Versatile recorders from Leeds & Northrup to indicate, record, monitor any process variable
Speedomax-MM^ariP" Miniature Recorder Provides n u l l - b a l a n c i n g servopotentiometer recording in mini mum panel space. Features: 1 . one-, two- or three-pen recording of signals from the same or dif ferent types of primary elements on a continuous 4-inch strip chart; 2 . recording of high-level inputs (spans 0-200 μΑ up to 0-50 mA, or 1 to 200 V) from transmitters, or low-level inputs (spans 1 to 100 mV) from thermocouples, etc.; 3 . zero and span adjustments to sep a r a t e overlapping records a n d display trends.
Wide-Chart Recorder
Compact Recorder
Provides wide-chart readability in a compact case. Features: 1 . sin gle-pen recording of one point, multi-point printing of 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 or 24 points, or multi-point multi-bank recording o f as many as 276 points, on a 9 % " stripchart; 2 . wide selection of ranges for temperature, p H , electrolytic conductivity, etc. 3 . single or multiple chart speeds from 1 / · " / hr to V"/sec.! 4 . numerous op tions to e n h a n c e f l e x i b i l i t y of application.
Provides outstanding reliability and versatility in a compact case. Features: I . circular-scale indicat ing, single-pen round-chart record ing (shown) or strip-chart record ing; multi-point printing of 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12 points, or multi-point multibank recording of as many as 132 points on a ô ' / V strip chart; 2 . wide selection of ranges; 3 . round-chart speeds from 48 min. to 8 days/revolution, strip-chart speeds from V i V h r to 1 "/sec.; 4 . numerous optional features. M a n y modular components a r e interchangeable between models a n d with Speedomax W .
Circle No. 109 on Readers' Service Card Circle No. 101 en Readers' Service Cart
Circle No. lie on Readers' Service Card
North Wales, Pa. 19454
Card-Chart Recorder Provides single-pen recording on 5" by 8" file cards, for periodic or batch-recording—in gas chromatography, heat processing, etc. Features: 1 . accurate analog records on easily fileable, rapidly retrievable cords; 2 . span and zero adjustments for flexibility; 3 . multiple cord-speeds, pushbuttonselected; 4 . compact, lightweight case, panel-mounted or portable. Circle Ne. 111 M Deniers' Service Card