EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 4, 2010 - In the New York area, special employment facilities are offered by the Employment Bureau of the Chemists' Club, 52 East 41st St., New ...
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EMPLOYAIENT INFORMATION T B B AMXUCA» CBBMICAI. 8OC3STT is vitally interested in the welfare of Its members and in seeing that the chemical industry is manned with competent chemists ans) chemical engineers. These pages are part of our servies in that connection. In addition· most of the larger sections of the AMXXICA» CBSMZCAL 80CWTT asojaeveral of the smaller ones have active employment committees. Local section secretaries in your area will inform you aa to any employment aids that may be available locally. An Employment Clearinghouse is operated at each national meeting of the Socirrr for the purpose of bringing together representatives of industry lookine for chemists, and members and students in attendance wishing to make euch contacts. For further details, consult the preliminary and final programs as printed in the NEWS EDITION prior to each meeting. In the New York area, special employment facilities are offered by the Employment Bureau of the Chemists' Club, 52 East 41st St.. New York. N. Y.. and by the Chemist Advisory Counoil. Inc.. 300 Madison Ave., New York. N. Y. In the Chicago area, the Chicago Section maintains an employment service at 413 Stevens Hotel. Chicago. III. Notices must be aooompanied by remittance in full and sent to INDUS­ TRIAL· AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY. 332 West 42nd St.. New York. N. Y.. to reach there not later than 10:00 A.M. on the 25th of the preceding month for the NEWS EDITION of the 10th and on the 5th for the 20th. They will be inserted in the order of their receipt.

SITUATIONS OPEN The Society regards acknowledgment by employers of all applications as art act af common courtesy but can assume no responsibility for their failure to do so. MAYONNAISE CHEMIST—Must be tho­ roughly experienced in mayonnaise Φ salad dress­ ing manufacture. Willing to travel. Salary and expenses. Give oomplete details regarding train­ ing, experience and salary requirements with first letter. Box 25—N-ll, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. YOUNG TECHNICAL graduates to train for positions as Field Service Engineers for manufac­ turer of e lee trio pyrometers and automatic con­ trol equipment. Requirements include outstand­ ing personality, highest character references, engi­ neering education, electrical, mechanical, chemi­ cal or metallurgical plus background of industrial plant earning experience. Excellent opportuni­ ties for promotion after substantial period of thorough training. Candidates must be "me· ohanlcally inclined" evidencing natural ability for trainings work in assembly calibration and test laboratories. Marked proficiency also desired for studies· in application engineering for adapting automatic control to advanced industrial proc­ esses. Individuals will be given special consider­ ation who have worked in instrument mainte­ nance departments in process plants having in­ stallations of modern pyrometers. Write stating age, education, experience aud salary desired. Box 1S—T-11, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. CHEMIST for research and development. Young man with about two years' chemical ex­ perience preferred. Knowledge of adhesives is desirable. Mention training, experience, and salary desired. I nclude snapshot. Mid-Atlantic State. Box 36V-T-11. Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Esaton, Pa. RESIN CHEMIST—For research and develop­ ment program. 3 years or more experience. Give full information regarding technical and personal qualifications. Include recent photograph and salary expected. Eastern location. Box 3 7 - T - l l , Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER: To supervise qual­ ity control laboratory and trouble shoot in plant producing items involving physical and chemioal problems in leather, rubber, textiles, wood and metal. Excellent opportunity for man who can handle people and get things done. Looation, Middlewest. Send full details and photograph. Box 4 0 - T - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST. Ph.D. Background: diversified biochemical research contributions t o litera­ ture, experienced pharmacological stsndardisation. Position: direction drug assay, some re­ search, coordination for high grade Drug and Cosmetic manufacturer who will consider paying not less than δ,ΟΟΟ. Bos 4 7 - T - l l , Ind. Eng. Chem.. Eaaton, Pa. MANUFACTURING PHARMACOLOGIST, to aot as plant superintendent for ethical bouse. Direct drug manufacture from synthesis to pack­ aging. Knowledge ointment*, auppoaitiories. tablets, solutions essential. Must have patent procedure experience and patent attorney's point of view. From 4200. Box 4S-T-11, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Eaaton. Pa.

