindau. Write Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abt. Tagungsorganisation, P.O. Box 90 04 40, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 90, West Germany Sept. 1 0 - 2 1 . NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fundamental & Technological Aspects of Organo-f-Element Chemistry. Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy. Write Tobin F. Marks, Dept. of Chemistry, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60201 June 25, 1984 C&EN


Meetings Sept. 11-13. 8th Biennial Conf. on National Materials Policy. Fredericksburg, Va. Write Betsy Houston, Federation of Materials Societies, 1901 L St., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, D.C. 20036 Sept. 11-14. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Operating European Hazardous (Chemical) Waste Management Facilities. Odense, Denmark. Write Chemcontrol A/S, Dagmarhus, DK-1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark Sept. 12-16. Clinical Laboratory Management Association Conf. Nashville. Write Edward Stygar Jr., CLMA, 23341 North Milwaukee Ave., Half Day, III. 60069 Sept. 16-18. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Laboratory Robotics. Boston. Write Gerald L. Hawk, Zymark Corp., Zymark Center, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748 Sept. 16-19. CMRA Fall Conf. Hot Springs, Va. Write Chemical Marketing Research Association, 130 Chestnut Ave., Staten Island, N.Y. 10305 Sept. 16-20. Intl. Conf. on New Developments in Stainless Steel Technology. Detroit. Write R. A. Lula, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio 44073 Sept. 16-21. Federation of Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Mtg. Philadelphia. Write D. B. Chase, Du Pont Experiment Station 328, Wilmington, Del. 19898 Sept. 17-18. Intl. Symp. on Cancer Research. Washington, D.C. Write National Foundation for Cancer Research, 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 332W, Bethesda, Md. 20814 Sept. 17-18. Conf. on Groundwater Cleanup and Compliance—the Lessons Learned. Atlanta. Write Brooks Cook, CEEM, Box 536, Fairfax, Va. 22030 Sept. 17-19. 37th Annual Conf. on Engineering in Medicine & Biology. Los Angeles. Write ACEMB, 4405 East-West Hwy., Suite 402, Bethesda, Md. 20814 Sept. 17-20. 14th Intl. Power Sources Symp. Brighton, U.K. Write Secretary to the Symposium Committee, International Power Sources Symp., P.O. Box 17, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 2QB, U.K. Sept. 17-21. Aquatech 84—10th Intl. Water Technology Exhibition. Amsterdam. Write Secretariat IAWPRC World Conf., Alliance House, 29-30 High Holborn, London WC1V6BA, U.K. Sept. 17-21. 9th European Conf. on Thermophysical Properties. U of Manchester. Write Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Sq., London SW1X 9QX, U.K. Sept. 17-21. 1st Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conf. Pittsburgh. Write U.S. Dept. of Energy, Pittsburgh Mining Technology Center, P.O. Box 10940, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236 42 June 25, 1984 C&EN

Sept. 17-21. Intl. Mtg. on Photophysics & Photochemistry. Bombannes, France. Write C. Troyanowsky, Societe de Chimie Physique, 10 rue Vauquelin, F75231 Paris Cedex 05, France Sept. 18-19. Seminar on Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Cherry Hill, N.J. Write Richard M. Miller, American Ecology Services, 127 East 59th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 Sept. 18-20. CHEM PRO Show. Cincinnati. Write Reber-Friel Co., Exposition Management, 216 Goddard Blvd., King of Prussia, Pa. 19406 Sept. 18-20. Pharm Tech Conf. 84. New Brunswick, N.J. Write Cynthia Washington, Aster Publishing Corp., 320 North A St., P.O. Box 50, Springfield, Ore. 97477 Sept. 20-22. 7th Annual Gulf Coast Chemistry Conf. Pensacola Beach, Fla. Write George Newkome, Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State U, Baton Rouge, La. 70803 Sept. 23-Oct. 5. Mtg. on Physics & Engineering of Medical Imaging. Maratea, Italy. Write R. C. Reba, Div. of Nuclear Medicine, George Washington U Medical Center, Washington, D.C. 20037 Sept. 24-25. Symp. on Polypropylene—Dynamics of a Growth Fiber. New York City. Write R. G. Mansfield, R. G. Mansfield & Associates, 65 Little Brook Rd., Wilton, Conn. 06897 Sept. 24-25. Seminar on Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater. Paris. Write Michael Florentz, Seminaire Phosphore, AnjouRecherche, 52, rue d'Anjou, 75384 Paris Cedex 08, France Sept. 24-25. Symp. on Polypropylene in Textiles. New York City. Write Richard G. Mansfield & Associates, 65 Little Brook Rd., Wilton, Conn. 06897 Sept. 24-26. North American Thermal Analysis Society Mtg. Philadelphia. Write Royce Hutchinson, Phelps Dodge Magnet Wire Co., P.O. Box 600, Fort Wayne, Ind. 46801 Sept. 24-28. Intl. Symp. on Composites: Materials & Engineering. U of Delaware, Newark. Write William A. Dick, Center for Composite Materials, 201 Spencer Laboratory, U of Delaware, Newark, Del. 19716 Sept. 25. Executive Biotechnology Conf. San Francisco. Write Karen Lane, Consulting Resources Corp., 6 Northbrook Park, Lexinqton, Mass. 02173 Sept. 26-28. IUPAC Polymer Chemistry Mtg. Louvain, Belgium. Write H. Vanderckhoven, Laboratorium voor Macromoleculaire en Organische Scheikunke, Celestijnenlaan 200 F, B-3030 Heverlee-Leuven, Belgium

