Manufacturers' Literature Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector. Dis cusses the advantages of the nitrogenphosphorus flame ionization detector in therapeutic drug monitoring. 4 pp. Hewlett-Packard Co. 430 X-ray Fluorescence. Reports on the use of a newly developed energy-dis persive x-ray fluorescence technique for nondestructive chemical analysis of catalysts, pharmaceuticals, and pig ments. Ortec Inc. 431 Multichannel Analysis System. De scribes the TN-1710 modular multi channel analysis system and provides a detailed description of the system's modular, microcomputer-based archi tecture, as well as system capabilities and operating features. 16 pp. Tracor Northern, Inc. 432 TOC, TC, TOD Monitoring Equipment. Presents a comprehensive guide for the potential buyer of an on-line TOC, TC, or TOD analyzer. 14 pp. Ionics, Inc. 433 Photomultiplier Tube Scintillation Ap plications. Contains information about detector tubes in scintillation applica tions, including emission spectra, photopulse shape, and intrinsic energy res olution relating to a specific scintillator as well as basic properties, circuits, and considerations of actual applica tions. Hamamatsu Corp. 434 Analytical Services. Describes analyti cal services available for the monitor ing of air, water, and wastewater sam ples. 6 pp. Nalco Chemical Co. 435 Reporting Integrators. Describes fea tures of three 3380 Series graphic inte grators including the power of the built-in microprocessor, automation flexibility to control integration parame ters, calculation of analytical results, time programming, and control of auto matic samplers. 12 pp. Hewlett-Pack ard Co. 436 Ion Lasers. Provides detailed informa tion on argon and krypton ion lasers. The lasers operate CW from the ultravi olet to far red at output powers as high as 40 W, and they can also be pulsed for very high peak powers. 28 pp. Spectra-Physics 437 Hollow Cathode Lamps. Lists over 60 element lamps for use in atomic ab sorption spectrometry. Sadtler Re search Laboratories, Inc. 456
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotome ter. Details are given on a large number of two-channel analyses performed with the IL 751 AA spectrophotometer. Examples include analysis of water, blood serum, steel, ores, fertilizers, and gunshot residue. 16 pp. Instrumentation Laboratory Inc. 438 High-Temperature Systems. Features standard combustion tube furnaces and design and manufacturing capability for custom heat treating equipment. 4 pp. Thermcraft, Inc. 439 Liquid Chromatography. Two bro chures describe the Model 601 liquid chromatograph and the LC-55 spectrophotometric detector. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 440 Digital Thermometers. Complete infor mation on full line of digital thermome ters, including prices, options, and ac cessories. 8 pp. Omega Engineering, Inc. 445 Chromatography Products. Features a new pure air generator for providing zero air for chromatographs as well as evaporators, gas dryers, capillary injec tion kits, and graphite ferrules. 12 pp. L. C. Co. 446
Secondary Ion Mass Spectometer. De scribes the "plus"-SIMS system of components for addition to existing Auger, ESCA, or other UHV systems to provide surface analysis and depth profiling for both positive and negative secondary ions over a mass range ex tending to 1000 amu. 6 pp. Extranuclear Laboratories 441 Analytical Systems. Describes the company's range of analytical systems and fields of applications based on the quadrupole mass spectrometer. Exam ples include GC/MS with simultaneous CI/ΕΙ detection, high-sensitivity trace analysis with API, isotope ratio mea surements, reactive species studies with modulated beam MS, and surface analysis with SIMS. Extranuclear Labo ratories, Inc. 442 Chromatography Newsletter. "The Chromatography Optimizer" informs chromatography users of latest ad vances in accessories and supplies for gas and liquid chromatography. Includ ed in the first issue are such items as a digital stopwatch for laboratory use, a GC applications library, and a dualflow calibration oven. 4 pp. Varian In strument Div. Service Center 443
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