Rates: Payable in Advanoe. Positions Open· Positions Wanted, except as noted below· Miscellaneous. For 8ale. e t c 8 e t Standard—6 cents a word, -»8i»t-»ww» charge 93.00. Address oounta as 8 words. Display $7.60 per iwrimnn inch. No Discounts or Allowances. Unemployed members of the American Chemical Society seeking employ­ ment for themselves are allowed in one calendar year 3 free announcements, one per issue, set in standard style and limited to 60 words each. Additional standard announcements 60% of regular rate. Employed members of the American Chemical Society seeking new positions are permitted 3 standard announcements during the calendar year at 60 per cent of the regular rates. Employers seeking chemists are permitted 3 standard announcements, not to exceed 50 words eaoh and not more than one insertion per issue, during the calendar year without oharge, provided they agree in writing to acknowl­ edge all replies. Potential employers are requested to mention in their announcements the section of the oountry in whioh the open position is located to ensure replies only from those who are geographically available. Those replying to announcements should be careful to send copies and not original documents. Advertising circulars will not be forwarded and to that end all letters will be opened at the forwarding office. In printing these advertisements the SOCIETY assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers.

PHYSICAL CHEMIST, with a few years in­ dustrial experience for research work in large rayon company. Send details of personal, edu­ cational and industrial history, salary expected, and enclose photograph. Location: Middle At­ lantic. Our employees have been advised of this advertisement. Box 5 3 - T - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

SITUATIONS WANTEO «A.CS. MEMBERS) BIBLIOGRAPHER-LIBRARIAN. Thorough training and experience chemioal-teohnioal re­ search and development; literature and patent searches, bibliographies, abstracts, reports, trans­ lations; take full oharge information departments. Proven ability, initiative, cooperation, middlo age; Protestant. Box 24-T-8. Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CELLULOSE CHEMIST: Doctor's degree. Eleven years' experience in cellulose research; development, preparation, properties and appli­ cations of cellulose derivative. Numerous pat­ ents and publications. Well known among cellu­ lose chemists. Employed for many years by same company. Now seeks change to greater responsibilities. Box 51-N-10, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Eaaton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST-BACTERIOLOGIST, M.80. Penu State. Three years* teaobing, four years' publio health, and one year plant manager and teohnioal sales experience. Age 32. Married. Box 13-T-10, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST— B.8. New York Uni­ versity 1938, M.S. Fordbam, February, 1040. Specialisation in Organic and Analytical, thor­ ough knowledge of Physical and Micro Chem­ istry. Experience aoquired at Better Fabrics Testing Bureau. Age 23. Single, location im­ material. Box 14-T-10. Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. DIVERSE EXPERIENCE, over seven years' industrial researoh and development; acetylene derivatives, neoprene. higher alcohol sulfates, organic detergents, instrumentation, pilot plant supervision, plant researoh, colloids, emulsions, synthetic latex; patent work; independent market analyses; industrial and real property appraisals for tax purposes. Now employed. Seeks midwest connection. Age 32, B.Chem. degree, 1920 Minnesota; Anglo-8axon, cleanout, ex-reserve officer, good health. Box 16-T-10, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Eaaton, Pa. PHYSICAL-ORGANIC Chemist. Ph.D. 1939, University of Chicago; Bachelor's and Master's degrees, Columbia. Two years' industrial re­ searoh experience in aromatio chemicals. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma XL Desire· industrial re­ searoh position. Age 25. Available imme­ diately, location immaterial Box 17-T-10, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Eaaton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST. Ph.D. 1936. Thesis: reaction kinetics. Three years' industrial ex­ perience in plastics research and development and six years aa part time laboratory instructor. Desires position affording wider use of theoretical training, either industrial or teaching. Married, 31, Protestant, Sigma Xi. Available imme­ diately. Excellent references. Box 20-T-10, Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.


ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. February, 1940 University of Wisconsin. Minor Bio­ chemistry. Member Phi Lambda Upsilon and Sigma Xi. Competent glassblower, experience in cellulose and paper chemistry. Prefer researoh job. Looation immaterial. Available for inter­ view any time. Box 24-T-10. Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. METALLURGIST-CHEMIST. Expert at rapid and aoourate analyses of all classes of met­ allurgical products and raw materials. Ten years' experience of scientific mixing for greatest economy in production. Best of references. Reasonable salary. Age 42. Employed, avail­ able on short notice. Box 33-T-10. Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Eaaton. Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. 1939. Midwesterη University. Major: Organio Chemistry; minor: Physical Chemistry. Desires researoh position. Interested also in Analytical and pro­ duction work. Good scholastio record. Loca­ tion—middle west preferable. Available immedi­ ately. Box 2 1 - N - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D. 1939. desires re­ search position. Thorough training in organio ohemistry with emphasis on laboratory practice, considerable organio research experience, good background in physical and analytical chemistry. Excellent scholastio reoord, research fellowships, publications, references. Detailed information ladly furnished on inquiry. lox 2 2 - N - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D. 1938. Principal researoh experience in organio synthesis, three years as graduate assistant in general ohemistry. one year as instructor in organio chemistry. Desires industrial research or development posi­ tion. Looation immaterial. Single, 20, Protes­ tant. Box 2 4 - N - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Eaaton. Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D. Broad funda­ mental training. Teaching and researoh experi­ ence. Publications. Single, age 26. Researoh or teaohing position desired. Location imma­ terial. Available immediately. Box 2 9 - N - U . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL EXECUTIVE. Protestant, age 64. Plant development, teohnioal sales, or gen­ eral assistant to administrative officer. Thirty years' experience in organisation, researoh plant operation and development, and teohnioal sales service. Experience includes solvents, cellulose derivatives, synthetic resins, plastioiiers and pigments. Temporary or part time assign­ ments considered. New York metropolitan area preferred. Box 3 2 - N - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.


COLLEGE TEACHING desired. Ch.E.: Ph.D. Columbia University—1934. 16 years 1 experience in college and university teaching or organio and inorganic ohemistry. References, Societies, publication. Protestant. Available immediately. Box 3 6 - N - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST. B.S.. completing last four credit* for M.S., good foundation of Physical Chemistry, some commercial experience, desires a position in New York or vicinity. Box 3 8 - N - l l , Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. CHEMIST-CHEMICAL Engineer, B.S.E., M.S., large midwestern university, eight years varied experience with leading non-ferrous metal research laboratory, analytical, investigative: four years with inorganio industrial chemioal company. Box 3 9 - N - l l . Ind. Φ Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa.

( C o n t i n u e d o n page 727)

NOVEMBER 20, 1939 (Situations Wanted Continued) RESEARCH and D E V E L O P M E N T Chemist. B.8. 1933. Extensive graduate training· orgmnio major. T w o and one-half years' experienoe in petroleum technology. Distillation, analysis, and catalytic polymerisation experience. Age 28. Single. Location immaterial. Box 5 9 - N - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.· Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST. P h . D . 1931. wants position with opportunity for creative work: research or development preferred. Industrial research experience in rubber produets and glass; patent applications in each field. Experienoe in organising and directing laboratory control work. Employed. Box 6 4 - N - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. P R O D U C T I O N / D E V E L O P M E N T Engineer· Ch.E. (Columbia). A.M. (organio), Ph.D. (inorganio). Fifteen years diversified industrial experienoe, including production management. process research, development, and consultation (inorganic, electrochemistry· metallurgy, indus­ trial engineering» plant efficiency). Capable executive; excellent record in handling labor and lowering production costs. Research director; patente issued and pending. Nationally-regis­ tered professional engineer; A.I.Ch.E. member. Box 0 5 - N - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CAPABLE ORGANIC Chemist. Ph.D.. many rears* research and development activity with with Ε regressive firm. Widely experienced in various nea of chemical industry. Best references. Box 6 8 - N - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

Îeading concerne, desires suitable connection

D R Y COLOR chemist. B.S.. 1926 and one year graduate study. Twelve years' industrial exurience with organic colors and intermediates, boratory and plant production. Interested in development problems where training and ex­ perience apply. Married, age 35. Available im­ mediately. Box 1 0 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.