Sept. 26-28. Intl. Conf. on Future I Developments in Plastics. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. Write Conference Secretariat S 329, CSIR, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, Republic of South Africa Sept. 27-29. Intl. Symp. on Advances in Baking Science & Technology. Kansas State U, Manhattan. Write Marcia Longberg, Dept. of Grain Science & Industry, Shellenberger Hall, Kansas State U, Manhattan, Kan. 66506 Sept. 30-Oct. 3. 2nd TAPPI R&D Conf. Appleton, Wis. Write TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348 Sept. 30-Oct. 3. 34th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conf. and 9th Canadian Symp. on Catalysis. Quebec City. Write E. Chornet, Dept. de Genie Chimique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Que. G1K 2R1, Canada Sept. 30-Oct. 4. 69th Annual Mtg. of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. Minneapolis. Write AACC Annual Mtg., 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, Minn. 55121 Sept. 30-Oct. 5. 4th Intl. Biochemical Engineering Conf. Galway, Ireland. Write Engineering Foundation Conferences, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Sept. 30-Oct. 5. 5th FECHEM Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry. Montpellier, France. Write C. Chuit, Laboratoire de Chimie des Organomettaliques, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Place Eugene Bataillon, 34 060 Montpellier Cedex, France

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Oct. 1-5. 18th Intl. Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment. Paris. Write Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, P.O. Box 8618, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48107 Oct. 1-5.10th Intl. Mtg.—COPIMERA. Buenos Aires. Write David R. Reyes-Guerra, c/o ABET, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Oct. 2-4. 27th ORNL-DOE Conf. on Analytical Chemistry in Energy Technology. Knoxville. Write W. S. Lyon, Analytical Chemistry Div., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831

Oct. 3. SCI Chemical Industry Medal Dinner. The Plaza, New York City. Write Agnes K. Peterson, SCI, 52 East 41st St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Oct. 3-4. 9th Annual BRAIDG Symp. on Practical Analytical Chemistry. Baton Rouge, La. Write William Daly, c/o BRAIDG, P.O. Box 14233, Baton Rouge, La. 70898 Oct. 4-5. Puerto Rico Chemists Association 43rd Chemical Conf. & Exhibition. San Juan. Write Puerto Rico Chemists Association, Box 11183, Caparra Heights Station, San Juan, P.R. 00922 Oct. 7-10. 72nd Annual Industrial Fabrics Association Intl. Convention. San Francisco. Write IFAI, 345 Cedar Bldg., Suite 450, St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Oct. 7-10. Symp. on SIMS & FAB Mass Spectrometry—an Interdisciplinary Discussion. St. Paul, Minn. Write P. A. Lyon, 3M, Central Research 201-BS-05, St. Paul, Minn. 55144 Oct. 7-12. Conf. on Clinical Engineering. Campiegne, France. Write Engineering Foundation, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Oct. 8. NYSCHEM 84. Brookville, N.Y. Write Helen Condon, Secretary, ACS New York Section, Manhattan C, Riverdale, N.Y. 10471 Oct. 8-10. Intl. Congress on Technology & Technology Exchange. Pittsburgh. Write ICTTE 84, International Technology Institute, 7125 Saltsburg Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 Oct. 8-11. Conf. on Remote Sensing & Energy Research. Bayreuth, West Germany. Write Leo Newland, Environmental Sciences Program, Texas Christian U, Fort Worth, Tex. 76129 Oct. 8-12. Intl. Conf. on Nuclear & Radiochemistry. Lindau, West Germany. Write Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, P.O. Box 90 04 40, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 90, West Germany Oct. 9-11. Plant & Facilities Computer Systems & Maintenance Equipment Show. Philadelphia. Write Flagg Management Inc., P.O. Box 4440, Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10163 Oct. 9-12. 14th Annual Mtg. of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists. St. Louis. Write Alphonse Poklis, Dept. of Pathology, St. Louis U, 1402 South Grand St., St. Louis, Mo. 63104 Oct. 10-11. American Conf. on Chemical Labeling. St. Louis. Write James Trexel, Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del. 19898 Oct. 10-12. Fiber Society Technical Conf. Knoxville. Write Textile Research Institute, P.O. Box 625, Princeton, N.J. 08540

