11 Aug 1986 - New Hampton School ... Kaiser, discussion leader): L. W. Je- linski ... sion with high resolution"; J. Bokor, ... substances (J. D. Henr...
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The aim of the Gordon Research Conferences is to extend the frontiers of science by fostering a free and informal exchange of ideas among those actively involved in research in particular fields. At each conference, meetings are held in the morning and evening, Monday through Friday, except Friday evening. The afternoons are available for recreation, reading, or participation in study or discussion groups. To promote discussion and to protect individual rights, it is the established requirement of each conference that no information presented be used without the specific authorization of the individual making the contribution. Recording of lectures and photographing of slides also are prohibited. This year, four conferences are of particular interest to the analytical chemistry community: analytical chemistry; electron spectroscopy; separation and purification; and vibrational spectroscopy. Technical schedules for these conferences follow. Other conferences of interest to analytical chemists include bioelectrochemistry; corrosion; environmental sciences (water); immobilized systems in biotechnology; lasers in biology and medicine; magnetic resonance in biology and medicine; multiphoton processes; nondestructive evaluation; statistics in chemistry and chemical engineering; and water and aqueous solutions. Individuals interested in attending one of the conferences must submit an application on the application form issued by the Gordon Research Conferences. This procedure is important because specific information is required so that a fair decision on the applica-

sity of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881 (401-783-4011 or -3372). From June 9 to Aug. 22, Cruickshank can be reached at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H. 03257 (603-526-2870).


RESEARCH Analytical Chemistry

Aug. 11-15, 1986 New Hampton School New Hampton, N.H.

L. R. Faulkner, Chairman B. Chase, Vice-Chairman

CONFEREN tion can be made. Attendance at each conference is limited to approximately 100 conferees. A registration card will be mailed to those selected. The conference fee for resident participants is $275, which covers registration, room (except single room or room with private bath), and meals. Other fees are $235 for nonresident conferees (meals, no room) and $185 for guests (meals, room). Requests for application forms or for additional information should be directed to Alexander Cruickshank, Gordon Research Conferences, Univer-


Aug. 11. (M. Buchanan, discussion leader): B. S. Freiser, "New developments in FT/MS"; N. Winograd, "New approaches to the study of solids and surfaces using particle beams." (A. Scheeline, discussion leader): R. P. Van Duyne, "The laser spectroscopy of surfaces: Structure and dynamics"; L. D. Schmidt, "Microstructure of small particles" Aug. 12. (A. T. Zander, discussion leader): P. W. Bohn, "Nonclassical excitation phenomena applied to problems in solid-state chemistry"; D. L. Allara, "Quantitative reflection infrared spectroscopy of thin films." (M. Kaiser, discussion leader): L. W. Jelinski, "Modern NMR spectroscopy: New methods for the characterization of structure and dynamics in materials"; G. D. Wignall, "Characterization of synthetic polymers by neutron scattering" Aug. 13. (B. Chase, discussion leader): T. P. Lodge, "Diffusion of branched polymers in concentrated solutions"; S. J. Martin, "Characterization of copolymer distributions." (R. E. Shoup, discussion leader): J. W. Jorgenson, "Nanoscale separations in capillary tubes"; W. H. Pirkle, "De-

News sign of chiral stationary phases for chromatographic separation of optical isomers" Aug. 14. (F. E. Lytle, discussion leader): E. Gratton, "Analysis of fluorescence decay of complex systems using phase fluorometry"; R. P. Haugland, "Fluorescent dyes for simultaneous multiple-component analysis." (J. W. Robinson, discussion leader): T. A. Nieman. "Chemiluminescence in analytical chemistry—Recent techniques and applications to analysis of 'real samples' "; M. E. Meyerhoff, "Recent advances in polymer-membrane-based ion-selective and gassensing electrodes" Aug. 15. (H. D. Abruna, discussion leader): W. R. Heineman, "Immunoassay with electrochemical detection"; C. R. Martin, "Membranes, modified electrodes, and electrochemical sensors"