INORGANIC CHEMIST. Dr. Broad fundamental training. Eight years research in inorganio and analytical chemistry. One year practice in food analysis. Also teaching experienoe. Patent, ublioations. Speaks, reads German, French, ingle, age 35. Desires position in industrial re­ search, analytical laboratory or teaching. Loca­ tion immaterial. References. Box l l - T - 1 1 , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.


ORGANIC CHEMIST, P h . D . 1939 Urge midweatern university. Excellent scholastic record. Proficient in German, French. Desires new in­ dustrial research position; main interest and ex­ perienoe in synthetic work; capable of directing work. Also general business experience. Imagi­ native, cooperative, industrious. Single, 27, available now. Box 1 2 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PETROLEUM CHEMIST, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, undergraduate engineering. Physioal and organic. Six years with major petroleum and allied companies. Experienced in research and plant control work, engineering and design. Very well trained all phases of refining fuels and lubri­ cants. Married. 29. Location secondary. Box 1 3 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH E N G I N E E R . Seven years' ex­ perience engineering the design and development of operating units for large scale manufacture of organio chemicals. Experienced in field super­ vision of process equipment erection and its test operation. Successful in planning and executing development programs. B.S.. M.A. Age 28. Protestant, married. Available upon reasonable notice. Box 1 4 - T - U , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST, M.S. Physics (XRay) minor. Additional graduate work. 7 years' industrial research experience. Glass, fuels, thermochemistry, electrochemistry. Proven able, competent and reliable. Two years with well known research institute before accepting present position. Age 30, married. Desires re­ sponsible position in industrial research, develop­ ment or technical sales with progressive establish­ ment. Location immaterial. Box 1 7 - T - l l . Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. CHEMIST. B.S. University of Akron, 1939. Preparatory courses in chemical engineering studied. Industrial experience in electroplating, electrochemical precipitation of metals, and water analysis. Interested in research or development work in eastern location. Age 27. Single. Available immediately. Box 1 9 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC RESEARCH Chemist, Ph.D. 1937. Age 26. Pharmacy, Physics minors. Good back­ ground in physical and analytical chemistry. Wide experience in synthetio organio chemistry. Two years' poet-doctorate organio research exSix ,publications. Member of Sigma pent _ Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Desires research posi­ tion in organio chemistry. _ _ Box 2 0 - T - l 1. Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa.

NEWS EDITION RESEARCH CHEMIST, B.S. 1932. 8ix years* industrial experienoe i n coal tar chemicals. Development of processes. Ability to supervise. Desires responsible research position with appro­ priate salary. East preferred. Available Janu­ ary, 1940. Box 2 1 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Eaaton.^a. ORGANIC RESEARCH Chemist. P h . D . Good inorganic background. Excellent soholastio record. Three years' industrial experienoe syn­ thetio organio chemicals. Employed but desires change. Able and cooperative. Married, 30, Protestant. Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa. Loca­ tion midwest, east, northeast. Box 2 3 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem:. Easton, Pa. AMBITIOUS CHEMICAL Engineer with roven selling ability. A producer who knows ow to stimulate business and how to obtain re­ sults. Free to travel. Location immaterial. Available on short notice. Box 2 4 - T - l l . Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. PETROLEUM CHEMIST, Now employed, seeks change. Fifteen years' experienoe with two major companies. Successful development of several produots and processes. Patent applica­ tions. Eastern location preferred. College graduate. Married. Box 2 5 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST, Ph.D. in Physioal chemistry (thermodynamics and electrochem­ istry), physics and mathematics. M.S. in organio chemistry. Experienoe in analytical chemistry and electrochemistry* Age 33. Married. E m · Desires research position. Êloyed. ίοχ 26-Τ-11. Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R Cornell graduate seeks opportunity to employ sound training and two years' industrial experienoe (metallurgical chlonnation in alkali industry, rubber chemicals oontrol and development and polymer testing) with active organisation in development, research, or technioal service. Age 26, single, available immediately. Box 2 7 - T - l l . Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. ORGANIC C H E M I S T with eleven years' e x ­ perience in researoh, with outstanding results, de­ sires to relocate with progressive company. Ex­ perienced in laboratory, semi-plant and full scale operations. Capable of carrying out researoh independently or directing others. Available o n reasonable notioe. Box 2 9 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.