Oct. 11. Executive Biotechnology Oct. 16-18. Symp. on Statistics on Conf. Philadelphia. Write Karen National Energy Issues. Seattle. Lane, Consulting Resources Write Robert Kinnison, Statistics Corp., 6 Northbrook Park, LexSection, Pacific Northwest Lab, ington, Mass. 02173 P.O. Box 999, Richland, Wash. Oct. 11-12. ACS 20th Western 99352 Regional Mtg. Woodlake Inn, Oct. 16-19. 13th International Sacramento, Calif. Write J. Federation off Societies off CosHayes, Consumnes River C, metic Chemists Congress. Sacramento, Calif. 95823 Buenos Aires. Write Secretariat, Interburo S.A., Paraguay 647-4° Oct. 11-13. Symp on Biological Piso, 1057 Buenos Aires, ArMonitoring off the State off Envigentina ronment. New Delhi. Write S. K. Sahni, Indian National Science Oct. 17-19. Membrane Technology R&D Workshop. Clemson U, Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar Clemson, S.C. Write D. M. Marg, New Delhi 110 002, India LaRue, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Oct. 14-17. Fire Retardant Idaho Operations Office, 550 Chemicals Association Fall Second St., Idaho Falls, Idaho Conff. Ponte Vedre, Fla. Write 83401 Dick Carpenter, FRCA, 20 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Oct. 18. 11th ANACHEM Symp. Troy, Mich. Write Paul M. BeckOct. 14-18. Conff. on Quality Aswith, Detroit Edison Co., 6100 surance in Air Pollution MeaWest Warren, Detroit, Mich. surements. Boulder, Colo. Write 48210 Air Pollution Control Association, P.O. Box 2861, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct. 18-19. 5th Annual Analytical Laboratory Managers Conff. 15230 Granville, Ohio. Write Thomas D. Oct. 14-20. 16th Latin-American Erickson, Owens-Corning FiChemical Congress. Rio de Jaberglas Technical Center, Granneiro, Brazil. Write Walter B. ville, Ohio 43028 Mors, Nucleo de Janeiro, Bloco H—llha da Cidade Universitaria, Oct. 18-19. 8th Annual American Dental Association Foods, Nu20000 Rio de Janeiro, ZC 32, RJ, trition, and Dental Health Conff. Brazil Atlanta. Write Marcia Greenberg, Oct. 15-17. European Chemical Research Institute, ADA Health Marketing Research AssociaFoundation, 211 East Chicago tion Conff. Amsterdam. Write A. Ave., Chicago, III. 60611 L. Waddams, SRI International, NLA Tower, Addiscombe Rd., Oct. 18-19.1st European Seminar on Computer-Aided Molecular Croydon CRO OXT, U.K. Design. London. Write Helen Oct. 15-17. 3rd Intl. Symp. on SeRaquet, Oyez Scientific & Techlenium & Tellurium. Stockholm, nical Services, Bath House, 3rd Sweden. Write STDA, Box 3096, Floor, 56 Holborn Viaduct, LonDarien, Conn. 06820; in Europe, don EC1A 2EX, U.K. write Boliden Metal I, AB, Box 5508, S-114 85, Stockholm, Oct. 19. 5th Annual Lester W. Sweden Strock Seminar on Application Oct. 15-17. 1984 Randolph T. off Robots & Computers to MaMajor Lecture Series on Electerials Analysis. Boston. Write trochemistry. U of Connecticut, Vincent Meyer, GTE Lighting Storrs. Write Brenda Shaw, Dept. Products, Sylvania Lighting of Chemistry, U of Connecticut, Center, Danvers, Mass. 01923 Storrs, Conn. 06268 Oct. 21-24. Agricultural & Food Oct. 15-18. 72nd Annual National Chemistry Conff. Las Vegas. Safety Congress & Exposition. Write C. J. Mussinan, InternaChicago. Write National Safety tional Flavors & Fragrances, Council, 444 North Michigan R&D, 1515 Hwy. 36, Union Ave., Chicago, 111.60611 Beach, N.J. 07735 Oct. 16-17. Seminar on the Fun- Oct. 21-26. 5th Intl. Meeting on damentals of Groundwater Radiation Processing. San Quality Protection. Washington, Diego. Write Margaret Pesaturo, D.C. Write R. M. Miller, American Energy Sciences, P.O. Box 3060, Ecology Services, 127 East 59th Woburn, Mass. 01888 St., New York, N.Y. 10022 Oct. 22-24. 45th Intl. Water Conf. Oct. 16-18. Symp. on Iron & Steel Pittsburgh. Write IWC, Engineers' Pollution Abatement TechnoloSociety of Western Pennsylvagy. Cleveland. Write John Rupnia, William Penn Hotel, 530 persberger, HAITB, EPT Industrial William Penn PI., Pittsburgh, Pa. Environmental Research, Lab 15219 MD-54, Research Triangle Park, Oct. 22-24. Annual Mtg. off the N.C. 27711 National Paint & Coatings AsOct. 16-18. Symp. on Viscoelassociation. Palmer House, Chiticity & Rheology. U of Wisconcago. Write NPCA, 1500 Rhode sin, Madison. Write Gladys Island Ave., N.W., Washington, Moran, Mathematics Research D.C. 20005 Center, U of Wisconsin, 610 Oct. 23-24.11th Intl. Naval Stores Walnut St., WARF Blvd., MadiMtg. New Orleans. Write Pulp son, Wis. 53705 Chemicals Association, 60 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10165