Electron Spectroscopy July 14-18,1986 Brewster Academy Wolfeboro, N.H. J. L. Dehmer, Chairman D. T. Pierce, Vice-Chairman July 14. Y. Baer, chairman; Photoemission and inverse photoemission (N. V. Smith, discussion leader): S. D. Kevan, "Angle-dependent photoemission with high resolution"; J. Bokor, "Photoemission from excited surfaces"; P. D. Johnson, "Inverse photoemission from clean and adsorbatecovered metal surfaces." J.A.R. Samson, chairman; Soft X-ray-induced ionization, double ionization, and fragmentation of molecules (D. A. Shirley, discussion leader): I. Nenner, "Selective resonant photoionization and double photoionization of molecules"; E. W. Plummer, "Fragmentation and electron emission from coreexcited states of free and coordinated molecules" July 15. S. T. Manson, chairman; Atomic and molecular studies (V. McKoy, discussion leader): R. N. Compton, "Photoionization and autoionization of highly excited states"; Ch. Jungen, "One-photon and multiphoton ionization processes in molecules"; W. C. Lineberger, "Photoelectron spectroscopy of anions and small cluster ions." L. C. Davis, chairman; Autoionization and Auger processes in solids (G. A. Sawatzky, discussion leader): S. D. Bader, "Autoionization in solids"; M. Landolt, "Spin-polarized Auger and secondary electron spectroscopy"

July 16. D. T. Pierce, chairman; Scanning tunneling microscopy (E. D. Williams, discussion leader): J. E. Demuth, "Scanning tunneling microscopy of semiconductor surfaces"; J. D. Tersoff, "Theory of scanning tunneling microscopy." Y. Harada, chairman; Penning ionization (J. T. Yates, Jr., discussion leader): H. Morgner, "Reactions of metastable He atoms with molecules and condensed matter"; H. Metiu, "Metastable quenching ionization spectroscopy" July 17. A. Herzenberg, chairman; Electron energy loss spectroscopy (J. W. Gadzuk, discussion leader): G. King, "Inner-shell excitation of atoms and molecules by electron impact"; L. Sanche, "Electron spectroscopy of condensed atoms and molecules"; L. Dubois, "Time-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy: A new approach to surface studies." C. S. Fadley, chairman; Magnetic domain imaging (H. C. Siegmann, discussion leader): J. Unguris, "Investigation of magnetic microstructure using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis (SEMPA)" July 18. P. H. Citrin, chairman; Basic properties and applications of X-ray absorption spectroscopies and bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (J. A. Horsley, discussion leader): T. M. Hayes, " 'Hot' electron spectroscopies—Is band or EXAFS theory the better approach?" J. Haase, "SEXAFS and NEXAFS of adsorbed molecules"

Separation and Purification Aug. 11-15,1986 Colby-Sawyer College New London, N.H. C. J. King, Chairman R. D. Noble, Vice-Chairman Aug. 11. Chiral separations (M. L. Heinitz, discussion leader): W. D. Pirkle, "Practical applications of a molecular-level understanding of some fundamentals of chiral recognition"; J. Hermansson, "Direct liquid-chromatographic resolutions of racemates on a chiral-1-acid glycoprotein column." Advances in analytical separations (M. L. Heinitz, discussion leader): D. W. Armstrong, "Cyclodextrins in chromatography"; M. L. Lee, "Capillary column supercritical fluid chromatography" Aug. 12. Gaining selectivity in hydrometallurgical separations (G. Hubred, discussion leader): P. R. Danesi, "Exploiting differential chemical kinetics and steric hindrance for hy-


drometallurgical separations by supported liquid membranes"; J. D. Miller, "Process chemistry considerations for gold recovery from alkaline cyanide solutions." Developments in membrane separations (R. D. Noble, discussion leader): M. K. Tripodi, "Vapor dehydration of azeotropic ethanol via membranes"; E. S. Sanders, "The effects of thermal annealing on gas sorption and transport in glassy polymers" Aug. 13. Separations of biological substances (J. D. Henry, discussion leader): P. G. Righetti, "Isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients: Present status and future trends"; T. A. Hatton, "Separation of byproducts by selective solubilization in reversed micelles." Separative reactors (J. D. Henry, Jr., discussion leader): S. L. Matson, "Membrane conversions and bioseparations"; P . E. Barker, "Enzyme reaction and separation in chromatography columns" Aug. 14. Innovative methods for concentrating dilute aqueous solutions (G. E. Keller II, discussion leader): S. Lynn, "Concentration of aqueous solutions by solvent extraction"; E. L. Cussler, "Gels as size-selective extraction solvents." Displacement chromatographic separations (G. E. Keller II, discussion leader): Cs. Horvath, "High-performance displacement chromatography" Aug. 15. Novel adsorbents (H. Kaufman, discussion leader): G. L. Rempel, "Separations from dilute solutions using reactive polymers"; S. G. Maroldo, "Recent developments in ambersorb carbonaceous adsorbents"

Vibrational Spectroscopy Aug. 11-15, 1986 Brewster Academy Wolfeboro, N.H. R. B. Miles, Chairman W. Woodruff, Vice-Chairman Aug. 11. Vibrational spectroscopy of solids: J. Skinner, "Theory of optical and vibrational dephasing in crystals"; K. Nelson, "Time-resolved spectroscopy of structural phase transitions in crystals"; J. Tsang, "Subpicosecond Raman scattering in gallium arsenide." R. Silbey, "Many body effects in tunneling in solids" Aug. 12. Resonant Raman spectroscopy: R. Clark, "Raman spectroscopy of metal-metal bonded systems"; R. Mathies, "Resonance Raman studies of excited-state structure and dynamics." Coherent spectroscopy: C. V. Shank, "Femtosecond nonequilibrium

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News energy distribution in large molecules"; W. G. Warren, "Coherent transient generation of large and selective vibrational inversions." R. Field, "Dynamic information from intrinsically unassignable high-resolution spectra" Aug. 13. Surface spectroscopy: J. Tully, "Infrared line shapes and vibrational lifetimes on adsorbates in surfaces"; R. Van Duyne, "Surface laser spectroscopy: New substrates, picosecond nonlinear phenomena, SERS microscopy, and UV resonance Raman scattering"; W. Ho, "Time-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy of surface kinetics"; J. Stephenson, "Picosecond laser studies of vibrational energy transfer: Surfaces, solids, and liquids." J. Rabolt, "The effect of order-disorder transitions on molecular organization" Aug. 14. New methods in vibrational spectroscopy: P. Hansma, "Tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy"; L. J. Rothberg, "Structure and dynamics of surface adsorbates using pulsed optoacoustic spectroscopy." Vibrational coupling: S. Andersson, "Sticking of molecular hydrogen—energy transfer and conversion processes"; C. B. Harris, "Picosecond studies of vibrational energy relaxation and redistribution in condensed-phase chemical reactions." W. Harter, "Rotation-vibration coupling in polyatomic molecules" Aug. 15. Ions and molecular beams: R. Saykally, "Vibrational spectroscopy of molecular cations, anions, and Van der Waal's bonds"; R. Smalley, "Molecular beam spectroscopy of clusters"

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The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL



1986 meetings are listed in the January through April issues. • Gordon Research Conferences For information on the following meetings contact Alexander Cruickshank, Gordon Research Center, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881 (401-783-4011 or -3372). From June 10 to Aug. 31 address correspondence to Alexander Cruickshank at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H. 03257 (603-526-2870) Bioelectrochemistry. June 9-13. Plymouth State College, Plymouth, N.H. Multiphoton Processes. June 9-13. Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H.



Environmental Sciences: Water. June 16-20. New Hampton School, New Hampton, N.H. Lasers in Biology and Medicine. July 7-11. Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H. Electron Spectroscopy. July 14-18. Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, N.H. Corrosion. July 21-25. Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H. Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. July 28-Aug. 1. New Hampton School, New Hampton, N.H. Water and Aqueous Solutions. Aug. 4-8. Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H. Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine. Aug. 4-9. Tilton School, Tilton, N.H. Analytical Chemistry. Aug. 11-15. New Hampton School, New Hampton, N.H. Immobilized Systems in Biotechnology. Aug. 11-15. Holderness School, Plymouth, N.H. Separation and Purification. Aug. 11-15. Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H. Vibrational Spectroscopy. Aug. 11-15. Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, N.H. Nondestructive Evaluation. Aug. 18-22. Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H.

• Analytical Techniques in Water Pollution Control. May 20-21. Lakewood, Colo. Contact: Conference Department, Water Pollution Control Federation, 2626 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 • 4th International Symposium on NMR Spectroscopy. June 16-20. Tabor, Czechoslovakia. Contact: P. Trska, Institute of Chemical Technology, Suchbatarova 5, CS 166 28 Prague 6, Czechoslovakia • International Conference on Developments in Analytical Methods in Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Forensic Sciences. June 25-27. Verona, Italy. Contact: A. Frigerio, Italian Group for Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine, via Eustachi 36, 20129 Milan, Italy • International Conference on Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis. Aug. 17-21. Seattle, Wash. Contact: K. A. Walsh, Dept. of Biochemistry, SJ-70, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195 • 4th Conference on ComputerBased Analytical Chemistry. Sept.