Product Capsules
national Equipment Co., 1203 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. 57A
Centrifuges. Circle 74A-2 for data on following types: safety-head (3 models), safeguard angle-head (5 models), safeguard standard (5 models), and junior (3 models). ClayAdams, 141 E. 25th St., Ν. Υ. 10, Ν. Υ. 74A-2
Centrifuges. 8-place 50 ml head de livers 40,000 X G ; 6-place 250 ml head, 26,000 X G. 1 H P refrigeration unit keeps temperatures between —20° C. and + 4 0 ° C. constant within ± 1 ° C. Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 N. Ash land Ave., Chicago 22, 111. 109A-2 Chromatographs. Circle 3A for data file on analytical system that allows complete separation and positive iden tification of samples as small as 0.0002 cc through use of high-temperature GC-2 gas chromatograph combined with a double-beam IR-5 infrared spec trophotometer. Scientific and Process Instruments Div., Beckman Instru ments, Inc., 2500 Fullerton Rd., Fullerton, Calif. 3A
The ILLCO-WAY Throw-Away Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a clear plastic column containing mixed-bed ionXchange resins. The mixed-bed ionXchange process will re move all dissolved solids (including, in our Research Model, silica and CO2) so that the effluent is pure enough for the finest analytical purposes. The Cartridge is used also to reduce the interfering ions often found in distilled water. The column is clamped in a bracket, as shown, with tubing and valves to connect to any tap or other water supply. ILLCO-WAY Resins used contain a color indicator which changes from purple to yellow as the resins become exhausted, showing when a fresh Cartridge is needed. RESEARCH MODEL Removes all ionizable solids including silica and C02. Average in effluent less than 0.5 ppm. total solids. Capacity, 450 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph. max. Price, $12.50 Bracket, extra, 17.50
UNIVERSAL MODEL Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and COs. Suitableforgeneral pure water needs, _ .. rinli Capacity, 900 grains as CaCOa. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. p r i c e i { 9 75 Bracket, extra, S7.50
Chromatographs. Circle 41A for de tailed literature on the Pye Argon chromatograph. Detects as little as 2 Χ 10~12 moles of most organic mate rials. Accepts samples as small as 0.025 microliter. Jarrell-Ash Co., 32 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. 41A
Chromatographs. Catalog available on the "Kromo-Tog Model K-2." Analyzes a wide range of gases and liquids with any boiling point to 370° C. and over. Burrell Corp., 2223 - 5th Ave., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 75A Clamps, Apparatus. Detailed infor mation available on new mechanical hand apparatus clamp in 2 sizes: 0 to 214" and 0 to 3 % " . New York Labo ratory Supply Co., Inc., 76-78 Varick St., Ν. Ύ. 13, Ν. Υ. 103Α Collectors, Fraction. New fraction collector isolates exceedingly pure gas chromatographic fractions for supple mental analysis. 10 second prepara tion; samples at 5 second intervals. Hamilton Co., Inc., 1134 Whitley, Whittier, Calif. 107A-1
Order from your Laboratory Supply House or Write to . . .
ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 0 C e d a r St. Rockford, III.
NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. CANADIAN DIST.i Pumps S Softeners, Ltd., London, Can. Circle No. 94 on Readers' Service Card, page 89 Λ
94 A
Colorimeters. Information available on the "Colormaster" differential col orimeter that provides complete color measurement in less than 30 seconds. Manufacturers Engineering & Equip ment Corp., 10 Sunset Lane, Hatboro, Pa. 80A-1
Comparators. Circle 109A-1 for handbook, "Modern pH and Chlorine Control." Gives theory and applica tion of pH control; illustrates and de scribes full Taylor line including light weight comparators. W. A. Taylor and Co., 7306 York Rd., Baltimore 4, Md. 109A-1 Counters, Drop. Bulletin available on photoelectric drop counter designed by Grant C. Riggle of National Institute of Health. National Instrument Labora tories, Inc., 828 Evarts St., N.E., Wash ington, D. C. 6A-1 Counters, Proportional. Circle 54A-1 for catalog on complete line of nuclear instruments including proportional counting system and proportional coun ter converter. Nuclear Measurements Corp., 2460 N. Arlington Ave., Indi anapolis 18, Ind. 54A-1 Crucibles. Bulletin available on po rous bottom crucibles that will not dis integrate when acids (except HF) or moderate alkaline solutions are in con tact with porous medium. Coors Por celain Co., Golden, Colo. 100A-3 Diffraction Gratings. Circle indi cated numbers for bulletins on the following: Master diffraction gratings, 49A-1; monochromators, 49A-2; and spectrofluorometers, 49A-3. Farrand Optical Co., Inc., Bronx Blvd. & E. 238th St., N. Y. 70, Ν. Υ. 49Α-1, 2, 3 Digesters, Micro Kjeldahl. Circle 45A-2 for complete details and prices on compact micro kjeldahl digestor with 6 electric heaters each with indi vidual rheostat control. Laboratory Construction Co., 8811 Prospect, Kan sas City, Mo. 4SA-2 Electrodes. "National" brand of graphite in electrode or powder form is accompanied by a "statement of purity" describing the trace elements present. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide Corp., 30 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 17, Ν. Υ. 94Α Electrodes. Data sheet available on the new L&N miniature pH electrode assembly that permits precise measure ment of samples as small as a single drop. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4906 Stenton Ave., Phila. 44, Pa. 111A-2 Electrometers. Circle 68A for data file on the Cary model 31 electrometer that measures C 1 4 and H 3 activity to 10 -12 curies. Applied Physics Corp., 2724 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, Calif. 68A
Evaporators, Flash. Bulletin provides specifications and details on new port-