Oct. 23-25. 126th ACS Rubber Division Inc. Mtg. Denver. Write Mrs. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 Oct. 24-26. Federation off Societies for Coatings Technology Paint Show. Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. Call FSCT at (215) 545-1506 Oct. 24-26. ACS 36th Southeastern Regional Mtg. McKimmon Center, North Carolina State U, Raleigh. Write W. F. Little, Dept. of Chemistry 045A, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Oct. 26-27. 10th Annual Mtg. off the Northeastern Association off Forensic Scientists. Uniondale, N.Y. Write Jeffrey Weber, Drug Enforcement Administration, Northeast Lab, 555 West 57th St., Suite 1886, New York, N.Y. 10019 Oct. 26-28. Pacific Occupational Safety & Health Conf. Anaheim, Calif. Write H. F. Ryan, 774 Armada Terr., San Diego, Calif. 92106 Oct. 27-Nov. 2. 1st Intl. Congress on Plant Molecular Biology. Savannah, Ga. Write Congress Secretary, 1st ICPMB, P.O. Box, Athens, Ga. 30602 Oct. 28-30. 15th Underwater Mining Institute. Madison, Wis. Write Gene Woock, U of Wisconsin, Sea Grant Institute, 1800 University Ave., Madison, Wis. 53705 Oct. 28-Nov. 2. 18th Union Panamericana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros (UPADI) Convention. Caracas, Venezuela. Write Julie Gibouleau, American Association of Engineering Societies, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 Oct. 29. Symp. on Impact of Acid Rain & Deposition on Aquatic Biological Systems. Bal Harbour, Fla. Write William G. Isom, Tennessee Valley Authority, Rm. 2, E&D Bldg., Muscle Shoals, Ala. 35660 Oct. 29-31. Conf. on Advances in Materials Technology for Process Industries' Needs. Atlanta. Write National Association of Corrosion Engineers, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, Tex, 77218 Oct. 29-31. Symp./Workshop on Polymer Research at Synchrotron Light Sources. Brookhaven, N.Y. Write T. P. Russell, K42/ 282, IBM Research Lab, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95193 Oct. 29-31. SERI Photovoltaic Advances R&D 6th Annual Review Mtg. Golden, Colo. Write Solar Energy Research Institute, Conference Coordination Section, 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colo. 80401

Oct. 29-Nov. 2. 98th Annual Intl. Mtg. of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D.C. Write Administrative Manager, AOAC, 1111 North 19th St., Suite 210, Arlington, Va. 22209 Oct. 31-Nov. 2. 57th National Electrical Manufacturers Association Annual Mtg. Washington, D.C. Write NEMA, 2101 L St., N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20037



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Nov. 1-2. ACS 19th Midwest Regional Mtg. Springfield, Mo. Write C. C. Thompson, Southwest Missouri State U, Springfield, Mo. 65802 Nov. 1-2. Intl. Conf. on Investment in Biotechnology. London. Write Helen Raquet, Oyez Scientific & Technical Services Ltd., Bath House, 3rd Floor, 56 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2EX, U.K. Nov. 4-7. 5th Annual Mtg. of the Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC). Arlington, Va. Write SETAC, P.O. Box 352, Rockville, Md. 20850 Nov. 4-8. 2nd Intl. Congress on Advances in Nonimpact Printing Technologies. Arlington, Va. Write Robert H. Wood, Society of Photographic Scientists & Engineers, 7003 Kilworth La., Springfield. Va. 22151 ; Nov. 4-9. World Congress off the International Society for Fat Research. New Delhi. Write ISF-OTAI World Congress, c/o Shirram Foods & Fertilizer Industries, Shivaju Marg, New Delhi 110 015, India Nov. 6-9. Gastech 84. Amsterdam. Write Gastech Secretariat, 2 Station Rd., Rickmansworth, Herts. WD3 1QP, U.K. Nov. 11-13. APLA 4th Latin American Petrochemical Annual Mtg. Rio Palace Hotel, Brazil. Write Robert Cunningham, Secretary General, Association Petroquimica Latinoamericana, Peru 103-19° Piso, 1067 Buenos Aires, Argentina Nov. 11-16. AOCS/PORIM World Conf. on Processing of Palm, Palm Kernel, and Coconut Oils. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Write Meetings Coordinator, AOCS, 508 South Sixth St., Champaign, III. 61820

June 25, 1984 C&EN 43

Meetings Nov. 12-14. 8th Conf. on the Application of Accelerators in Research & Industry. North Texas State U, Denton, Write Jerome L. Duggan, Dept. of Physics, North Texas State U, Denton, Tex. 75230-5368 Nov. 12-14. TAPPI Pulping Conf. San Francisco. Write TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348 Nov. 12-16. OBJECTA 84—Intl. Maintenance Trade Fair. Dusseldorf, West Germany. Write Dusseldorf Trade Shows, 500—Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10110 Nov. 12-17. Intl. Groundwater Conf. Johannesburg, South Africa. Write National Water Well Association, 500 West Wilson Bridge Rd., Worthington, Ohio 43085 Nov. 12-17. ChinaChem 84—Intl. Exhibition on Chemical & Petrochemical Industries. Tianjin, China. Write Look East Enterprises Ltd., Suite 306, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Rd., East, Hong Kong Nov. 13-14. 45th Conf. on Glass Problems. Ohio State U. Write Conference on Glass Problems, Dept. of Ceramic Engineering, Ohio State U, 2041 College Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43210 Nov. 13-15. 7th Intl. Coal & Lignite Utilization Exhibition & Conf. Houston. Write Coal Technology, P.O. Box 721948, Houston, Tex. 77272 Nov. 13-15. APICS, CASA/SME Interface I. Chicago. Write Cheri Willets, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1 SME Dr., P.O. Box 930, Dearborn, Mich. 48121 Nov. 13-16.1st Joint Symp. on Dry S0 2 & Simultaneous S0 2 /NO x Control Technologies. San Diego. Write Janet Runyan, Acruex Corp., 555 Clyde Ave., Mountain View, Calif. 94039 Nov. 13-16. Eastern Analytical Symp. New York City. Write S: David Klein, Merck & Co., P.O. Box 2000/R80L-106, Rahway, N.J. 07065 Nov. 15. Executive Biotechnology Conf. Houston. Write Karen Lane, Consulting Resources Corp., 6 Northbrook Park, Lexington, Mass. 02173 Nov. 19-24. AGRO CHINA 84— Intl. Agro-technologies Exposition & Symp. Guangzhou, China. Write Harry C. Lepinske, American Exhibition Services International, P.O. Box 66373, O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, III. 60666 Nov. 22-24. 3rd Intl. Congress on Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry. Barcelona. Write J. M. Otero, Expoquimia, av. Reina Ma. Cristina, Palacio No. 1, Barcelona 4, Spain

44 June 25, 1984 C&EN

Nov. 25-30. AlChE Annual Mtg. San Francisco Hilton. Write AlChE, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Nov. 26-30. Materials Research Society Fall Mtg. Boston. Write John B. Ballance, MRS, 9800 McKnight Rd., Suite 327, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15237 Nov. 27-28. Groundwater Seminar for Lawyers. Washington, D.C. Write R. M. Miller, American Ecology Services, 127 East 59th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 Nov. 27-30. Intl. Symp. on Architectural Fabric Structures. Orlando, Fla. Write IFAI, Cedar Bldg., Suite 450, St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Nov. 27-Dec. 1. Intl. Chemical Show for Indonesia. Jakarta. Write James Arthur, Chemical Indonesia 84, 11 Manchester Sq., London W1M5AB, U.K. Nov. 28-30. 7th World Energy Engineering Congress. Atlanta. Write Association of Energy Engineers, 4025 Pleasantdale Rd., Suite 340, Atlanta, Ga. 30340