PHYSICAL and INORGANIC Chemist. Two years' graduate work University of Wis­ consin. Six years' experience in industrial cos­ metic chemistry. Patents, commercially success­ ful produots. Exothermio heating pads, oold creams, hair dyes, depilatories and wave-sets. Patent litigation experience. Reads German. Industrious. Age 32. Married. Available. Box 3 0 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMIST. A.B. magna oum laude 1939. D e ­ sires to get a start in chemical work. Major, chemistry; minors, mathematics and physics. Reads French and German. Age 21, single. Good references. Location immaterial. Available immediately. Box 3 1 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST, ËTËk 1936. M.A. equivalent. Single, 25. Over two years' praotioally full charge industrial plant laboratory. Broad training i n cluding teaching college chemistry. Desires researoh or development position with opportunity to advance. Good references. Location immaterial. Your reply will elicit detailed qualifications. Box 3 3 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. CHEMIST. B.S. Chemistry, Tufts College, June 1939. Thorough training in organio. inorganio, physical, and analytical chemistry. Excellent training in laboratory techniques. One year teaching assistant. Desires position i n production. Single, American, age 2 2 . References, location immaterial, available immediately. Box 3 4 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. AGRICULTURAL BIOCHEMIST. BUT June 1938. Single, 22. Well grounded in inorganio chemistry, in soil, food, biooolloid and physiological chemistry, in fundamentals of physics and mathematics. Course work in clinical methods. Vitamin research. Reading knowledge of German. Excellent references. Location immaterial. Box 3 5 - T - U , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R . M.S. Fourteen years of experience in research, development, production, and sales work. Prefer development work with small but aggressive company. Available on short notice. South or Middle Atlantic Ëreferred. iox 3 8 - T - l l . Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMIST B.A.. 1937. Midwest College. Minors physics, math, and education. Single. Protestant. English descent. Two years with leading oil research and development company. Experienoe: analytical, gas analyst, process and research. 30. Would consider production or technioal sales. Location midwest but secondary to opportunity. Available immediately. _ Box 4 1 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa.

727 ORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D. Broad practical experienoe in médicinale, synthetics and foods. Numerous developments. Demonstrated ability t o plan work and handle men. Interested in research or production. Permanent position desired, location immaterial. Box 4 2 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. RESEARCH C H E M I S T B.S. 1927. Desires permsment position in industrial plant. Experienced in solvents, lacquers, acids, emulsions, radio tubes· food produots, clay, alum, sodium silicate, rubber, waterproofing, photography, purchasing, metal polishes, paper ooating, paper saturating, cements, spray drying. Box 4 6 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa» E X E C U T I V E S : Here ia one capable Chemist (M.S.) for your organisation with a broad academic training, office experienoe and sales experience. Varied industrial experienoe (β yearo) inoludes analytical work in Researoh laboratory handling distillery control laboratory, compound­ ing rubber and oork. purchasing equipment, and materials and prooess investigations. Write if interested. Box 4 9 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. INORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D.; minor in chemical engineering; good knowledge of organio chemistry. Researches on halidea and pseudohalides of non-metals; publications. Desires industrial researoh or production work. Protes­ tant, age 26. Available immediately. Box 5 4 - T - l l , Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa.