ARTHUR H. THOMAS COMPANY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - ARTHUR H. THOMAS COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (10), pp 82A–82A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60142a777. Publication Date: October 1958...
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i M-5

M E T T L E R SINGLE PAN, D I R E C T READ­ I N G B A L A N C E S incorporate t h e principle of constant sensitivity substitution weighing in com­ bination with efficient damping, built-in weights and optical presentation of t h e result. They are outstanding for speed, accuracy a n d con­ venience for many types of laboratory purposes. For analytical work of maximum accuracy, the Β series and the unique M-5 model overcome tedium a n d uncertainty in important sample preparation. For bulk weighing, dispensing, packaging, weight conformity inspection a n d other tasks requiring medium accuracy, t h e Κ series plat­ form type fulfill a comparable purpose. For weighings of sub-analytical nature in industry, teaching, etc., the new Η series covers the range between the Β and Κ series. They in­ corporate features of both, i.e. total enclosure and multiple weight manipulation as in t h e Β series, a n d reduction in number of individual reference weights by means of extended optical scale as in the Κ series. Taring is provided for in the Β and Η series and in the Τ models of the Κ series.

AHT Co. Model Cot. Ho. 1867-J 1888-C 1888-M 1887-J 1887-H 1887-F 1924-B 1924-B 1924-C 1924-C

B-5 B-6 M-5 H-3 H-4 H-5 K-5 K-7 K-5T K-7T

Capacity grams 200 100 20 160 160 160 2000 800 2000 800

gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms

*A«uracy within optical range ± 0 . 0 5 mg ± 0 . 0 2 mg ±0.002 mg ± 1 . 0 mg ± 0 . 5 mg ± 0 . 1 mg ± 0 . 2 gms ± 0 . 0 3 gms ± 0 . 2 gms ± 0 . 0 3 gms

Optical scale range 115 115 20 1200 1200 1200 1000 100 1000 100

mg mg mg mg mg mg gms gms gms gms






i /



Price 895.00 995.00 1,380.00 550.00 585.00 650.00 465.00 560.00 535.00 660.00



*Accuracy beyond the optical scale range is limited to Class tolerances of weights incorporated.

ARTHUR H. THOMAS COMPANY More and more laboratories rely on Thomas



and Reagents

V I N E S T . A T 3 R D · P H I L A D E L P H I A 5, P A .

Copy of Bulletin 127 sent upon request For further information, circle number 82 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A

82 A