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Dec. 4-6. Midwest Exposition of Chemical Industries (Chem Show). Chicago. Write H. Stevens, Midwest Chem Show, 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10166 Dec. 4-6. World Oil & Gas Electronics 84. Brighton, U.K. Write American Exhibition Services International, P.O. Box 66373, O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, III. 60666 Dec. 5-7. ACS 40th Southwest Regional Mtg. Lubbock, Tex. Write J. Mills, Texas Tech U, Lubbock, Tex. 79409 Dec. 5-7. Seminar on Solving Corrosion Problems in Air Pollution Control Equipment. Orlando, Fla. Write National Association of Corrosion Engineers, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, Tex. 77218 Dec. 9-13. Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association 71st Annual Mtg. Miami Beach. Write CSMA, 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Dec. 10-12. Association for Thin Layer Chromatography 4th Biennial Scientific Mtg. Philadelphia. Write J. C. Touchstone, U of Pennsylvania, Dept. OBCYN, 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104

Dec. 10-12.4th Intl. Symp. on High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides. Baltimore. Write Shirley Schlessinger, Symposium Manager, 400 East Randolph St., Chicago, III. 60601 Dec. 12-15. ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry's 12th Biennial Symp. Maui, Hawaii. Write James Economy, IBM Research Lab, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95193 Dec. 16-21. PAC CHEM 84. Honolulu, Hawaii. Write ACS, A. T. Winstead, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

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Feb. 3-8. ACS 7th Winter Fluorine Conf. Holiday Inn, Orlando, Fla., Sponsored by the ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry. Write P. R. Resnick, Polymer Products Dept., Du Pont Co., Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898 Feb. 10-15. Symp. on the Interface Between Theory & Experiment. Canberra, Australia. Write Leo 1985 Radom, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National U, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia JANUARY Feb. 17-20. 5th National NMR Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Conf. Sydney, Australia. Write R. 1 2 3 4 5 S. Norton, School of Biochem6 7 8 9 10 11 12 istry, U of New South Wales, P.O. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Box 1, Kensington 2033, N.S.W., 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Australia 27 28 29 30 31 Feb. 18-20. West Coast Energy Management Congress. Los Angeles. Write WCEMC, 4025 Jan. 7-11. ASU Centennial Conf. Pleasantdale Rd., Suite 340, Aton High-Resolution Microscopy. lanta, Ga. 30340 Scottsdale, Ariz. Write P. R. Bu- Feb. 24-27. 8th Annual Mtg. of the seck, Center for Solid State Adhesion Society. Savannah, Sciences, Arizona State U, Ga. Write L. S. Penn, Midwest Tempe, Ariz. 85287 Research Institute, 425 Volker Jan. 8-12. Intl. Symp. on RadioBlvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64110 activity. U of Poona. Write H. J. Feb. 25-28. Oil Spill Conf. Los Arnikar, Convener, ISR, ChemAngeles. Write Oil Spill Conferistry Dept., U of Poona, Pune— ence, Suite 300, 655—15th St., 411 007, India N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 Jan. 8-14. Chemtech + ORT 85. Feb. 26-March 1. Western CoatBombay. Write Chemtech Secings Societies' 17th Biennial retariat, Taj Bldg., 3rd Floor, 210 Symp. & Show. Anaheim, Calif. Dr. D. N. Rd., Bombay 400 001, Write Western Coatings SymIndia posium & Show, 11911 South Jan. 14-15. Symp. on Dielectric Woodruff Ave., Downey, Calif. Phenomena (in Honor of Robert 90241 H. Cole). Brown U. Write E. F. Greene, Dept. of Chemistry, Brown U, Providence, R.I. 02912 MARCH | Jan. 14-16. 2nd Symp. on Space Nuclear Power Systems. Albu| Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I querque, N.M. Write M. S. El1 2 Genk, Chemical Nuclear Engi3 4 5 6 7 8 9 neering Dept., FEC 239, U of 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 New Mexico Campus, Albu17 18 19 20 21 22 23 querque, N.M. 87131 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jan. 24-26. Conf. on Modeling and I 31 Simulation on Microcomputers. San Diego. Write Ray Swartz, Berkeley Decision/Systems Inc., March 17-18. 6th Biennial Carl S. Marvel Symp. on "Advances in 730 Park Ct., Santa Clara, Calif. Synthetic Polymer Chemistry, 95050 New Polymer Types." U of AriJan. 28-Feb. 1. 9th Annual Symp. zona, Tucson. Write J. E. Mulvaon Energy from Biomass & ney, Chemistry Dept., U of AriWastes. Lake Buena Vista, Fla. zona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Write Institute of Gas Technology, 3424 South State St., Chica- March 23-24. Conf. on Creativity & Science. Honolulu. Write D. go, III. 60616 DeLuca, Scientists & Humanities Conf., Win ward Community C, U of Hawaii, 45-720 Keaahala Rd., Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744

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March 2 4 - 2 8 . AlChE Spring National Mtg. and Petrochemical & Refining Exposition. Houston. Write AlChE 347 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 March 2 6 - 2 9 . Intl. Symp. on Hydrogen in Metals. Queen's University of Belfast. Write F. A. Lewis, Chemistry Dept., Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast BT9 5AG, Northern Ireland March 2 7 - 2 9 . Foodplas 8 4 / 8 5 . Seacaucus, N.J. Write Foodplas 84/85, Plastics Institute of America, c/o Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point Station, Hoboken, N.J. 07030


April 2 3 - 2 6 . 127th ACS Rubber Division Inc. Mtg. Century Plaza, Los Angeles. Write Mrs. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 April 2 5 - 2 8 . American Institute of Chemists 62nd Annual Mtg. Hollywood, Fla. Write David Roethel, AIC, 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, Md. 20814 April 2 7 - M a y 2. 4th International Association on Water Pollution Research & Control Symp. Houston. Write J. F. Andrews, Dept. of Environmental Science & Engineering, Rice U, Houston, Tex. 77001



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April 1-3. Faraday Discussion No. 79 on Polymer Liquid Crystals. U of Cambridge. Write B. R. Jennings, Dept. of Physics, Brunei U, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, U.K. April 1 4 - 1 6 . ASTM 9th Symp. on Aquatic Toxicology & Environmental Fate. Philadelphia. Write ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 April 1 4 - 1 9 . Moisture & Humidity Symp. Washington, D.C. Write Charles McAlister, Instrument Society of America, 67 Alexander Dr., Research Triangle, N.C. 27709 April 1 5 - 1 7 . 3rd Intl. Symp. on Instrumental Thin Layer Chromatography. U of Wuerzburg, West Germany. Write H. M. Stahr, 1636 College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State U, Ames, Iowa 50011 April 1 5 - 1 8 . Materials Research Society Spring Mtg. San Francisco. Write Susan Kalso, Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote Hill Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 April 1 5 - 1 9 . Conf. on Polymer Surfaces & Interfaces. U of Durham, U.K. Write W. J. Feast, Dept. of Chemistry, Sciences Labs, South Rd., Durham DH1 3LE, U.K. April 16-18. 3rd European Mtg. on Improved Oil Recovery. Rome. Write Rosario D'Agata, Via del Serafico 8 9 / 9 1 , 00142 Rome, Italy April 2 0 - 2 5 . Noble Metals Fabrication & Technology Seminar. Jerusalem. Write International Precious Metals Institute, 2254 Barrington Rd., Bethlehem, Pa. 18018 April 2 2 - 2 6 . Florida Conf. on Catalysis. Palm Coast, Fla. Write Russell Drago, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611

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May 5 - 9 . Joint EPA/Electric Power Research Institute Symp. on Stationary Combustion No x Control. Boston. Write Janet Runyan, Acurex Corp., 555 Clyde Ave., Mountain View, Calif. 94039 May 6 - 7 . World Conf. on Thermal Analysis. Salzburg, Austria. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada May 9 - 1 0 . 9th European Conf. on Flammability & Fire Retardants. Quebec City, Que., Canada. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada May 1 3 - 1 4 . 8th World Chromatography/6th World Spectroscopy Conf. Salzburg, Austria. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada May 1 6 - 1 7 . 6th European Conf. on Environmental Pollution. Salzburg, Austria. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada May 19. ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Mtg. Sponsored by ACS Monmouth County Section. Write M. Parker, Dept. of Chemistry, Monmouth College, West Long Branch, N.J. May 2 0 - 2 1 . European Conf. on Specialty Chemicals & Chemicals Purchasing. Salzburg, Austria. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada

JUNE Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu

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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 June 3 - 5 . Eastern Design Engineering Show & Conf. Boston. Write Show Manager, Design Engineering Shows, 999 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. 06905 June 5 - 7 . ACS 17th Central Regional Mtg. Sponsored by ACS Akron Section. Write J. C. Crano, PPG Research, P.O. Box 3 1 , Barberton, Ohio 44203 June 6 - 8 . CIC/DIC Biennial Symp. York U, Downsview, Ont., Canada. Write A. B. P. Lever, Dept. of Chemistry, York U, Downsview, Ont., M3J 1P3, Canada June 9 - 1 4 . 14th Intl. Galvanizing Conf. Munich. Write Zinc Development Association, 34 Berkeley Sq., London WIX 6AJ, U.K. June 9-15. ACHEMA 85. Frankfurt. Write DECHEMA, Organization ACHEMA, P.O. Box 97 01 46, D-6000 Frankfurt 97, West Germany June 1 0 - 1 2 . ACS 19th Great Lakes Regional Mtg. Purdue U. Write G. M. Bodner, Purdue U, Chemistry Dept., West Lafayette, Ind. 47907 June 1 0 - 1 2 . Intl. Conf. on Biologically Influenced Corrosion. Washington, D.C. Write National Association of Corrosion Engineers, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, Tex. 77218 June 11-15. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Solid State Transducers. Philadelphia. Write W. H. Ko, Electronics Design Center 216/368, Case Western U, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 June 1 6 - 1 9 . ACS l&EC Division State-of-the-Art Symp. on Degradation of Materials Due to Acid Rain. Arlington, Va. Write R. Baboian, Texas Instruments, Mail Station 10-13, Attleboro, Mass. 02703 June 1 6 - 2 0 . ACS Division of Organic Chemistry 29th National Organic Symp. U of Delaware, Newark, N.J. Write P. J. Stang, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 June 1 8 - 1 9 . Intl. Symp. on Thermal Analysis & Analytical Applied Prolysis. Quebec City, Que., Canada. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada June 1 9 - 2 1 . Conf. on Silanes, Surfaces, and Interfaces. Snowmass, Colo. Write J. W. Ryan, Mail Stop CO2430, Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich. 48640

June 1 9 - 2 1 . 4th American Control Conf. Boston. Write Y. BarShalom, Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science U-157, U of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268 June 1 9 - 2 2 . ACS 40th Northwest Regional Mtg. Sun Valley, Idaho. Write J. Christian, Exxon Nuclear Idaho Co., P.O. Box 2800, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 June 2 0 - 2 1 . Intl. Symp. on Flammability & Fire Retardants. Quebec City, Que., Canada. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada June 2 4 - 2 6 . ACS 15th Northeast Regional Mtg. (Tent.). SUNY, New Paltz, N.Y. Write J. Malmgreen, Eastern Alloys, Henry Henning Dr., Maybrook, N.Y. 12543 June 2 4 - 2 7 . 7th Intl. Conf. on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry. Strasbourg, France. Write ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 June 2 4 - 2 7 . 9th Symp. on Thermophysical Properties. Boulder, Colo. Write H. J. M. Hanley, National Bureau of Standards, 773.20, Boulder, Colo. 80303 June 2 4 - 2 7 . 3rd Intl. Symp. on Industrial & Hazardous Wastes. Alexandria, Egypt. Write R. A. Conway, Union Carbide Corp., P.O. Box 8 3 6 1 , South Charleston, W.Va. 25303 June 2 4 - 2 8 . 59th Colloid & Surface Science Symp. Joint with the 5th Intl. Conf. on Surface & Colloid Science. Clarkson C, Potsdam, N.Y. Write E. Matijevic, Clarkson C of Technology, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676 June 2 4 - 2 8 . Conf. on Theory of Organic Reactions. Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy. Write A. Mangini, Istituto di Chimica Organica—TOR 85, Viale Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy June 2 4 - 2 9 . Intl. Conf. on Fourier & Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy. Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Write Mrs. L. Baignee, Conference Services Office, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa K1A 0R6, Ont., Canada June 2 5 - 2 6 . Intl. Symp. on Specialty Chemicals & Chemical Purchasing. Quebec City, Que., Canada. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada June 2 5 - 2 7 . MariChem 85. London. Write Brian Singleton, MariChem Secretariat, 2 Station Rd., Rickmansworth, Herts. WD31QP, U.K. June 2 7 - 2 8 . 5th Intl. Symp. on Environmental Pollution. Quebec City, Que., Canada. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada

June 25, 1984 C&EN